I got this error "Could not read contents of..." when the laptop switched off all of a sudden when I moved the laptop a bit (battery loose connection problem) making Workbench and all applications closing unexpectedly, which is as good as the workbench getting crashed.

No matter whether the file is connection_id or whichever the file it is, if you see the file filled with "Null" or any illegal characters, close that file and delete such files These files are the culprit here which makes workbench to show the error.

Mysql 8 Workbench

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I have installed MySQL workbench from Snap Store and MySQL server 8.0 using apt. The server is running fine and I can access MySQL shell from terminal. But I am having issues connecting the Workbench to the server. I'm getting

I also installed MySql server with my XAMPP. I started mysql inside XAMPP and when I connected to MySql Workbench, I encountered the same error. Because Workbench was trying to connect with the server which was installed with XAMPP, apparently this was incompatible.

I can confirm the behavior you are seeing. It doesn't work on Ubuntu 14.10 and works On Ubuntu 14.04. I use mysql-workbench on Debian Wheezy with the expected behavior. So your question caught my attention because it appeared to be a bug.

I ran into the same issue the minute I updated to Sonoma from BigSur (I know it's quite the jump), MySQL workbench connects to the server and it runs 2 queries until it crash and as to reopen. I use SQL for school just for reference. As you know Oracle hasn't released a version adaptable to Sonoma yet (I wish I had done my research beforehand), wasn't keen on downgrading but I found an alternative. Oracle has a MySQL Shell 8.0 extension for VS Code. It's not the same but works just fine for me, and if you're interested it also provides scripting capabilities for JavaScript and Python.

I have tried using Database->Synchronize Model and attempted to synchronize data from the database back to the model, but for some reason, workbench just crashes, or says it is completed successfully, but the data never shows up in my model.

Has anyone successfully got inserts from an external source imported into a workbench model? If you have built large database driven applications which ships with a lot of default data (inserts), I would love to hear how you dealt with the default inserts in a managable way as well :)

Hi all--just installed Mysql + workbench and am trying to get a test schema up and running, however workbench crashes whenever I attempt to select any rows from the tables (this happens both when attempting to select them from the sidebar or when manually running a SELECT query from the prompter.) Other prompts (creating tables, insert rows, etc.) seem to be working fine.

You can connect to a MySQL DB instance by using tools like the MySQL command-line client. For more information on using the MySQL command-line client, see mysql - the MySQL command-line client in the MySQL documentation. One GUI-based application you can use to connect is MySQL Workbench. For more information, see the Download MySQL Workbench page. For information about installing MySQL (including the MySQL command-line client), see Installing and upgrading MySQL.

The driver is drop-in compatible with the MySQL Connector/J driver. To install or upgrade your connector, replace the MySQL connector .jar file (located in the application CLASSPATH) with the AWS JDBC Driver for MySQL .jar file, and update the connection URL prefix from jdbc:mysql:// to jdbc:mysql:aws://.

MySQL Workbench can be installed using the Windows Installer (.msi) installation package. The MSI package bears the name mysql-workbench-version-win32.msi, where version indicates the MySQL Workbench version number.

If you are having problems running the installer, as an alternative, you can download a ZIP file without an installer. That file is called mysql-workbench-version-win32.zip. Using a ZIP utility, unpack it to the directory of your choice. You may also want to create a shortcut on your desktop or the quick launch bar.

hello @Bernard_Gresola im sharing my steps for connecting MYSQL workbench to erpnext database hosted in digital ocean. what you need. Root user and password for ssh, and root user and password for MariadB usually located at root / .

Open new connection at workbench and select standar tcp / ip over ssh use the user and password for remote ssh and configure user and password for maria db under my sql hostname use and server port 3306. it should work out of the box without changing the my.cnf file. hope it works for you as it did for me. 17dc91bb1f

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