Англійська (середа)


The 22nd of May.


Revision. Повторення.

Виконайте тест на повторення теми "Наука і винаходи" . Результат надішліть на Viber 0969231757


The 15th of May.


English speaking practice. Англійська українською.

Перегляньте відео, попрактикуйте говорити англійською.


The 8th of May.

Writing Comprehension Test

Контроль письма

І. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences (Виберіть правильний варіант доповнення  речень):

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose


ІІ. Choose the correct option (Виберіть правильний варіант):


ІІІ. Rewrite sentences into Passive Voice (Перепишіть речення в пасивний стан):



ІV. Write a few sentences about yourself. (Your name, your family, your hobbies, your future profession etc.) Напишіть кілька речень про себе. (Ваше ім'я, сім'я, захоплення, майбутня професія тощо) 

Виконану контрольну роботу надіслати на Viber 0969231757


The 1st of May.


Test. Британія та Америка.


The 17th of April.


Topic. Lviv. 


The 17th of April.


Test. Cardiff

Ознайомившись з інформацією минулого уроку про місто Cardiff виконайте тест. Результати надішліть на Viber 0969231757


The 10th of April.


Topic.  Unit 4. Lesson 2. Cities of the Uk. Grammar. Сторінки 210-213.

Урок граматики

Перегляньте відеоурок. Виконайте завдання у підручнику. Впр. 1, 2,3 ст. 210-212 - письмово.

Homework: переглянути відеоурок, виконати впр. 4 ст. 212-213 - письмово.


The 27th of March.


Topic.  Unit 4. Lesson 2.Cities of the Uk. Reading. P. 201-202.

Урок читання. Працюємо з текстом "What is London?"

Перегляньте відеоурок. Виконайте завдання у підручнику. Впр. 1, ст. 201-202 - прочитайте та перекладіть текст про Лондон.

Homework: переглянути відеоурок, виконати впр. 1b) ст. 202 - після тексту відповісти на питання письмово.


The 20th of March.


Topic.  Unit 4. Lesson 1. The UK Today. Speaking. P. 194-195.

Перегляньте відеоурок. Виконайте завдання у підручнику. Впр. 1, ст. 194-195 - погляньте на малюнки про країни Великобританії та опрацюйте їх

Homework: переглянути відеоурок, виконати впр. 1 ст. 194-195 - після малюнків відповісти на питання письмово.


The 13th of March.


Topic.  Unit 4. Lesson 1. The UK Today.  Wales.

Перегляньте відеопрезентайію про країну об'єднаного королівства -  Уельс. Законспектуйте основні моменти ( столиця, кількість населення, національні символи).

Homework: переглянути відео презентацію, виконати тест до 15-00.


The 6th of March.


Topic.  Unit 4. Lesson 1. The UK Today.  Listening. Сторінки 188-191.

Перегляньте відеоурок. Виконайте завдання у підручнику. Впр. 1 -усно. Впр 2 - прослухайте аудіо та заповніть пропуски у реченнях. Впр. 3a, b - вимовіть правільно власні назви. Впр. 3с) -прослухайте аудіо, потім поєднайте назви з малюнками.

Homework: переглянути відеоурок, виконати впр. 3 d). ст. 190 - прослухайте аудіо та заповніть таблицю.


The 28th of Fabruary.


Topic. Reading. Читання.

Teenagers in Ukraine

Nastia Lisova lives in Ukraine. In her opinion, when you become a teenager, you understand that the childhood has gone and it is time to think about choosing your future profession, your future life and further education. She has known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of a far more serious examination of her abilities and character.

It is difficult to choose one of hundreds of jobs that would suit her most of all. She wants to be a teacher. It is really a hard job, because you should know perfectly the subject you teach, you must be well-educated and well- informed; you should develop kindness, love for the truth and beauty in your pupils. You also have to be responsible and thoughtful. With these traits of character you will be deeply respected by children. But the only thing that stops her is money paid for this job.

Another interesting sphere for Nastia is an advertising business — it takes much attention and imagination.

But do not think that teenagers in Ukraine are so boring that they think only about their future lives. Like teenagers in any other country they are interested in sport, music, discos and clothes. Most of their time they spend at school, especially when they have ten lessons like at some lyceums studying even on Saturday. But despite this many young people find time for different kinds of rest. Some go swimming or cycling, others prefer to stay at home and watch their favourite films or spend several hours in the Internet. Music lovers can find everything they like in it.

Mobile phones have become very popular with teenagers. Personally Nastia doesn't think that they are such an important part of the teenage life but they play a great role, in many unexpected situations.

The life of teenagers in Ukraine is as interesting and full of trouble as the life of young people around the world.

abilities — здібності; responsible — відповідальний; traits of character — риси характеру; respect — поважати; unexpected — неочікуваний.

1. Mark the true (T) and false (F) statements.

□ Young people have to think about their future life.

□ Teenagers don't have to choose their profession themselves. Their parents will do this.

□ It's difficult to find a suitable job nowadays.

□ The work of a teacher is not easy.

□ A good teacher must know the subject very well.

□ Children will not respect a teacher if she is very responsible.

□ Nastia likes everything in the profession of a teacher.

□ The girl is not interested in business.

□ Nastia thinks that the teenagers in Ukraine don't like taking up hobbies.

□  Teenagers all over the world are interested in different things.

□ Nastia thinks that teenagers can't do without a mobile phone.

□ Only in Ukraine the life of teenagers is full of trouble.


The 21st of Fabruary.


Topic. Питальні слова англійською мовою.

Перегляньте презентацію. Законспектуйте основні моменти, запишіть приклади.

Homework: переглянути презентацію, опрацювати конспект, виконати тест до 20-00.


The 7th of Fabruary.


Topic. Conditional I. Умовні речення. Перший тип.

Перегляньте презентацію. Законспектуйте основні моменти вживання умовних речень І типу в англійській мові, запишіть приклади, виконайте завдання у презентаціїї уроку.

Homework: переглянути презентацію, виконати тест до 20-00.


The 7th of Fabruary.


Topic. Future simple - Майбутній простий час.

Перегляньте презентацію. Законспектуйте основні моменти будови та  вживання Future Simple, запишіть приклади, виконайте завдання у презентаціїї уроку.

Homework: переглянути презентацію, виконати тест до 20-00.


The 31st of January.


Topic. Present Perfect Tense. Теперішній доконаний час.

Перегляньте презентацію. Законспектуйте основні моменти будови та  вживання Present Perfecr, запишіть приклади, виконайте завдання у презентаціїї уроку.

Homework: переглянути презентацію, виконайте тест до 20-00.


The 17th of January.


Topic. "Present Continuous" ("Теперішній тривалий час").

Перегляньте презентацію. Законспектуйте основні моменти будови та  вживання Present Continuous, запишіть приклади.

Homework: переглянути презентацію, написати 6 речень у Present Continuous.


The 17th of January.


Topic. MUCH, MANY, A LOT OF, LOTS OF – усі правила про використання та приклади!

Перегляньте презентацію. Законспектуйте основні моменти і приклади речень де вживаються слова much, many, lot of, lots of.

Homework: переглянути презентацію, написати 6 речень зі словами much, many, lot of, lots of.


The 20th of January.


Topic. Grammar.  Іменник (Злічувані та незлічувані іменники).

Перегляньте презентацію про здічувані та незлічувані іменники. Законспектуйте основні моменти і таблицю з прикладами, опрацюйте її.

Homework: переглянути презентацію, написати приклади злічуваних та незлічуваних іменників( по 10 прикладів)


The 20th of December.



Task 1

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, позначеними 1–8. Ці номери відповідають завданням 1–8, в яких надані можливі варіанти відповідей (A, B. C. D). Встановіть відповідні літери номеру в реченні.

Your Future World

What will you be doing in 2040? Will you be living in an undersea research station? Will you be the chief engineer 1 ______ a bridge across the Atlantic Ocean? Will you be leading an 2 ______ to the planet Mars? Will you be …?

You can daydream, of course, but nobody knows exactly what the world will be 3 ______. But scientists have made some guesses.

Based on the advances made, they believe people will be healthier. Diphtheria, malaria, tuberculosis, polio and many other killers are under control now. These diseases are on the way out, 4 ______ to germ-killing chemicals, new ways of finding out about our bodies, and new ways of providing clean, safe 5 ______ and water.

Healthier people live longer, so we can expect the world’s population to 6 ______ sharply. It may double in the next forty years! This brings up a serious problem: how will we find food, water, and minerals for such a huge population?

Scientists are at work on some 7 ______. From the ocean they hope to get new fertilizers to increase the yield of the soil; new chemicals to kill crop-destroying insects without 8______ other animals, new sources of water or supplies of food.

1. A) inventing; B) designing; C) scheming; D) doing

2. A) exploration; B) expenditure; C) expedition; D) exhibit

3. A) like; B) alike; C) likely; D) likable

4. A) as a result; B) because; C) on account; D) thanks

5. A) eat; B) feed; C) food; D) cooking

6. A) decrease; B) distract; C) dissolve; D) increase

7. A) solutions; B) alternatives; C) preferences; D) questions

8. A) hurting; B harming; C) injuring; D) wounding










 Task 2

Виберіть правильний варіант для кожного слова, що відповідає його визначенню:

Task 3

Оберіть правильний варіант для кожного речення:

 Виконану контрольну роботу надішліть на Viber 0969231757


The 13th of December.


The control-audition

Text 1. Amelie's Christmas

Amelie was keeping her eyes closed tight. Yesterday it was Christmas and she went to bed too late. Her parents gave Christmas dinner and it was not easy. Her mother's relatives, the Clermounts, were too excited with the dinner and turned up at 9:30 a.m. They were too dull talking about their horses and races. They ran stables and knew all horses of the UK and some in Switzerland. Amelie tried to engage them into conversation about fine arts. Mr. Clermount got very enthusiastic discussing how naturally horses look on some pictures. While Amelie was suffering from too many horses, her mother, Mrs. Lester, was suffering from too much ingredients, which she had to combine, in order to cook Christmas dinner. The art of cooking was an absolute mystery for her, and she struggled with all that eggs, milk,

flour, chickens. Ingredients were more skilful in struggling and Mrs. Lester sent Mr. Lester to the nearest restaurant for a take-away meal. At that very moment Mrs Clermount remembered that she had left all Christmas presents at their farmhouse and Amelie had to accompany her at her rash shopping tour. After three-hour search Mrs. Clermount picked up two blouses to: Amelie ar.d he: —other and a Chinese watch, that looked right like a true Rolex, Amelie's rather. Everything was for a good price of

twenty-two pounds. When Christmas dinner was over, Amelie was so tired that she wasn't even disappointed to learn that Santa Clause brought her a big book about horses. 

stable — конюшня, 

take-away meal — готова їжа

I. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (Вирішіть, правдиві ці твердження (T) чи хибні (F)).

1. Amelie liked her Christmas present.

2. The Clermounts were Amelie's relatives on her mother's side.

3. Amelie's father bought some chickens in the nearest restaurant.

4. Amelie's mother wasn't a good cooker.

Text 2. The Mystery of the Ghost Ship

On November 4, 1872 two friends, captains Moorhouse and Briggs, and their wives were having dinner together in New York. Captain Moorhouse commanded the ship Dei Gratia while captain Briggs headed the crew of Mary Celeste. Next day, on November 5, Mary Celeste left port and went to Italy. There were eight members of the ship crew on the board. Besides captain Briggs took his wife and two-year-old daughter Sophie with him, as the journey promised to be peaceful. Captain Moorhouse left port seven days later. On December 4 the sailors of Dei Gratia saw a ship, that was going the similar course with them. This was Mary Celeste going so wildly that" Moorhouse understood that something was wrong with the ship, He sent some of his sailors to Mary Celeste. There was nobody on the board. All people disappeared without any sign. The supply of water and food, the cargo, the crew's clothes and

personal things were in good order. All machines were all right. But it seemed that people left the ship in a great hurry. Navigation instruments, a lifeboat and the ship's papers except the logbook were missed. The last note was made 11 days before. But it didn't explain the mystery of the ghost ship. 

Numerous theories about the fate of people were made. Many popular stories, novels and plays speculated over the tragedy. But the mystery of Mary Celeste is still the greatest one of all times.

logbook — вахтовий журнал

II. Mark the words used in the text. (Позначте вжиті в тексті слова).

1. a) first b) second c) fifth d) seventh

2. a) a team b) a command c) a stuff d) a crew

3. a) wildly b) quickly c) happily d) slowly

4. a) an idea b) a theory c) a thought d) an opinion

III. Mark the correct variants to complete the sentences. (Позначте правильні варіанти, доповніть речення).

1. Captain Briggs commanded ....

a) Mary Celeste b) Dei Gratia c) New York Star d) Sophie

2. Maty Celeste went to ... .

a) Europe b) Asia c) Africa d) Australia

3. Dei Gratia found Mary Celeste in ... .

a) winter b) spring c) summer d) autumn

4. ... were absent on the board of Mary Celeste.

a) The captain's diary and pipe b) The girl and her toys c) All people d) The captain's family

IV. Put the sentences in the correct chronological order. (Поставте речення в правильному хронологічному порядку).

....... 1. Dei Gratia found the ship with no people on the board.

....... 2. Dei Gratia left New York.

....... 3. Mary Celeste was going very fast.

....... 4. Captain Moorhouse understood that something was

wrong with Mary-Celeste.

Виконану контрольну роботу надішліть на Viber 0969231757


The 6th of December.


Topic.  Unit 3. What's your knowledge? Lesson 1. Inventiohs and discoveries (Винаходи і відкриття).

1.Greeting (Привітання). Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you. 

  2. Aim (Мета).  1.  Закріплюємо вживання вивченої лексики та структур у знайомих та нових ситуаціях.                                               2. Розвиваємо пам’ять, мовну здогадку, логічне мислення.

                            3. Сприяємо формуванню пізнавального інтересу , розширюємо кругозір.


Перегляньте презентацію про винаходи які змінили світ. Прочитайте та перекладіть тексти, законспектуйте у зошит назву винаходів та інформацію про них.

Inventors and Inventions. 9 form.pptx

Перегляньте презентацію про відомих винахідників та їхні відкриття. Запишіть основні моменти про винаходи та винахідників.

Homework: переглянути презентації, конспект. Підготувати доповідь про один  винахід (120-150 слів)


The 29th of November.


Topic.  Unit 3. What's your knowledge? Lesson 1.Inventiohs and discoveries. Listening. Сторінки 120-123.

Починаємо вивчати новий розділ "Винаходи та відкриття" Переглядаємо відеоурок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки  підручника 120-123. Впр. 4 - усно, впр. 5- письмово. Нові слова на ст. 120 записуємо у словник, вивчаємо. Впр. 7 d) - читаємо історії різних винаходів та вставляємо слова.

Homework: p. 121, ex. 6 - письмово


The 22nd of November.


Topic.  Unit 2. What's your choice? Lesson 1-2. Career choices (Вибір кар'єри). Pages for readers.  Сторінки 108-113.

Урок читання. Переглядаємо  відеоурок. Читаємо та перекладаєто текст " TV Mozaic" . Опрацьовуємо нові слова на ст. 109.  Виконуємо завдання після тексту. 

Homework: p. 112, ex. 3- письмово


The 15th of November.


Topic.  Unit 2. What's your choice? Lesson 2. Career choices (Вибір кар'єри). Look back (Повторення).  Сторінки 98-102.

Урок повторення вивченого матеріалу. Переглядаємо  відеоурок. Виконуємо завдання1, 2, 3 - усно. Впр. 5 - письмово, 6 - читаємо та перекладаємо текст

Homework: p. 101, ex. 7а)- письмово


The 8th of November.


Topic.  Unit 2. What's your choice? Lesson 2. Career choices (Вибір кар'єри). Grammar. Relative pronouns (Відносні займенники).

  Сторінки 90-92.

Урок граматики. Вивчаємо Relative pronouns (Відносні займенники). Переглядаємо  відеоурок. Вивчаємо правило на ст. 90  Виконуємо впр. 2, 3,4, 5 - письмово . 

Homework: p. 92, ex. 6- письмово


The 25th of October.


Test. Magic box. TV programmes (p. 66-68, 72) 

Виконайте тест на закріплення вивченої лексики. Результати надішліть на Viber 0969231757


The 18th of October.


Topic.  Unit 2. What's your choice? Lesson 1. Magic Box. Grammar. Сторінки 73-77.

Урок граматики. Скдаднопідрядні речення в англійській мові. Переглядаємо відеоурок. Вивчаємо правило на ст. 73-74  Впр. 2, 3,4, 5 - письмово

Homework: p. 76, ex. 6- письмово


The 11th of October.

Test № 1  "Who are you?"


Task 1

Match the words with their meaning

Friendly, chatterbox, football fan, sociable, health freak, coach potato, gossip, computer wizard

1.     Someone who likes football a lot _________________________________

2.     Someone who cares of his/her health too much ______________________

3.     Someone who has excellent computer skills ________________________

4.     Someone who is lazy and likes watching TV  _______________________

5.     Someone who talks a lot _______________________________________

6.     Someone who likes talking about other people _______________________

7.     Someone who has a lot of friends _________________________________

8.     Someone who likes spending time with people ______________________

Task 2

Complete the sentences with the gerund forms of the verbs

travel, do, smoke, chat, cook, discuss


1.     She stopped ____________________ last month.

2.     I like ____________________ to friends through social networks.

3.     They started ____________________ the movie they saw last night.

4.     We are interested in __________________ to another country.

5.     She loves ___________________ Italian dishes.

6.     I hate ___________________ homework.


Task 3

Read the text, fill in A, B or C

I (1) ___ in Dallas, Texas. I do not remember (2) ___ of my childhood, but my mother said I was a very active and (3) ___ child. I liked (4) ___ a lot and my parents bought me (5) ___ new book every week. (6) ___ school I was very hard-working and got (7) ___ marks almost in all subjects. After (8) ___ school I decided to apply for college. I want to be a lawyer and help people (9) ___ different legal issues. My family is not very (10) ___ so I found a part-time   (11) ___. I don’t get much, but still it is enough to pay for my (12) ___.

 Task 4

Write about yourself (at least 50 words)

Виконану контрольну надіслати на Viber 0969231757


The 4th of October.


Topic.  Unit 1. Who are you? Lesson 1-2. Look back. Повторення. Сторінки 47-53.

Продовжуємо урок повторення. Переглядаємо відеоурок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 47-53.  Впр. 6. 7 - усно. Читаємо та перекладаємо діалог  вправи 9а), виконуємо завдання на ст. 52 впр. 10

Homework: p. 52, ex. 11- усно


The 27th of September.


Topic.  Unit 1. Who are you? Lesson 2. Teen generation. Speaking. Сторінки 39-41.

 Переглядаємо уважно відеоурок. Вправу 2а)- читаємо, перекладаємо, 2b)- усно, а впр. 2с)- письмово.

Homework: p. 39-40, ex. 2а) - виписати  з трьох розмов підлітків назви елементів одягу.


The 20th of September.


Topic.  Unit 1. Who are you? Lesson 2. Teen generation. Grammar. Сторінки 31-35.

Урок граматики. Герундій.  Переглядаємо відеоурок. Вивчаємо правило вживання Герундія, виконуємо вправи.

Homework: p. 34, ex. 3 - письмово.


 The 13th of September.


Topic.  Unit 1. Who are you? Lesson 1. Speaking. Сторінки 19-23.

Переглядаємо відеоурок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 19-23 . Уважно слухаємо вчителя.  Вправу 5b) на ст. 22-23 - читаємо, перекладаємо. Нову лексику на ст. 23 записуємо, опрацьовуємо.

Homework: p. 23, ex. 7- усно


 The 6th of September.


Topic.  Unit 1. Lesson 1. Reading & Vocabulary. Сторінки 8-12.

Переглядаємо відеоурок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 8-12 . Уважно слухаємо вчителя. Вправи 4, 5, 8  виконуємо усно. Вправу 6 на ст. 9 - письмово відповісти на питання.

Homework: p. 11, ex. 10- письмово.


Посилання на урок -   meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis

Friday, the 19th of May.


Writing Comprehension Test

Semester II


I.                 Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences:

1.   Mr Richards, ____ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

2.   Thank you very much for your e-mail __ was very interesting.

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

3.   The children, ___ shouted in the street, are not from our school.

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

4.   The car, ____ driver is a young man, is from Ireland.

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

5.   What did you do with the money  ___ your mother lent you?

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose

6.   This is the man ____ saved the kid.

A. who

B. which

C. whom

D. whose


II.            Choose the correct option:

1.   If you send /sends/ will send this letter now, she will receive/ receive/ receives it tomorrow.

2.   Peggy go/ goes /will go shopping if she have/ has/ will have time in the afternoon.

3.   If her boyfriend  won`t phone/ doesn`t phone/ don`t phone today, she leave/ leaves/ will live him.

4.   If they won`t study/ doesn`t study/ don`t study harder, they won`t pass/ don`t pass/ doesn`t pass the exam.

5.   If my friends will come/ comes/ come, I  will be/ be/ am very happy.

6.   If she will earn/ earn/ earns a lot of money, she will fly/ flies/ fly to New York.


III.   Rewrite sentences into Passive Voice:

1.  Mother waters the flowers.

2.  The dog bit the old lady.

3.  Oliver taught the children.

4.  She does the housework.

5.  Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.

6.  I take photos.


IV.        Write a few sentences about yourself. (Your name, your family, your hobbies, your future profession etc.)


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Friday, the 12th of May.



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Friday, the 5th of May.


Reading 9 form II semester


Task 1.  Read the text and do the tasks.


A famous English writer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, travelled in France. A French taxi- driver once played a joke on him. The man drove Sir Arthur from the station to a hotel. After receiving the pay he said, “Thank you, Mr. Conan Doyle.” Sir Arthur was surprised.

“Why, how did you guess my name?” asked Sir Arthur.

“Well, sir, I saw in the papers that you were coming from the south of France to Paris. From your appearance I understood that you were English; the barbers of the south of France use to cut hair in the style you have: not long. I put two and two together and came to the conclusion it was you”

 “That is very clever. Well, but how did you know my name?”

 “Well,” said the man, “it was very simple: your name is on your suitcases.”



Choose the right answer:

1. What country did the taxi driver live in?




2. How did A.Conan Doyle get to the hotel?

а)by bus

 б)by underground

 в)by car

3. Where did A.Conan Doyle come to Paris from?


 б)the south of France 

в)the north of France

4. How did the driver learn the nationality of A.Conan Doyle?

а)by appearance 

б)from TV news 

в)from newspapers

5. Did A.Conan Doyle have long or short hair?

а)very long 


в)he was bald

6. How did a taxi driver know the writer's name?

а)it was on a suitcase

 б)he saw it a passport

 в)he just guessed

Task 2. Complete the following text with the words below


piece, background, reason, matter, however, recognising, check, cope, disappointment, fuzzy



If the claims of the camera makers are to be believed, then every picture taken should be a winner. Automated film transport takes the film into the camera and then winds it on between frames; autoexposure ensures 'living colours and a perfect balance of tones' no 1_____what the lighting conditions; while autofocus means you will never have to look at a 2____________ photograph ever again in your life. Strange, then, that so many people express_3______ when they see their prints back from the processor.
The_4_______ for this is that good photography has little to do with the type of camera you use. It's just as easy to take a bad picture with an excellent camera as it is to take a good picture with even the most basic 5________ of equipment. The tendency of many automated camera systems is to encourage users to confine their photography to the types of situation the automatics 6_________with best. This often means centrally placed subjects the autofocus cannot confuse, with the sun positioned directly behind the photographer. 7_________, taking good photographs means 8__________ and then making the most of whatever it is your subject has to offer. The first part of this magic formula means really looking at your subject before pressing the shutter. Look out, for example, for features to the side or in the 9____________ that would be better included or, just as important, excluded.  10____________whether your subject is looking directly into the sunlight and is squinting as a result. A slight change of camera position might be all that is needed to improve your composition or finding some shade might be the answer.


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Topic. Повторення часів. Виконання практичних вправ.

1.  Use the Present Continuous, Present Simple or Future Simple Tense:

1) I ____ (meet) my classmates tonight.

2) My mother ____ (arrange) a party this Sunday.

3) She _____ (read) an interesting novel at the moment.

4) The play ____ (start) at 8 o’clock.

5) My parents say that I ______ (probably, visit) Australia this summer.

6)  Nick ____ (work) in his lab every afternoon.

7) When _____ (you, go) to say him about the accident?

8) What _____ (you, do) in the evening?

9) Anny ____ (arrange) a party this Friday.

10) What _____ (you, do) in the evening?

11) The movie ____ (start) at 9 o’clock.

12) We ____ (meet) our friends tonight.

13) My grandparents say that I ______ (probably, visit) France this summer.

14) Tim ____ (work) in his office every evening.

15) He _____ (read) an interesting novel at the moment.

Homework: повторити правила вживання часів Present Continuous, Present Simple or Future Simple Tense


The 21st of April

Final Test: Unit 4 (The UK today; Cities of the UK)

I Matching:

1.      multinational                 a) territories

2.      mild                               b) after

3.      official                            c) Eye

4.       national                          d) mountains

5.      patron                             e) Jack

6.      named                             f) country

7.      the highest                      g) name

8.      Union                              h) climate

9.      independent                     i) saint

10.   overseas                          j) population

11.   the London                         k) flag

II Filling in the gaps:

         borders   consist  situated   main       bagpipes    separated   symbol

1.      How many parts does your country _____ of?

2.      Two islands are ______ by the sea.

3.      My country _____ on several countries.

4.      _____ are traditional Scottish musical instrument.

5.      Thistle is a national _____ of Scotland.

6.      Where is your country ____ in?

7.      What is the _____ river in this country?


IV Reading:

Edinburgh is the world’s festival city. There are twelve festivals throughout the year, half of which are celebrated during the months of July and August. Hundreds of thousands of people visit the Scottish capital during the summer. Here are some of the events they can enjoy.

A)   The Edinburgh International Festival

This is the original Edinburgh festival which began in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform to huge audiences. You need tickets for most events which take place in theatres around the city.

B)    The Edinburgh Art Festival

This festival is modern and has been celebrated for around ten years. It is a fantastic opportunity to see some of the city’s best visual art in art galleries and museums. Most events are free and include events such as fashion shows and art exhibitions.

C)    The Edinburgh Festival Fringe

This is the largest arts festival in the world with thousands of shows which take place across the city. Anyone can perform in the festival and over 20,000 artists take part, so there is always a huge variety of acts to choose from. Go to the Royal Mile, one of Edinburgh’s main streets, to watch performers such as magicians, acrobats and comedians for free. However, it can get very busy as thousands of tourists and local people fill the city streets to enjoy the shows.

D)   The Edinburgh International Book Festival

The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the centre of Edinburgh. There are over 700 events for children and adults who love books. You can meet many authors, talk to them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories. Children can listen to stories and watch illustrators draw pictures of the stories.

E)    The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival

Music lovers come to this festival to enjoy music shows around the city. One of the highlights of this musical festival is the street carnival which is free to all. Artists perform street theatre, dance and circus shows in amazing costumes and everyone can enjoy the music and join in the dancing.

F)     The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

This show is 65 years old and takes place every evening during the festival outside Edinburgh Castle. You can listen to pipers and drummers in military bands, watch traditional Scottish dancing and enjoy a firework display in the Edinburgh night sky. More than 200,000 people buy tickets to watch the show live and around 100 million people watch it on TV all over the world.

Which festival would these people like to go to? Match the festivals to the speakers.

1.      I like looking at pictures at exhibitions and I’m interested in clothes. ______

2.      I like reading graphic novels and listening to stories.____________

3.      I love comedy, but I don’t want to buy a ticket for a show.__________

4.      I love watching plays and listening to opera music.____________

5.      I want to watch a show with traditional Scottish music and dancing._________

6.      I want to watch some theatre in the street and dance._________

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Topic. Ukraine. Customs and traditions. Україна. Звичаї та традиції.

Homework: вивчити нові слова з презентації.

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Topic. Test. 9 клас. Читання впр. 2 ст. 226-232 Карпюк 

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Topic. Test. Тематичний тест по Великобританії. 9 клас 

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Topic. Unit 4. Why not take a closer look?  Lesson 1. The  UK today. Cardiff.

Уважно переглядаємо урок, продовжуємо знайомство з UK а саме з місцем Cardiff.  Читаємо і перекладаємо текст.

Homework: виконати тест 

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The 10th of March


Topic. The United Kingdom.

1.Let’s play a game


2. Match the picture with the word


3. Читання  тексту

The capital of Great Britain is full of popular and world-famous tourist attractions, both educational and entertaining. Most of them are located close to the river Thames, others are in different parts of London. The city was founded about 2 000 years ago, so there are a lot of interesting historic and architectural sights.

Big Ben is the most famous iconic clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. Behind this long and beautiful building stands Westminster Abbey where many historic weddings, coronations and burials took place. The Tower of London has rich history as a royal palace, a fortress, a prison and a place of execution.  Not far from the Tower guests can see the  architecture of St Paul’s Cathedral, originally designed by Sir Christopher Wren. In the middle of Trafalgar Square tourists stop to admire a 52-metre Nelson’s column dedicated to Admiral Lord Nelson. Buckingham Palace has been the official residence of British monarchs since the reign of Queen Victoria. 

London is famous for its wonderful museums and art galleries. In British Museum one can see ancient paintings, sculptures and even Egyptian mummies. London’s National Gallery has the greatest collection of paintings of Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Renoir and many others.

As for the entertaining, it is impossible to get bored in London. The best places for quiet relaxation are traditional English parks and gardens. The tourists’ favourites are Hyde Park, St. James’s Park, Green Park and Kensington Gardens. Right in the heart of the capital we can find London Zoo and London Aquarium. In Madame Tussauds Museum visitors will meet face to face with hundreds of celebrities: from Shakespeare to Lady Gaga because it’s an amazing collection of wax figures. The London Eye is a giant wheel that carries its visitors in one of its capsules for breathtaking experience above the city and its attractions.

4. Розвиток навичок говоріння


5. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1.Piccadilly Circus is

2. Hyde Park is

3. The monument to Admiral Nelson

4. The British Museum contains

5. The Tower of London is

6. All English kings and queens were crowned  

7. St. Paul’s Cathedral is                                   

a) is situated in the centre of Trafalgar Square                      

b) the oldest building in London.

c) about 6 million books.

d) the biggest church in England.

e) in Westminster Abbey.                       

f) the centre of night life in London

g) famous for its Speaker’s Corner.

Homework: прочитати і перекласти текст


Topic. Unit 4. Why not take a closer look?  Lesson 1. The  UK today. Speaking. Сторінки 194-200.

Уважно переглядаємо урок, продовжуємо знайомство з UK. Виконуємо вправи, читаємо і перекладаємо тексти.

Homework: p. 199-200, ex. 6а)- усно

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Topic. An introduction to Britain.

Watch the video about Great Britain and answer the questions in written form.

1. What is the name of the woman-guide?

2. What is her first question?

3. What is the official name of this country?

4. What four parts of the UK can you name?

5. What is the population of Great Britain? (on the video)

6. What part of Great Britain has the biggest population?

7. How many people live in London?(on the video)

8. Who is the Head of the state?

9. What are the most famous cities in Britain?

10. What is the capital of Scotland?

11. Where was William Shakespeare born?

12. How many National parks has  Great Britain?

13. How many foreign tourists usually come to Britain every year?

14. What was a Stonehenge?

15. What is Welsh?

16. How can people go from Britain to Paris and Brussels?


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Test. Тематична контрольна робота (9 клас) до підручника О. Карпюк

Unit 3. (2) Nature and the Environment

I.                    Match the words with their translation.

1 environment              a переробляти

2 pollution                    b забруднення

3 to protect                   c виживання

4 to recycle                   d зменшувати

5 survival                      e довкілля

6 to reduce                    f захищати

II.                 Mark the correct variant.

1 If we don’t protect …,  they will disappear forever.

a) endangered  species    c) energy

b) environment               d) humanity

2 You should care about the … .

a)  pollution                   c)  environment

b)  climate                      d)  rubbish

3 The science that studies the relations of plants, animals and people to each other and to their environment is … .                     

a)  biology                     c) physiology

b)  botany                       d) ecology

               4 This logo   indicates that the item can be… .

a)  reused                              c) reduced 

b)  recycled                              d) saved


5 The ability of plants and animal to change is called … .

a)  pollution                        c) protection

b)  evolution                        d) disappearing

6  We should … old paper in order to save woods and forests on the planet

a)  reusе                          c) reducе

b)  recyclе                      d) preservе

III         Mark the correct form of the verbs.

1 If there is more people, they …   more food, houses and energy.

               a) need                                c) won’t need

   b)will need                         d) needed

2 If our springs and summers … very hot, there won’t so much snow in winter.

a)  are                                   c) won’t

b)  will be                            d) is

3 We won’t have enough water in the future if we … it.

a)  don’t save                         c) save

b)  doesn’t                              d) will save

4  If there is a rubbish everywhere, it … dangerous for wild animals.

a)  won’t  be                                  c) aren’t

b)  are                                        d) will be

e)  will be in danger

               5 If the air … not clean, you’ll have to wear a mask.

a)  is                                        c) isn’t

b)  are                                      d) aren’t

6 If we … the habitat, many plants and animals will be in danger.

a)  will destroy                       c) won’t destroy

b)  destroy                              d) destroyed

IV         Write down a short list of recommendations for pupils                   

                 concerning the       environmental protection.




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Topic. Unit 3. What's your knowledge? Lesson 2. Nature and environment. Writing. Сторінки 172-173.

Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 172-173. Виконуємо вправи письмово 6, 7, 8, 9

Homework: повторити вивчену лексику з теми.

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Topic. Unit 3. What's your knowledge? Lesson 2. Nature and environment. Speaking. Сторінки 159-166.

Переглядаємо відеоурок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 157-158. Виконуємо вправи письмово та усно. Нову лексику на ст. 163 записуємо до словника, вивчаємо.

Homework: p. 165, ex. )- письмово

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Topic. Unit 3 Lesson 1 Nature&The Environment. Reading & Vocabulary Сторінки 146-152.

Переглядаємо відеоурок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 146-152, виконуємо вправи. Нову лексику на ст. 149 записуємо у словник, вивчаємо.

Homework: p. 151-152, ex. 9a -заповнити таблицю

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Topic. Unit 3. What's your knowledge? lesson 1. Inventions and discoveries (Винаходи і відкриття). 

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Практичні вправи

Запитання 1. Створити





Запитання 2 Винайти





Запитання 3 Проєктувати





Запитання 4 Відкрити ( щось невідоме раніше )





Запитання 5 Спостереження





     Запитання 6 Побудова, конструювання





Запитання 7 Заснування





    Запитання 8 Розвиток





      Запитання 9. Розробник, конструктор

 a discoverer 

  an observer

  a constructor

  an  inventor 

Запитання 10 Спостерігач

a creator 

  an observer

  a discoverer 

  an  inventor 

Запитання 11 Творець, автор

an observer

  an  inventor 

  a creator

   a discoverer 

Запитання 12 Організатор

a founder  

  an  explorer

  a developer  

  an organizer  

Запитання 13.  Technical _____ such as printers or copies make life much easier




Запитання 14 Knowledge and theories about the world which are based on facts, experiments and research


   A discovery


Запитання 15 This is an instrument that converts voice and sound signals into electrical impulses for transmission by wire to a different location, where another object receives the electrical impulses and turns them back into sounds

   A television

   A telephone

    A radio

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Topic. Unit 3. What's your knowledge? lesson 1. Inventions and discoveries (Винаходи і відкриття). Сторінки 124-127

Переглядаємо відеоурок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 124-127, виконуємо вправи. Нову лексику на ст. 126-127 записуємо у словник, вивчаємо.

Homework: p. 125, ex. 3b

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Topic. Повторення. АНГЛІЙСЬКІ ЧАСИ. Англійська граматика


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Topic. Listening.  Контроль з аудіювання за І семестр


   This story is about one water polo player Max Roger. He was born in Scotland in 2004. Also he was an owner of young IT company. He is married with his classmate Sarah, but they live separately because of Sarah's job and study.

   Max isn’t good at computer science, but he is a good manager. His hobby is psychology and also he is a motivator on YouTube. In last he wanted to become successful and rich.

   When Max was a teenager, he was found of one youth culture called Mods. He tried to dress in Italian- style and leather clothes, also he wore dark glasses and black shoes. At that time he had some problem with smoking and hated poor people.

   Once Max's friend invited him at the water polo competition and he attended to the Sport club. It became his hobby too. He was very tired after swimming pool but worked a lot at the computer. Max understood that profession of programmer is very well-paid today and organized IT company invested all his money in this project. Now Max works as a psychologist and has a good fame.

   His wife lives and studies in London. She wants to become an architect and has an idea how to protect plants combining them with buildings. She has several projects about parks and sport centers on an area of woodland.

   Max and Sarah have meetings every Saturday. After Christmas they are going to spend three weeks touring Africa. And in two years Max are moving to London too.

Choose if it is true or false.

 1.     Max and Sarah are from Scotland.

2.     Max isn’t married.

3.     The boy works on YouTube and Instagram.

4.     He smoked some years ago.

5.     Max's friend was an owner of Sport club.

6.     Max is going to live in London.


 Choose correct answer.

1.     Max was born in …… .

a)     2015       b) 2004        c)2014


2.     Young people lived separately because of ….. .

a)     Sarah        b) IT company     c) Max's job


3.     Max was found of ….. .

a)     Hippies       b) Rappers          3)Moods


4.     He works as a  …… .

a)     water polo trainer   b) psychologist      c) programmer


5.     Sarah studied to be ….. .

a)     designer         b) architect  c) ecologist


6.     They are going to travel in Africa for ….. .

a)     13 days    b) 3 weekends    c)  3 weeks

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Topic. Unit 3. What's your knowledge? lesson 2. Nature and the environment. (Природа та навколишнє середевище). Listening. Сторінки 152-156

Переглядаємо відеоурок. Нову лексику на ст. 153 записуємо у словник, вивчаємо. Слухаємо тексти, відповідаємо на питання, виконуємо вправи

Homework: p. 156, ex. 7a)- допишіть речення

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Topic.  Test. Present and Past Simple (Passive Voice) 

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Topic. Unit 3. What's your knowledge? lesson 1. Inventions and discoveries (Винаходи і відкриття). Сторінки 124-127

Переглядаємо відеоурок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 124-127, виконуємо вправи. Нову лексику на ст. 126-127 записуємо у словник, вивчаємо.

Homework: p. 125, ex. 3b

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 9th form. Test №1(Writing)


1. Match the words with their definitions.


1-cartoon                                a) a person, who spends much time sitting or lying down;                                                                                             

2-commercial                         b) a television advertisement;

3-channel                                c) a program where contestants compete for award

4-game show                          d) a film made by photographing drawings;

5-couch potato                     e) a person who watches television or movies;

6-viewer                                  f) a television station and its programs.


2.  Fill in the gaps with the prepositions by, to, of, on


3. Translate the sentences, using the Gerund.


1.     Я – вдалий у плаванні.

2.     Вона втомилася переїжджати у різні  міста.

3.     Ми захоплюємося боксом.

4.     Мені не вдається заспівати цю пісню.

5.     Я цікавлюся читанням історичних романів.

6.     Я не проти піти до кінотеатру з тобою.


4. Translate the sentences.


1)    Що ви читаєте зараз?

2)    Вони ще не переказали текст.

3)    Коли ти їздив верхи останній раз?

4)    Дзвоник завжди дзвонить о восьмій годині.

5)    Вчора о 6 годині вечора вона бігала у парку.

6)    Він сказав, що вони вже продали той будинок.


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Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis

Jobs and Professions

Практичні вправи

1.     Гра «Guess who!»

 Find  the words for the person who ….

1) builds houses;

2) grows food in the field;

3) sells meat;

4) looks after sick people;

5)writes computer programmes;

6) designs houses;

7) repairs cars;

8) treats domestic animals;

9) drives cars;

10) plays the piano;

11) designs clothes;

12) trains athletes;

13) cooks food.

2. Письмо. Match the professions with the workplaces and duties.

Professions                                                         Workplaces                                   Duties

1) hairdresser                                                       A) hospital                                    a)acts

2)surgeon                                                             B) salon                                       b) makes people laugh

3)receptionist                                                       C) theatre                                     c) makes operations on the body

4)actor                                                                  D) hotel                                       d)cuts and styles hair

5)clown                                                                E) café                                          e) greets visitors

6)waiter                                                                F) circus                                       f) serves food

3.Гра «Correct me».

 Well done . Now let us play a bit the game “Correct me “ I say the false sentences and you will correct them.                                                                                                                                  

For example : I say : “Bankers work  in the hospital”. You say : “No ,they do not. They work at the bank .

·        Doctors work in a hotel

·        Teachers work in an airport

·        Waiters work in a dentists'

·        Stewardesses work at an office

·        Sellers work on the farm

·        Farmers work in a restaurant

And where do the engineers work ?

4. Вправа «Світ професій» (назвати професії за класифікацією)

There are a lot of classifications of professions. Now we'll classify them into 5  groups.

A man – a man, a job based on the work with people.

A man – technique, a job based on the work with cars, machines, tools

A man –artistic image, a job based on the work with paintings, making and studying artistic images.

A man – sign system, a job based on the work with documents, finances.

A man – nature, a job based on the work with animals, in the countryside.

5. Reading “Jobs for teenagers in the UK”

Jobs for teenagers

About half of 16 – and 17 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part – time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs.

In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m. (but babysitters can work later).

Teenagers do part – time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much. In the UK, there is a minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour. For 16 – and – 17 – year – olds, it is £3.40 an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2 or £3 an hour.

 The comprehension of the text:

Mark + if the statement is true,  – if it is false.

1. About half of 14 – and 15 – year – olds in the UK have got jobs.

2. They do part – time jobs at weekends.

3. School students are allowed to work 6 hours on a school day.

4. They are allowed to work before 7a.m. or after 7p.m.

5. Teenagers usually earn much money.

6. There is minimum wage for adults: £5.52 an hour.

7. There is minimum wage for 16 – and – 17 – year – olds is £5.40 an hour.


Homework: Task 5


Topic. Unit 2. What's Your Choice. Lesson 2. Career Choices.  Speaking. Сторінки 93-96

Уважно переглядаємо урок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 93-97. Нову лексику  на ст. 93, 95  назви професійзаписуємо у словник, вивчаємо.

 Homework: вивчити нову лексику у словнику

Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis


Topic. Unit 2. What's Your Choice. Lesson 2.. Career Choices Reading & Vocabulary. Сторінки 83-87.

Уважно переглядаємо урок. Опрацьовуємо сторінки підручника 83-87. Нову лексику записуємо у словник, вивчаємо.

Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis


Topic. Unit 2. What's Your Choice. Lesson 1. Magic Box. Speaking & Writing. Сторінки 77-82

Слухаємо урок, виконуємо вправи. Нову лексику на ст. 78 записуємо у словник, вивчаємо.

Homework: p. 82, ex. 1- відповісти на питання.

Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis

Виконані роботи надсилати на Viber 0969231757


Topic. Unit 2. What's your choice? Lesson 1. Magic Box. Reading & Vocabulary. Сторінки 61-69.

Listen to the lesson,  do exercises (Слухаємо урок, виконуємо вправи)

Homework: p. 63, 67 - нову лексику записати у словник, вивчити.

Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis

Виконані роботи надсилати на Viber 0969231757


Topic.  Unit 1. Lessons 1-2. Pages for Readers Сторінки 54-57.

Listen to the lesson,  do exercises (Слухаємо урок, виконуємо вправи)

Homework: p. 57 , ex. 2a) - заповнити таблицю.

Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis

Виконані роботи надсилати на Viber 0969231757


Topic. Unit 1. Lesson 2. Speaking Сторінки 39-41.

Listen to the lesson,  do exercises (Слухаємо урок, виконуємо вправи)

Homework: p. 41 , ex. 3 

Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis

Виконані роботи надсилати на Viber 0969231757


Topic. Unit 1 Lesson 2 Reading & Vocabulary Сторінки 27-31

Listen to the lesson,  do exercises (Слухаємо урок, виконуємо вправи)

Homework: p. 30 , ex. 4b) - заповнити таблицю.

Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis

Виконані роботи надсилати на Viber 0969231757


Topic. Unit 1. Lesson 1. Listening & Vocabulary

Listen to the lesson,  do exercises (Слухаємо урок, виконуємо вправи).

Homework: p. 17 , ex. 4 - написати інформацію про себе за зразком вправи 4.

Посилання на урок    meet.google.com/juj-nihr-zis


Topic. Unit 1 Lesson 1 Reading & Vocabulary.

Listen to the lesson,  do exercises (Слухаємо урок, виконуємо вправи).

Homework: p. 7 - записати нову лексику у словник, вивчити.