Marzysz o rozpoczciu dziaalnoci w brany e-commerce? Stwrz swj bezpatny sklep internetowy, korzystajc z naszego kreatora stron internetowych z predefiniowanymi szablonami i zapewnij bezpieczestwo patnoci kartami swoich klientw. Brak opat instalacyjnych ani miesicznych, adnych problemw z hostingiem jak rwnie nie s wymagane umiejtnoci projektowania i kodowania.

Masz ju stron internetow, ale nie moesz przyjmowa patnoci online? Zintegruj prost i bezpieczn bramk patnicz lub wtyczk koszyka, aby zapewni pynn realizacj transakcji.

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Generuj w cigu kilku sekund, udostpniaj na caym wiecie i zarabiaj natychmiast. Za porednictwem konta myPOS moesz tworzy linki do patnoci i bezpiecznie akceptowa transakcje, nawet bez potrzeby posiadania strony internetowej.

Funkcjonalno naszego terminala wirtualnego umoliwia bezpieczne akceptowanie transakcji online za porednictwem poczty elektronicznej lub telefonu. Nawet jeli Twj klient znajduje si na drugim kocu wiata, wystarczy, e posiadasz konto myPOS .

Registered since the beginning of mypos,(2016) for my small retail business on the markets, never a problem, and maximum security.

The payment card is good, even abroad, and transfers are fast.

The payment terminal also dates from 2016 and has never had a problem.

Bravo MyPos

I've used myPOS terminals for several years for my sales on markets, where portability is essential, NEVER have I had ANY problem with the terminals. Upgrading to newer models was quick and trouble-free. I've been recommending myPOS to other vendors for some years. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

MyPOS has many ways to charge my customers, even sending a simple link with which the customer can pay comfortably through his bank app or whatever.

And on top of that, the collection fees I get charged are very low!

The best terminal I have used so far. It is super fast, reliable, never freezes, never thinks. I enter the amount and it's already withdrawn. Can't be compared to anything else on the market. Never a network problem because of the dedicated SIM card.

Tak, utworzenie konta myPOS zapewni Ci dostp do naszej kompleksowej platformy, oferujcej bezpatnie wszystkie niezbdne narzdzia i funkcje do zarzdzania patnociami, poniewa nie ma adnych opat konfiguracyjnych ani miesicznych opat za obsug.

Moesz ledzi transakcje, wystawia faktury, generowa linki do patnoci i przelewa rodki pomidzy kontami. Co wicej, rodki z patnoci kart otrzymane za porednictwem Twojego urzdzenia myPOS , kasy online lub linku do patnoci zostan natychmiast przelane na Twoje konto myPOS .

Przetwarzanie patnoci kart zajmuje tylko kilka sekund, a pienidze s natychmiast przekazywane na Twoje konto myPOS . Umoliwia to szybki dostp do rodkw i wykorzystanie ich do spacenia pilnych wydatkw subowych lub rozdzielenia ich wedug wasnego uznania.

Krok 1. Zacznij tworzy bezpatne konto firmowe myPOS, pobierajc nasz aplikacj mobiln.

 Krok 2. Dokocz proces identyfikacji online, abymy mogli lepiej pozna Ciebie i Twoj firm.

 Krok 3. Nasz zesp sprawdzi i zweryfikuje podane przez Ciebie informacje.

 Krok 4. Po zaoeniu konta aktywuj poprzez konto internetowe lub aplikacj swj nowy terminal patniczy myPOS i kart biznesow, ktr otrzymaa(e) wraz z nim.

 Krok 5. To wszystko! Twoje urzdzenie jest teraz gotowe do uycia i akceptowania transakcji kart.

myPOS , one of the largest providers of mobile payment terminals and payment solutions for small and medium-sized businesses and independent entrepreneurs, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mario Shiliashki as Chief Executive Officer. Shiliashki will also become part of the Board of Directors.

Shiliashki brings a global vision for payments and has worked on four continents for companies such as PayPal, Mastercard and more recently PayU, successfully leading all phases of growth, M&A and Exit.

Shiliashki will join the strong executive leadership team, which will continue to be supported by the Board of Directors and Advent International, one of the largest and most experienced global private equity investors.

With recent developments, myPOS is becoming even more agile and resilient, investing in scalability, automation and more innovative solutions. This is a strategic move for the fintech company, which recently opened new stores in Italy and France and is preparing for a new wave of expansion.

myPOS is an innovative fintech company for SMEs in the European Economic Area, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It provides simple and convenient in-store, online and on-the-go payment solutions for more than 200,000 businesses in more than 30 European countries.

The myPOS platform gives self-employed and SMEs everything they need to accept payments and manage various aspects of their business, including remote selling, accelerating cash flow and enabling e-commerce. Business owners receive a free multi-currency business account and an IBAN number per currency, a business debit card, digitized business management capabilities and a powerful all-in-one platform to help them sell anywhere and accept payments anytime, anywhere.

For its continued innovation in payments, myPOS has received many prestigious awards, including Best Use of Mobile from FStech Awards in 2022 and Point of Sale Innovation from FinTech Breakthrough Awards in 2024. More information can be found at . 152ee80cbc

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