Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Service

 These terms and conditions are designed to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the "company" and "members" for the use of Digital Asset wallet software and related services provided by the company (hereinafter referred to as "services") provided by MetaCode Limited (hereinafter referred to as "company") to the users of the service.


Article 1 (Definition of Terms)

The terms used in this Agreement are defined as follows:

"Members": Refers to those who agree to these service terms and conditions and use of "services" provided by the company.

"Membership Applicant": A person who agrees to these terms and conditions to become a "member" and proceeds with the subscription process provided by the "company." Lastly, the company must approve it before becoming a "member."

"Digital Asset, Digital Point ": Information that exists digital, which can be used, stored, deposited, remitted, etc. in the "Service" and is commonly referred to as "Digital Asset" below.

"Wallet": "Digital Asset wallet" software provided by the "company".

"External Digital Asset address": Means any Digital Asset address or account owned or used outside the service by the member or another person. The "external Digital Asset address" is not owned, controlled or operated by the company.

"Wallet address": Account provided by the "company" in combination with the number and letter of the "Digital Asset Wallet".

"Security Password": This password must be entered in order to use the functions such as access to "service" and remittance of "Digital Asset" in the "service."

"VIP": This is a digital product that can be exchanged using the "bridge"

"Airdrop" and "compensation": "Digital Asset" paid free of charge to the "members" who uses the "wallet".

"Accounting Information": Information entered when a member is subscribed to use the "service" and additional information entered after joining the member, including ID, password, security password, email account, mobile phone number, GoogleOTP, and ID card.

"Verification": This means the procedure for sending an ID card, driver's license, and passport to the "company" together with a photo of themselves in order to inform the "company" that the member is a correct.

"Service Account": Account of “members” using services such as “wallets” provided by the “company”.

"Membership company”: Means an affiliate which has signed a contract with the "company" regarding "Digital Asset.


Article 2 (Validity of Terms and Conditions)

The "company" publishes the contents of these terms to the members in the process of membership registration or other means, and the members who agree to the terms and conditions become effective by joining the "service."


Article 3 (Changes of Terms and Conditions)

Depending on changes in laws and policies for the "Digital Platform" industry in each country and changes in policies of international agencies or affiliates, the "company" may change these terms and conditions as necessary.


Article 4 (Notice of Terms and Conditions)

If the "company" changes the terms and conditions, it shall notify the members within the "service" 30 days before the application date by specifying the reason for the change and the date of application of the changed agreement. However, the period of notice and application date may be modified if the change is urgently required or at the request of the country, institution or partner.

If the "company" notifies the "members" of the changes in the terms and conditions, with the previous notice and the notice to the "members", the "members" is considered to have agreed to the changes made to the agreement and if the "members" does not express its refusal by the date of the application of the changes to the agreement, then the "members" shall be deemed to have agreed to the changes automatically.

If the "members" do not agree to the changes in the terms and conditions and express their rejection to the "company" before the application date, the use of the "service" may be restricted, or the "member" can cancel the "service" contract.


Article 5 (Interpretation of Terms and Conditions)

In addition to these terms and conditions, the "company" has separate customer policies and operational policies for the management of the "services."

Matters not specified in this agreement shall be subject to the relevant statutes and the provisions of the Customer Policy and Operations Policy set forth by the "Company."


Article 6 (“Service”)

The "company" provides "Digital Asset" transaction (sales, purchase, and delivery) services and content services (coupon mall, partnership-related) to the "members".

The type of "service" provided by the "company" may be changed from time to time by the "company’s assessment, copyright and intellectual property rights to the "service" provided shall be attributed to the "company".

The "company" grants "members" only the right to use accounts, IDs, wallets and services by the conditions set by the "company" concerning the service, and members cannot provide similar services or conduct commercial activities using them.


Article 7 (“Service” Registration)

The service subscription is completed by the "membership applicants" by agreeing to the terms and conditions of the service provided by the "company" and then completing the subscription application according to the procedures set by the "company" with the "company" approving the application.

The "company" may request or proceed with its certification through a specialized agency to the extent permitted by the Act to verify that the information provided by the "Membership Applicant" matches the facts.

Service subscriptions can be made only once by one person, and if confirmed that several "membership" is subscribed, only one account will be active, and the other accounts will be restricted to the "services" subscription and may be revoked.

The "company" may cancel its acceptance or cancel the service contract if the following reasons are confirmed even after the "membership applicant" has signed-up.

In case of theft of another person’s personal information

False or incorrect information used.

One person has multiple "membership" accounts.

If a member has previously been disqualified under these terms and conditions

If an application is made in violation of all the other terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement,

Use of the “service” for fraudulent or separated business purposes.


Article 8 (The Roles and Duties of the “Company”)

The "company" complies with the regulations governing the operation and maintenance of "services" established by each country and institution.

The "company" may forward the process and results of processing to the "members" through e-mail, etc. for information received to the "members" as it believes to be justifiable for inquiries made by the "members" collected in connection with the use of the "services."


Article 9 (Roles and Responsibilities of the “Member”)

The "members" shall comply with these terms and conditions, "services", and shall not interfere with the "company" work.

In the event that the "members" commit acts specified in each of the following items, the "company" may restrict the use of the "service" or terminate the service contract, and in the event of damages to the "company" the "company" may take actions such as a claim for damages.

When a member registers and make changes with false information or if the information is stolen.

Access to another person's "service" account through SMS authentication, mail authentication, and personal authentication without the permission of others;

The act of duplicating or distributing information obtained through the "service" of the "company" without the prior consent of the "company" or using it commercially;

Infringement of intellectual property rights, such as copyrights by the "company" and affiliates;

"Company" and its affiliates, and other acts of defaming or obstructing the work of "members"

An act to disclose or post information, such as obscenity or violent messages,

Automated means without prior consent from the "company," access to the "service" through other fraudulent means, create or increase exposure and click count fraudulently, sign up for the "members" using automated programs and apply for the "service" use, and cause a load on the "company" servers

Collecting, storing and disclosing personal information of other "members"

Other illegal or unjust acts


Article 10 (Service Announcement)

When "Company" publishes various information about "services," the notice board, service board, app push provided by "services" can be notified individually via e-mail and SMS of "members."

In the event of an emergency involving the "services" or the "members," the "company" can take preemptive measures and notify them afterward.


Article 11 (Provision of “Service”)

In principle, the "service" is provided 365 days and 24 hours. However, upgrades or checks of the "services" may cause the "service" to pause. In this case, the "company" will notify you in advance.

The "company" may conduct regular or emergency inspections when the "service" is provided, and the inspection time shall be notified within the "service".

In the event of an emergency in the "service," the "service" may be temporarily suspended, and the "company" may notify post-mortem.


Article 12 (Use of “Service”)

The "company" provides "Digital Asset wallet" software to the "members".

A “member” may keep and store the “Digital Asset” that was transferred by using the “service” deposit wallet address or through a mobile number.

"A member" may transfer "digital assets" stored in the "wallet" to others.

The "company" provides the “wallet”  for the “members” and the services such as deposits, remittance, and payments of the "Digital Asset" issued by the member company.

The "company" provides "Bridge" to the "members" as agreed upon at the time the "members" makes a "membership".

The “company” provides “members” that have “VIP” products the “member company’s” “Digital Asset” through the “wallet”. It may vary depending on the “company” circumstances at the time of provision of the “Digital Asset” by the “member company.”

The "company" shall not be held liable for the “members” who intentionally and negligently write the Digital Asset wallet address or if the wrong amount of Digital Asset is transferred.

The maximum daily remittance limit may be applied depending on the security grade set by the “company” for the “Digital Asset” transfers, and the number of remittances may be limited or temporarily suspended to stabilize the “service."

Transfers between the “members” will not be charged with a fee when transferring “digital assets.” Fees will apply when the “Digital Asset” is transferred to an “external Digital Asset address” outside of the “wallet,” and the transfer fees may vary depending on the type of “Digital Asset.”

The "members" can purchase fee tickets sold by the "company" and use them as transfer fees.

The “company” provides authentication and security functions such as SMS authentication, e-mail authentication, security password, and OTP program for “service” use. The “member” is responsible for the management of all such authentication and security measures.

“Members” shall no lend, sign over, or do similar acts in providing a third party with their authentication and security, and all responsibilities arising from neglect of account management lies entirely to the “member.”

The “company” provides the “members” with digital merchandise sales via “wallet” and the sale of deliverable products.


Article 13 (Changes in “Service”)

The “company” may change the connection, sales product, authentication, and security measures of the “service” for “Digital Asset” “wallet” to provide a stable and advanced “service.”

If the “company” plans to make changes with the “service,” it will be notified through the notice board, and app push in advance. However, if there is a reason that the “company” cannot give out notifications in advance, it will make notifications later.


Article 14 (Cancelling “Service”)

In the event that the "service" gets discontinued because of the policy of the country or institution, the "company" shall not compensate or be liable for any losses incurred to the "members" due to the interruption of  "service."

In the event that a "Digital Platform" platform error or suspension causes hacking of the "Digital Asset" kept in the "service" or "Digital Asset" in the "Digital Platform" to become unable to be transferred, the "company" shall not compensate or take any responsibilities for any losses incurred to the "members."

If the "company" discontinues the "service" due to suspension, bankruptcy or other reasons, it will notify the "members" in advance and help the "members" to move their "Digital Asset" assets outside of the "wallet."


Article 15 (“Service” Fee)

The member shall pay a fee for using the "Digital Asset" transfer function provided by the "service." Fees are conducted and provided differently in the "service" by different "Digital Asset" types.

Modifications to the transfer fees can be changed according to the situation in the "Digital Platform," and the adjusted price of the fee can be checked within the "service."


Article 16 (“Service” Use Restrictions)

The specific conditions and details of the restriction on the use of the “services” in this section are as provided by the “company” in the customer and service operation policies within the “company.”

In the event of restricted use of the “service” under this section, the “members” shall be notified from within the “service” or through e-mail and SMS text message.

The “company” may restrict the use and access of the “members” to “services” or limit the “Digital Asset” deposit and transfer of the “members” if:

For consecutive errors in passwords and security passwords

In case a member's request or hacking application has been received

In case of suspected theft of the name from a third party;

Requests the "service" restrictions in accordance with relevant laws of the country and the institution;

In case a "member" is reasonably suspected to be involved in or involved in money laundering, unfair trade, criminal activities, etc.

In case the deposit and transfer details of "Digital Asset" of the "members" are made differently from the actual request for deposit and remittance;

In the event that a reason occurs for the reasons in accordance with other subparagraphs, or that measures are needed to prevent such a cause from occurring;

Restrictions on the use of the "service" shall be carried out through review in accordance with the procedures set by the "company" and, if any illegal contents defined in this section are found, the use of the "service" shall immediately be suspended and the contract for the "service" shall be terminated. In addition, the "company" will immediately resume the use of the "service" if no abnormalities are found.


Article 17 (“Service” Cancellation)

The "members" may apply for the termination of "service" contract through the customer center, and the "company" shall handle it in accordance with the internal procedures and relevant laws.

In the event that the "members" have reason to terminate the "service" contract under this Agreement, all benefits obtained through the "service" use shall be extinguished and the "company" shall not compensate otherwise.

When the termination of the "service" contract is completed, all information of the member shall be deleted except for the information required by the "company" in accordance with the relevant statutes and internal policies. However, if the "company" cancels the "service" contract, the "company" may keep all information of the "members" for a certain period of time for receiving and processing objections from the "members."

In the event of termination of the "service" contract under this section, the "company" shall notify the "members" by means of the method pursuant to Article 10.


Article 18 (“Membership Information” Management)

The name of the "member" must be the same name as the ID used in the "self-authentication."

If the name, referral code, or mailing address of a "member" is misleading as another person, infringement of the rights of third parties, or misunderstanding as an employee of the "company", the use of such name, referral code or e-mail address may be restricted even after the registration of the "service" is completed. Also, if the "company" is deemed necessary by reasonable judgment, it may limit the use of the name, referral code, or e-mail address.

The "member" shall immediately notify the "company" if it is responsible for keeping all information related to the "service account" securely to prevent third parties from accessing the member's "service account" without authorization. The "company" may then take actions such as suspending the "service account" use of the "members."

The "company" shall not be held liable for damages caused by loss, theft or disclosure of "service" access information such as the "service account" information due to the "members" negligence.

The "company" shall not use the "service account" information of the "members" for any purpose other than to provide the "service" and shall make efforts to protect personal information. Also, we do not offer the "service account" information to third parties without the consent of the "members." However, if necessary for tasks such as sending SMS text messages, some of the "service account" information may be entrusted to an external organization selected by the "company" after obtaining approval or notification from the "members."

However, the "company" does not permit the provision of the "service account" information to the "members" and the "service account" information to third parties within the scope of the guidelines pursuant to the Act as requested by the country or institution.


Article 19 (“Membership Information” Changes)

A "member" may access the information in the "service account" at any time via "service" and request modifications. However, specific information in the "service account" specified by the "company" may be modified with the approval of the "company."

If the "service account" information such as phone number and e-mail address, which are essential information for the use of the "service," is changed, the "member" shall immediately modify if from the "service" or notify the "company" through the customer support center.

The "company" shall not be held liable for any disadvantages arising from the wrong modification of the "service account" information by the "member" or failure to notify the "company." In addition, the "members" shall bear the damages caused by the information that has not been corrected, and the "company" shall not be held liable for them.


Article 20 (Limitation of Liability)

The "company" or the "members" shall be responsible for indemnifying the other party for damages in violation of these terms and conditions. However, this is not the case if there is no intentional or negligence from the doer.

In the event that a server fails due to a DDOS attack, a server fail due to a surge in "Digital Asset"  transactions using a specific "Digital Platform", a "Digital Platform" network failure or error in the encryption using a particular "Digital Platform", and a hack in the "service" occurred, the "company" is not liable for damages.

The "company" shall not indemnify the "members" for any damages incurred by the "members" or to comply with or fulfill any actual or legal administrative disposition or order by the government agency due to unavoidable reasons such as wartime, natural disasters or equivalent to any national emergencies. However, the "company" shall make every reasonable effort to minimize the damages caused by the "members."

The "company" shall not indemnify the "members" for any damages caused by the "company" without cause attributable to the "company" or "service" failure due to reasons attributable to the "members" of the internet service providers.

The "company" does not warrant the "members" "digital wallet" of the value of the "Digital Asset."


Article 21 (Competent court and Settlement of Dispute)

In the event of a dispute involving the "service" between the "company" and the "members," the "company" and the "members" shall faithfully discuss the settlement of the dispute.

The lawsuit filed between the "company" and the "members' shall be governed by the laws in conjunction with the lawsuit filed.


These terms and conditions have been updated on Jan 1, 2024,

and is effective with the consent of "members".

Privacy Policy


MetaCode Limited (the "company") places importance on the personal information of the users of the service provided by the "company" and complies with the laws on promotion of information, communication network use and protection of information, the laws on the protection of consumers in electronic commerce, the telecommunications business act, and the personal information protection act.

The "company" privacy policy can be changed according to changes in laws or guidelines regarding personal information protection or changes in our policy, therefore, we encourage the "members' to frequently check the homepage and services.


1. Items of personal information collected and methods of collection

The personal information of the users collected by the company is as follows:

(Required) Email

(Information automatically generated during service use or processing) Service usage records, access logs, access IP information, purchase information, deposit and remittance of cryptocurrencies


The company collects personal information by the following methods.

Personal information is collected in the event that the user agrees to the collection of personal information and enters the information directly in the process of membership registration and service use.

The members' personal information is collected through the webpage, e-mail, faxes, and phone during the customer center consultation process.

Personal information can be collected through documents from offline events and seminars.

Generating information, such as device information, can be generated and collected automatically during PC web, and mobile web use (access IP information, cookies, service use records, connection logs, etc.).


2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information

Member management

Identification of the members based on their use of service and identification

Prevention of fraudulent use and unauthorized use of fraudulent members

Confirmation of intention to sign up, registration and limitation of subscriptions

Underage Identification

Consultation with "members"; receipt and handling of "members" complaints; preservation of records for dispute settlement

Transfer of notice


Implementation of the agreement on service delivery and the settlement of charges

Delivering services and contents

Payment and settlement of charges

Event/gift equivalents guide and product delivery


Used in marketing and advertising

Provide optimized service to "members"

Developing and specializing new services(products)

Service provision and advertisement according to demographic characteristics

Web page access frequency

Statistics on service utilization

Sending periodicals, and guides to new products or services

Planning for web services and events corresponding to "members" interest

Operate a space for members to participate or deliver advertising information such as prize events and other events

Survey of "members"


3. Providing a third party of personal information

The 'company" shall not use or provide to any third party the personal information of "members" beyond the scope notified to the "members" or the scope specified in terms and conditions of service. Exceptions shall be made if the consent of the "members" is obtained or if:

Alliance: To provide a better service, the personal information of the "members" may be provided to or shared with affiliates. If the personal information is provided or shared, it will go through the process of notifying the "members" in writing or e-mailing them individually about who the affiliates are, why such personal information should be provided or shared, and how long they are protected or shared and managed. If the "member" doesn't agree with sharing their personal information, we do not share the personal information with the affiliates. Notifications or consent shall be obtained through the same procedures when the partnership changes or the partnership closes.


Sale and M&A: In the event the rights and obligations of the service provider are transferred in whole or in part, or the rights and obligations of the service provider are transferred through a merger or acquisition, the member shall be notified in order to guarantee the rights of the "members' in relation to the protection of personal information.


In case of need for settlement of charges based on the provision of information and communication services.


In cases where there are special provisions in other laws such as; the 'Protection of Communications Secrets Act', 'The Framework Act on National Taxes', 'the law regarding the promotion of information and communication network use and protection of information', 'law of real name financial transaction', 'Telecommunications Business Act', 'local tax law', 'Framework Act on Consumers', 'Banking Act', and the 'Criminal Procedure Law'.  However, even if the administrative office or investigative agency has requested it for administrative purposes or investigation purposes, it does not provide personal information of the "members" according to the request and is provided in accordance with due process, such as by a warrant or by a letter with the authority's seal of approval as provided under the Act.


4. Handling personal information

The "company" may entrust personal information to other companies in a limited scope for smooth and improvement of the service. Currently, the following companies are entrusted with the processing of personal information by the company for the implementation of the service contract with the "members." The related statutes stipulated necessary matters for the safety of management of personal information in the consigned contracts.


Trustee : ALIGO

Consignment Purpose : SMS Certification service.

Holding Period : Delete immediately after SMS is sent (If it is necessary to preserve it according to relevant laws, the period of preservation)



5. Personal information retention and period of use

Personal information of the "members" shall be retained and used during the period when the "company" provides the services to the "members." However, if there is a need to preserve it according to the provisions of the relevant statutes, it shall be preserved in accordance with the following related statutes:


Records of contracts or withdrawal of subscriptions: 5 years

Records on big payments and supply of goods: 5 Years

Records on consumer complaints or dispute handling: 3 years


If the "members" request access to the transaction information held with by the "members'" consent, they shall be allowed to access or verify the transaction information without delay.


If a member has withdrawn from the service then the member's name, date of birth, ID, and password identification shall be kept for one month after the member's withdrawal for the purpose of preventing illegal or expedient activities, as the member may illegally receive economic benefits such as discount coupons and event benefits provided by the company or prevent such illegal or expedient activities.


6. Methods for personal information disposal and procedures

In principle, the "company" destroys personal information without delay if the purpose of handling personal information has been achieved. However, if the personal information needs to be preserved continuously in accordance with other statutes, personal information shall be transferred to a separate database or stored in a safe storage place.


Revocation procedure: The company selects personal information for which the reason for revocation has occurred and destroys the personal information after obtaining approval from the company's personal information protection manager.


Revocation method: Information in the form of electronic files uses a technical method that does not allow recording to be replayed. Personal information printed on paper  is shredded and destroyed.



7. Actions to secure personal information

According to the technical and administrative protective measures of personal information, the company takes technical, administrative, and physical actions necessary to secure safety as follows:


Technical measures for hacking

In order to prevent personal information leakage or damage caused by hacking or computer viruses, the company installs security programs, periodically updates and checks, installs systems for the areas with restricted access from the outside, and monitors and blocks them technically and physically.


Encryption of personal information

The user's personal information is encrypted, stored, and managed, so only he or she can know. Important data uses separate security functions such as encrypting files and transmission date or using file locking.


Restrictions on access to personal information

Through granting, changing, and terminating access authority to database systems that processes the personal information, the government is taking necessary measures to control access to personal information and controlling unauthorized access from the outside using the intrusion prevention system.


Use of locking information for document security

Documents and auxiliary storage media containing personal information are stored in a secure place with a lock tool.


Controlling the access of unauthorized persons

We set aside physical storage locations where personal information is stored and set up and operate procedures for access control.


Control actions in accordance with internal management plan

The company establishes and implements an internal management plan and regularly conducts employee training.


Other security measures

In addition to the items above, we also implement measures to secure personal information safety based on technical and administrative protective measures.



8. Personal information protection officer

The company is responsible for handling personal information and designates the person in charge of personal information protection as follows to handle complaints and remedy damages by the information subjects involved in the processing of personal information.

Personal Information Protection Officer

Name: Brian Park

Email: metacode@metacode.net

Position: Personal information protection officer



9. Information subject and legal representative’s rights and obligations and methods of exercising those rights and obligations

The information principal can exercise his or her rights to access, correct, delete, and suspend personal information at any time.


The exercising rights pursuant to paragraph 1 above can be done through the website account information menu, or through the company's personal information protection manager, and the company will take actions without delay.


The exercising rights under paragraph 1 above can be conducted through an agent, such as a legal representative of the information subject or a person who has been delegated. In this case, you must submit a letter of attorney according to the form No. 11 attached to the enforcement rules of the personal information protection act.


If the information subject asks for correction or deletion of personal information errors, the company shall not use the personal information or provide it to a third party until correction or deletion is completed.


The exercising rights pursuant to paragraph 1 above may be limited if their personal information is specified in other statutes for collection or preservation.

The "company" may confirm whether the person who exercised the rights under paragraph 1 above is a principal or a legitimate agent.


10. Legal remedy for infringement of rights

The following organizations are separate from the company. If you are not satisfied with the results of the company's own personal information complaints and damage relief, or if you need more assistance, please contact us.


11. Changing the privacy policy

This privacy policy applies from the effective date, and if there is any additional, deletion or correction of the changes following the statutes and policies, the changes will be notified through the notice board seven days before any modifications are implemented.



These terms and conditions have been updated on Jan 1, 2024,

and is effective with the consent of "members".