Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for My Only Wallpapers

Last Updated: 11/14/23

Thank you for choosing "My Only Wallpapers" , our store has wallpaper applications that provide collections of offline wallpapers for your personal enjoyment. This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the types of information we may collect when you use our Apps, how we use that information, and the choices you have concerning your information.

Information We Collect

1. Personal Information:

The App does not collect any personally identifiable information.

2. Non-Personal Information:

We may collect non-personal information, such as device model, operating system version, and language preference to enhance your experience and improve our services.


1. AdMob Ads:

The App uses Google AdMob to display advertisements. AdMob may collect and use non-personal information for personalized advertising. Please refer to Google's Privacy Policy for more information.

Third-Party Links

1. External Links:

The App may contain links to external websites. We are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of these external sites. Please review the privacy policies of these third-party websites.


1. Security Measures:

We take reasonable measures to protect the information collected through the App. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your information.

Changes to Privacy Policy

1. Updates:

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. It is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [].

By using the App, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Thank you for trusting "My Only Wallpapers"!