The main city church of Amberg was originally a gothic building, later renovated in the baroque style. It changed not only styles but also confessions, it was originally Catholic, later on Protestant and later on Catholic again.

"St Martin is known most of all for an act of fraternal charity. While still a young soldier, he met a poor man on the street numb and trembling from the cold. He then took his own cloak and, cutting it in two with his sword, gave half to that man. Jesus appeared to him that night in a dream smiling, dressed in the same cloak.

St Martin's charitable gesture flows from the same logic that drove Jesus to multiply the loaves for the hungry crowd, but most of all to leave himself to humanity as food in the Eucharist, supreme Sign of God's love, Sacramentum caritatis. It is the logic of sharing which he used to authentically explain love of neighbour.

- Pope Benedict XVI.

The true gem of the historical town, I parked here close to the noon and the lunch atmosphere was all over the city center. And then a fresh air from the stream flowing almost under the basilica. This is a refreshing place for the busy municipal life. 


March 17, 2017