Hi! I was going to use voice whiz to voice train, or at least to begin, but I realised it's an Apple only app and so I couldn't get it. Does anyone here know a good alternative to it that will be on the google play store?

To add to this now..I called them about something from my grandmothers house the other day...regarding a jello chocolate pudding snack. I wasn't sure about what one ingredient was and i wanted to be sure so i called them and the guy on the phone told me it contained stuff derived from gluten.....even though nothing was clearly listed..so i was confused....Later on that day I called them again about something else unexpectedly and the woman on the line told me the same thing you have...they will clearly list. But when i told her about what the guy told me about the jello she didn't know why he'd say it contains it and to not eat it if it's not clearly listed. I wonder if it was the same guy who told me that about cheese whiz? It's only causing me confusion..should i eat the cheese whiz and pudding snacks or not? uugh

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I guess there's only one way for you to know, how bad do you want the flippin' cheez whiz??? Patrick which thread was it that we discussed the modified food starch? That's a good one with a link to the info. Very interesting info. I'm not knew to this gig, per se, but there's always more to learn. I have made the choice that if I don't know what it is, can't pronounce the ingredients, or question anything I won't eat it. Some are better at the labels than I, but I just can't take a chance and that's my own personal feelings. I'm more of a whole foods person anyway, so it all comes down to what you like I guess. So, how bad do you want that cheez whiz? Lol I think I'd forgotten it even existed until now, my Canadian cousins used to eat it on toast...while I was breaking out my American peanut butter, oh the memories!

The Accuracy 1st Whiz Wheel is a ballistics calculator designed to back up or replace an electronic PDA. Used properly, the whiz wheel provides 0.1 MIL, or 0.25 MOA resolution for elevation and windage corrections out to the transonic range for any given bullet/rifle combination. The whiz wheel uses a generic sleeve in which you can place various wheels corresponding to different rifles, bullets, and muzzle velocities for both MILS/Meters, and MOA/Yards units. The whiz wheel is able to account for the effects of density altitude (which covers any temperature and pressure combination), range, both wind and moving targets of any speed from any direction, spindrift, and uphill/downhill shooting. The whiz wheel also has the ability to be calibrated or trued to a given weapon system based on observed POI (either muzzle velocity or BC can be trued).

The third time my daughter used the Whiz Freedom, it was when we were on the beach. She was wearing her bathing suit and all of a sudden ran up to me and yelled that she needed to pee. I told her she could use the Whiz in the bushes over there or go out to where the water was above her waist and pee. She replied she "didn't want to give the fishies stomach aches" and chose the whiz. No one was around this time so the soft pitter patter of her pee againt the rocks was uninterrupted by critical moms and screaming children.

It was my turn after that but there was a line 20 long for the women's room. I went back to the car, grabbed the whiz, and got in the line for the men's room, which only had two men in it. They gave me funny looks but I stayed there. When it was my turn, I slowly approached a urinal. The men around me snickered but I pulled out my Whiz and used the urinal, right in front of their eyes. They were astounded but I just washed my hands and returned to the car. An hour later we got home and my daughter rushed to the real bathroom.

Put the meat on a toasted, buttered slider roll. Top with veggies. And spoon some of that awesome beer cheese whiz right on top. And boom. Best homemade Philly cheesesteak slider ever. Sure to please the most die hard football fan or those like me that just show up for the food and need a pick me up before watching Jack go up in smoke 17dc91bb1f

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