Do you have a message stirring inside of you to speak, write, or reach people through your social media platforms? If the Lord spoke it to your heart, my team and I want to help you find your way forward at She Speaks 2024 happening in person and online July 19-20, 2024.

I can delight in hope that this is my year to change. I can discover reasons to appreciate my body and find softer ways for my thoughts to land. I can recognize the beauty of discipline and crave the intimacy with God it unleashes. I can rest assured though the journey will be hard, I will be held.

My Prayer Everyday Father Don 39;t Let Them Ask Where Is My God Download

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That was a great prayer. You are quite gifted with words. I wish I could capture all my thoughts like that in a coherent manner. Sadly my prayer journal is never filled, just my head with lots of jumbled thoughts. I am thankful that God can understand that too, but admire your gift.

Happy New Year

THANK YOU!! This is the exact prayer I need to be praying right now. After having 3 babies now all 5 and under I am exhausted at all times and desperate for more of Him. I love to workout and eat right but have found it sooo hard to find the time. I have been wanting to read your book for awhile now and know that praying for God to unsettle me is right where I am. Praying this year for victory.

Lysa, thank you so much for the words of encouragement, they were definitely what I needed to hear. My justification always is God loves me know matter what, which is true but I need to be healthy for myself and my loved ones. Praying for a new year with new hope.

What a beautiful prayer. My prayer this year is for me to keep wanting to change and to remember to turn to the Lord first instead of anger, yelling, and discontent. I always have good intentions and quickly fail in the moment. I need to stop trying to muscle it myself.

Thank YOU!! so much for that pray, I really need it at this time, i feel the same way, not knowing what to do or what way to turn. I have been struggling with my weight for sometime now, and that pray will help me make it through that and other issues going on in my life. So god bless you, you are an Angel.

I was so encouraged by this article, and the prayer was the answer to my prayer this year, and everything l am going through, and need to do. Thank you Lysa. This was confirmation. You have changed my life today! This spoke to me where nothing else has.

Thank you for such a beautiful reminder for us to never settle. My prayer for 2015 is that I would finally surrender completely to Jesus and relinquish my will to His so that I may trust fully in all that God is doing in my heart & in my life.

My prayer for 2015 is for me to be authentic to myself. As a Mom, worker, friend and child of God. To be comfortable with my choices not pressured out of my convictions. Thank you for all that you do and the Proverbs31 ministry. I gain so much strength and insight. It is a valuable resource to me.

I need to be unsettled. I need a God encounter that will change my life and the world of my family around. I am lost on many levels and need Him more than the words I write can reveal. Dear Lord, hear my cry and petition for my family and soul.

I love the way you can touch me with your words.

My prayer for this new year is keep God with me every step of the way. Whether it be to lose weight or to be a better wife/mom or just be Jesus to everyone I meet! We all share a loving Heavenly Father and I pray the whole world can know the warm comfort that his love is for us!

Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of another year. Please help me with my priorities and help me to spend my precious time and energy working on these areas in me and my family. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

My prayer for 2015. Is to have a healthy spirit and body. I want my heavenly father to be my stronghold,my foundation, my everything. I would love for my body to reveal for the first time in a very long time a Healthy me, inside and outside. Amen

God has opened my eyes to the fact that He wants to be included in EVERY aspect of our lives. I never realized just how much I have depended on myself to figure everything out on my own. Failure soon comes and disappointment along with it. My weight is one of those huge disappointments for me. I think every few years another few pounds come. I am ready to give up and invite Christ into this part of my everyday struggles.

Thanks Lysa. Your words hit me right where I needed it today!

Unsettle me! I lose sight sometimes because I too am always on task. My goal this year is to work on all my relationships, not to exclude the one with myself, which I certainly struggle with. Thank you for sharing your prayer.

Thank you for sharing your heart and conviction. It is inspiring and really shines hope in such a dark area of my life. I pray that God will unsettle me and use my testimony to encourage others as you have encouraged me

Lysa, your books are awesome and I find myself described to the tee quite often when reading them.

Most Kind and Gracious Father in Heaven Unsettle me, shake me, break me and make me. I am yours and I want to live a completely surrendered life for your purpose and a life that truly glorifies You Father. In the precious name of your one and only son Jesus I pray. Amen

My prayer for 2015. In the waiting may I seek You. In the no may I worship You. In the unexpected gifts may I give You all glory. In the hard places may I surrender my will. My deepest desire Lord is for you to be glorified in both my life and my families.

My prayer for 2015 is basically to change my heart so that I crave God and and his Word more than anything else and that I would be obedient to him, that it would transform me, and transform our home into one of love and grace!

LORD JESUS, I surrender all to You. My mind, my will, my emotions. May I become more and more like You each and every day. Give me an obedient heart. In JESUS Name, Amen.

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! :o)

That which is. Unsettled; easily moved, shaken , changeable. I surrender my heart to You my King. Unsettle all the areas of my life that You desire to transform in me so Your name is glorified in me so You will receive e the honor and praise You so deserve

Unsettle me and yet I am not quite sure what that would mean to me.I know that I do lose weight but can also quickly sabotage often because I lack self esteem. At 61 when will I learn? So God unsettle me.

I really like your prayer. Took a deep breath and said it with you. I hesitated at first, I think it this type of prayer takes a deep courage to surrender all our what we think as strong self defenses and be vulnerable, naked in front of God. I would rather find that fig leaf, LOL

I struggle daily with my weight. I desperately need to let go and allow God to work in me. I struggle daily with letting go. Your website and prayers have kept me going and feel encouraged many times when I am struggling

I have a healthy relationship with food. I crave healthy food, and I am pretty disciplined. I have never read this book because of this, but I would like to crave God, His word and all that he wants for me.

My prayer for this year is that God would continue to give me the strength I need to stay the course in my journey of healing. I pray that I would be bold in sharing my story for His glory, so that others would be encouraged to persevere through their own trials. And I thank him for the love and grace that He continues to pour lavishly into my life along the way.

My 22 year old daughter is experiencing the same struggles. Her weight gain fuels her depression and anxiety! I try to offer her encouragement, but I cant fix this for her. I forwarded your post to her!

My prayer is to be more intentional with my time and to be present in the moment. Days pass me by with much routine and without much thought. I want to be present with my family, at my job and with those I love.

My struggles is not with weight, but the weighing down of my situation. Struggles in my life at this moment are not to well in my marriage. We have pushed away a Lil on following Christ. So many ups and downs this past year. I just pray that this year we will be strengthened and focus on the future God has in store for us.

I spent the last ten years of my career teaching nutrition in a rural county in NC. I developed and managed a Health & Wellness program for the county employees. During those years I watched many citizens and county employees excitedly lose weigh only to gain it back and often more. We encouraged exercise and changing eating habits. I taught classes on what foods to eat and the benefits of exercise and did one-on-one counseling. Deep down I knew something was missing. After I retired, I began gaining two pounds a year, nine years and eighteen pounds later I realized I needed to get serious! I tried, lost a few pounds, stopped and then gained them back plus the two pounds.

I then combined a new faith based program developed in 2008, First Place 4 Health by Carole Lewis with the Weigh Down Diet. This had to work, two faith based plans! You already know what happen. The women attending the program experienced the same results.

I knew in my heart that I could not do this alone even with the information provided

in the programs. Then I was introduces to a third faith based program, Made To Crave, Satisfying Your Deepest Desire With God, Not Food by Lysa TerKeursten. We started with a 218 pages book on the spiritual component of weight loss. Now this was different! A light started flashing! It was followed up with the Made To Crave Action Plan. I never finished the program but I did lose eight pounds, stopped and gained three back. Then I was introduced to the Daniel Plan, 40 Days to a Healthier Life by Rick Warren. 152ee80cbc

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