O'Malley's Sports Pub (under that name) isn't quite three years old according to Elena Kadavny's blog post on this website, reporting the sale, remodeling, and renaming of what for some years had been Francesca's. Web Link That page includes comments from the new owner.

I fetched that post by typing O'Malley's in the Search box (toward upper right on this page). A search for "Dublin Inn" gave just a pointer to a late-2015 comment earlier on this same recollections page, signed by one Bill242 (same Bill who just asked?), saying 'two of the "old regulars" didnt believe me when I told them I thought [O'Malley's] had been the Dublin Inn before it was Francesca's. '

By the way, the tree diagram cited in the Nov. 14, 2015 comment above, showing "the true history of early Silicon Valley," does exist in durable forms. Versions of it (the tree got bigger with time) became posters or advertisements, and I encounter copies periodically. This was the family tree of the semiconductor industry, spawned by Fairchild Semiconductor after it spun off from Shockley Semiconductor (itself located in MV on San Antonio in the 1950s, subject of historical-article link that follows) -- the industry whose rapid succession of spin-off firms, even in its first 15 years, prompted journalist Don Hoefler in 1971 to write a series of historical articles about what he dubbed "silicon valley." That remained mainly an electronics trade term for decades, although by the 1990s, general journalism was using it for the geographical area. Only after it became a mainstream cliche did the various after-the-fact suppositions and misconceptions begin, wrongly associating the term's origin to this region's far longer history of technology firms, already underway by the 1930s (long before not just the semiconductor industry, but other technology firms such as Hewlett-Packard, which some people, especially around Palo Alto, like to conflate today with "silicon valley" origins). More details in a comment posted to this local 2012 article: Web Link

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