My Life with Anxiety and ADHD

Welcome to my blog!

Hi, my name is Amie. I have red hair, which isn't dyed, and I love people to notice. I love to play with my cats, ride my bike with my friends, and act in plays. When I was 6 years old I found that I have anxiety and ADHD.

In this blog, I am going to tell you how anxiety and adhd is, and how I feel. I want you to know how I interact with people and how my brain works.

I hope you love this blog as much as I do.

January 6th, 2020 - #3: Guts.

For this blog I wrote a review about this story, Guts, by Raina Telgemeier. I recorded my review, and it was used in a podcast. I would like you to read the review and listen to the podcast.

Thank you to Andy Rosen and Extra Scoops Podcast.

Here's the link to the podcast page:

Read it

I read the book Guts by Raina Telgemeier. And I LOVED it. It was interesting with juicy secrets and stories. I was very into this book because I could relate to it a lot. I was IN TO IT.

Raina is the main character. In this book she is in 4th and 5th grade. I am in 4th grade and I totally understand some of the things she is going through. She was a little bit afraid of some food because she was afraid to get sick and throw up.

Fear, fear is a hard thing. Just like Raina, I also had a fear of puke. Every day for a year or two, my stomach would hurt. I thought I might throw up. We tried a lot of things to make my stomach aches go away. Medicine. A hot pack, which did make me feel better by soothing my stomach aches but it did not make them go away. What did make my stomach aches go away was strategies from my therapist. She helped me realize that anxiety was causing my stomach aches.

Here’s some advice from my therapist. Anxiety makes me want to be SURE that I won’t throw up. But, she wanted me to remind myself that I might be sick, and I might not. That I might vomit, and I might not. But if I do, I won’t puke forever, it will pass. She wanted me to think about vomit until I wasn’t so afraid of it anymore. It worked! After a week I wasn’t afraid to have stomach aches anymore. (Sometimes it stays, sometimes it goes, but that’s just what I have to know)

Also, I like what her teacher Mr. Abrams says, sometimes people have their likes and dislikes. Which I agree with. One time at school, at lunch, I was sitting near two girls. They had pasta with mayonnaise. I was like EEEEWWW, and then they told on me. I didn’t do it on purpose. I felt like Raina in this situation. I mean, who has a salad with apples and walnuts and mayonnaise?! Even though sometimes things are gross, trying new things is good. Like Raina, she tried a new food at Jane’s house. Raina ended up having 6 helpings of dinner, which must have been delicious, if I can say so myself.

Michelle is a student who bullies Raina. I wonder why Michelle is so rude? She must have had some problems at her house. I think it must have been hard for her. She could have taken it all in, and pushed it out in her school. Sometimes anxiety pushes stuff out on another person. No one does it on purpose. But you can’t control other people, you can only control yourself. Mostly I think that she just wanted to have friends. She might have been lonely and just wanted attention.

I wish upon a shooting star that she would make a sequel to this story Guts because I want to know how Jane is doing after she moved. I want to know if Michelle has become kinder and nicer. I want to know if Raina makes more comics.

I mean, it’s such an amazing story, it really appeals to me. I like the comic style of the book. Other kids should read this book because every kid, no matter who you are, we can be kind and supportive of others. Just do your best. Don’t give up. Improve. Try. And if it’s hard to try, try anyway.

In conclusion, Bravo to Raina Telgemeier.

December 21st, 2019 - #2: Practice Makes Progress.

Doing something I feel I am terrible at doing makes me feel a little disappointed. I just want to show my class that I can do basketball because I feel I can't even play. All I can do is dribble, but I do not even get it in the hoop. I only did it once, but I should be able to do it a lot more. I have done it at recess, though. I feel like I'm not doing it right. And, I'm a little scared. What if it hits on me, what if it bonks my head?

But practice makes progress, and it's ok to not be the best at everything. We are all special.

When you just try your best and you do it again and again and again, you'll be greater at it, and you'll make more progress along the weeks. (See the image: lifting weights.) My goal is to be healthy and strong enough to carry groceries and a box of litter from the car. I want to make progress.

December 7th, 2019 - My First Blog: What gets my anxiety away.

Sometimes when I get anxious, some stuff I can do to lower my anxiety are to do things that I enjoy.

I am great at baking, and running and I love to care for babies.

I like baking because it is interesting. You can follow a recipe, make your own recipe, or watch shows about it. I love Kids Baking Championship on Food Network. I would love to be on that show when I am older. I made a cake for Thanksgiving which was delicious.

Running helps me throw my anxiety away. I like to run at recess and play tag, or do a race with my friends at school. You can play lots of games with running. It helps me to stay drama-free. Running makes me feel faster than everyone, and that makes me feel happy.

When I hold a baby it makes me feel caring and trustworthy. When a baby starts to cry, I give them back to their mother, or feed them a bottle. Then when I'm done burping them, and they are done spitting up, I like to bring them to go play with their toys. I like to hold the baby because they are so cute. I also love baby animals - tigers, sloths, anything. I even love babydolls. When I was little my favorite doll was a Merida doll. Being caring lowers my anxiety because there is no way to feel stressed. And the best way to not be stressed, is to not think about being stressed.