In Hispanic eyes, Atlantis had a more intimate interpretation. The land had been a colonial power which, although it had brought civilization to ancient Europe, had also enslaved its peoples. Its tyrannical fall from grace had contributed to the fate that had overtaken it, but now its disappearance had unbalanced the world. This was the point of view of Jacint Verdaguer's vast mythological epic L'Atlantida (1877). After the sinking of the former continent, Hercules travels east across the Atlantic to found the city of Barcelona and then departs westward again to the Hesperides. The story is told by a hermit to a shipwrecked mariner, who is inspired to follow in his tracks and so "call the New World into existence to redress the balance of the Old". This mariner, of course, was Christopher Columbus.[129]

The ploy obviously worked. In the second century CE, the Roman historian Plutarch mentioned the story in his Life of Solon. A hundred years earlier, the geographer Strabo considered the possibility that the part of the story might be genuine, and that a natural disaster inspired the downfall of Atlantis. Besides those few accounts, ancient sources rarely mentioned Atlantis. However, in the following centuries, the Atlantis myth sparked the imagination of many scholars and explorers.

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The Tale of Atlantis was, first and foremost, an allegory conceived by Plato to warn his contemporaries of the dangers to democracy. But, as is often the case with ancient myths, they are based on a sliver of truth: long-lost historical events immortalized as fanciful tales. The Bronze Age Collapse and the fall of the Mycenean civilization were reflected in stories about the Trojan War, told by Homer, while the once-mighty Minoans were immortalized in the legend of King Minos, the Labyrinth, and the Minotaur.

Atlantis is generally believed to be a fictional place. It was first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues, namely Timaeus and Critias, written around 360 BCE. Plato wrote about Atlantis as a moral lesson, using the island and its inhabitants as an example of the dangers of hubris and the eventual downfall of those who become too powerful. Because of this, most historians and scholars believe that the story of Atlantis was an allegory created by Plato, and thus the island does not exist and never did.

Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who is best known for his dialogues in which he discussed a wide range of philosophical and political ideas. In his works, Plato wrote about the island of Atlantis and its inhabitants as a moral lesson, using them to illustrate the dangers of hubris and the eventual downfall of those who become too powerful. Plato's dialogues are some of the earliest known written records of the story of Atlantis. He is considered the first person to have written about the island in a systematic and comprehensive way, and his works continue to be studied and discussed by philosophers, historians, and other scholars today.

In the dialogue Timaeus, Plato describes Atlantis as a "great and wonderful empire" that was "renowned in all parts of the world." He goes on to say that the Atlanteans were "proud of their great achievements and the perfection of their institutions." In the dialogue Critias, Plato describes how the pride of the Atlanteans ultimately led to their downfall. According to Plato, the Atlanteans became so confident in their own superiority that they began to believe they could conquer any nation they wanted. This led them to launch a series of aggressive military campaigns against their neighbors that ultimately resulted in their own destruction. After a series of battles, a coalition of the surrounding territories defeated the Atlanteans, and the island of Atlantis sunk beneath the sea, never to be seen again. Plato suggests that this was a punishment from the gods for the pride and arrogance of the Atlanteans.

Because of its disappearance, Atlantis is often referred to as the "lost city," a once-great civilization that has been lost to the sea. Despite many attempts to find the lost Atlantis city, its true location remains a mystery, and the story of the fall of Atlantis continues to captivate the imagination of people around the world.

Overall, Atlantis was believed to be a utopian society, one created by half-gods and a place where people lived harmoniously and prosperously, shielded by their defensive position and proclivity for war. However, this perfect society eventually came to an end. Plato used its tragic ending to demonstrate the downfall of utopias as compared to his ideal Republic, represented by ancient Athens.

The city of Atlantis is a fictional island nation mentioned in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Per Plato's account in his dialogues, the futuristic Atlantic Ocean-based civilization of Atlantis fell thousands of years ago, swallowed by the sea upon defeat in battle. The advanced architecture and technology of the city were lost as were Atlantis's powerful inhabitants. Most historians and scholars believe that the story of the fall of Atlantis was simply a myth created by Plato to teach a moral lesson and that the island never actually existed. However, some people believe that Atlantis was a real place and that the story told by Plato was based on historical events. However, there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of Atlantis, also known as "the lost city", as a historical place.

The effects of the eruption were limited to several years of cold summers and up to twenty years of environmental disruption in Germany. However, the lives of the local population, known as the Federmesser culture, were disrupted. Before the eruption, groups of people subsisted by foraging and hunting, using spears, bows, and arrows. According to archaeologists, after the eruption, the area most affected by the fallout, occupied by the Federmesser, appeared to be vacant. In contrast, populations in southwest Germany and France increased. Two new cultures emerged: the Bromme of southern Scandinavia and the Perstunian of northeast Europe. These cultures had a lower level of toolmaking skills than the Federmesser. The decline probably resulted from the catastrophe caused by the Laacher See volcano.

Volcanic deposits from the eruption dammed the Rhine River, creating a 140-square-kilometer lake. When the dam broke, the flood devastated the downstream areas. The volcanic ash fallout has been identified across more than 300,000 square kilometers, stretching from central France to northern Italy and Poland to southern Sweden. That makes it a useful tool for the chronological correlation of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental soil layers across the area.

Evelyn Brown, 7th in her class, is the daughter of Wendy and Timothy Brown. She will be attending Wentworth Institute of Technology in the fall to major in architecture and planning. Evelyn has received the Presidential Award her freshman year and Honor Society for the remaining three years. She participated in mock trial and film club. She was the girls varsity volleyball captain and setter. Evelyn was a volunteer for CCI and local libraries as well as working a part time job. She will pursue her ambition of owning her own architecture firm in the future.

The fall in consciousness in Atlantis occurred over thousands of years. Atlanteans fell from a high state of consciousness, from the sixth to the third dimension. It was part of the Master Blueprint and plan. The fall to the lower realms placed humanity on a duality consciousness grid where ego and judgment thrive.

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According to mythological accounts, the city of Atlantis fell as the people became greedy and immoral, which angered the gods, who sent them a night of fire and earthquakes that led to the city being drowned. According to researchers, the cause of its fall was also a terrible earthquake which swallowed the civilization in no time.

Excerpt: In my study of Speyeria distribution (Moeck, 1957; Grey & Moeck, 1962; Grey, Moeck & Evans, 1963) it was found desirable to determine the degree of mobility of the individuals in a population of Speyeria atlantis (Edwards). For this study I selected an isolated population of atlantis along a tributary of Horse Creek on the eastern slope of the South Laramie Range, some 17 or 18 miles northwest of Laramie. The specimens along this tributary were dark and well silvered, closely approaching the typical "appalachian" form in the Black Hills. This colony, furthermore, was the only population of atlantis found in about four parallel tributaries of Horse Creek. By the term "appalachian" Grey and I refer to the "parent stock" of the species, ranging in the East from the Maritime Provinces to West Virginia and westward toward the Great Lakes. 006ab0faaa

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