W e l c o m e,  p l e a s e  e n j o y  o u r  W e b  S i t e,  a s  i t ' s  u p d a t i n g  -  S E P T   2 0 2 3

PhytoCannas as Rational Evidence-based Neutraceuticals

MX:(D)ERP Basis for investigation, strategy, & intervention

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FurBabyMD for Canines

PhytoCannas linked to beneficial health outcomes

FurBabyMD programs investigate how and which MX:Profile OleoResins support our best friend’s health and identify potentials for ResearchGrade resins that may have a significant impact on wellbeing and quality of life. A Canine’s EndoCannabinoid System (ECS) manages crucial health systems across an important spectrum of mental, dermal, digestive, immune, circulation, neural, and oncological health. The Canine’s ECS facilitates effective health and mental health systems when supported by tunes PhytoCannas.

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Products for a GreatDay 

Effective Coping & Thriving Despite Stress

EndoCannas are released on demand, adrenaline-esk in times of stress, disease, and energy imbalances within regulatory and repair systems—CB1 & CB2 Receptors also appear on damaged tissues. There are many forms of acute stress, however, chronic, and distributed stress from the modern pace of work-life-family life imbalance is new—over the last 100yrs—for humans who evolved over the last 4billion years... GreatDay products use unique ResearchGrade pC OleoResins that perform consistently within large populations.

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Drug Effectiveness Review 

Curate Potential Effects

EndoCannas–medicinal molecules created by humans–and plant  PhytoCannas collaborate and allow important health and mental health functions in the body. Unlike synthetic drugs, cannabinoids are not poisons (LD50 = 1000+, recognized as safe beyond measure) vs. pharmaceuticals (LD50 <150 to <10, recognized as poisonous to very poisonous). Cannabinoids also enjoy a unique native receptor system in the body, an extremely beneficial synergy poison could never utilize. Most of the protocols that evaluate medicines, investigate their poisonous levels and addiction impact, again PhytoCannas, have neither of these attributes and are difficult for a poison-based system to evaluate as if they were poisonous.

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FurBabyMD for Equestrians

Synergistic Outcomes

PhytoCannas—the medicinal workhorses from cannabis plants—sustain the systems that heal and deal with stress. Animals span a wide range of heartiness, and the ones we love aren’t always rock-solid with their health resiliency. Like their human counterparts, stress and strange stimuli can over-max their ability to cope and maintain control. It’s normal to become overloaded, it’s less normal to remain overloaded. Taxing EndoCannabinoid production with sustained stressors is not healthy and health systems suffer.

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MX:Scale Project

Clarify. Classify. Communicate.

The MX:Scale Project is a scientific evolution to quantify the potentials, consistencies, and efficacious applications of cannabis as an intentional therapeutic capable of evidence-based nutraceutical outcomes. Frustrated by the overwhelming ignorance and idiots in weed, the project resets and sheds the moronic basis all weed propaganda totes as if consumers are gullible. The Project starts with molecular dynamics and receptor affinity per Structure-activity Relationships. 

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Observational Clinic & Outcome

Powerful Personalized Nutraceuticals

Cannabis as an intentional therapy does not require claims, it does not need to violate FDA rules, protocols, or laws. Cannabinoids are not poisons (LD50=1000+, recognized as safe beyond measure), whereas poisons (LD50 <150 to <10, recognized as poisonous to very poisonous) need careful control because the FDA pipeline to medicine focuses on poison metrics and addiction model impact. Most FDA-type investigations do not address cannabis-type molecular mechanics; however, this does not negate Cannabis and its OleoResin mixtures from having effects. It means the FDA classifies poisons for medical use and cannabis not a poison, the models, outcomes, and premises are fundamentally different.

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for Felines

Dose for Useful Outcomes

Does the water component in a patient’s weight impact the efficacious application of cannabis as a therapeutic? Does it change the dose required for effect? These and other questions are germane when we’re able to help our itty’ bitty’ bestist’ babies. They’re small and absolutely important to us, our lives, and our health. The health and mental health benefits of Cannabis OleoResins should be explored, because our fur babies are just more than a +1 in our families.

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Connected BioPersonalized Data & Outcomes

Medical claims aren’t necessary for Cannabis to be effective. Cannabis isn’t a poison (LD50 = 1000+, recognized as safe beyond measure). Poisons (LD50 <150 to <10, recognized as poisonous to very poisonous) ride a razor’s edge between helpful and harmful. Increasing the dose of PhytoCannas changes the overall bing coefficients of the resin matrix, it does not increase the Therapeutic:Lethal dose ratio, because cannabis is not poisonous.

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MXResearch Programs &
Tech Dev

Consistent Evidence-based Effects

In 2009, the MX team explored cannabis as an intentional therapeutic and quickly drowned in the same sea of spurious claims; horrific allegations; ignorance of Medicine and Science; grandiose claims of miracles and testimonies; drug-war propaganda; strain name hype; unscrupulous practices; and… well, the same propaganda flurry you see today. Colorado-based seizure freedom, Soft Drink-Cereal-Rapper-Rocker-Smell-Imagery strain names, lifestyle brands validating the best weed… the problem from our vantage was the looking at the molecules that make up Cannabinoid OleoResins.

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MX Programs Respect the Phyto-Cannabinoid OleoResin Incredible Advantages

MX:Profile Oleoresin mixtures are solutions to solve problems and facilitate effects–they are the missing and supporting resources for the endocannabinoid system to function. 

When Cannabinoid OleoResins demonstrate useful effects for an emotional, immune, and/or neurological system, they set themselves apart from pharmaceuticals because they’re natural, safe, and effective. ResearchGrade OleoResins are important, complex, and unique. 

ResearchGrade resin potentials are pilfered by Big Weed and Pharma pushing singularized Cannabinoids—the high %THCs and %CBDs—despite ineffective outcomes and unacceptable paradoxical effects—fast heart rate or pounding heartbeat, seizure (convulsions), fainting, unusual thoughts or behavior, or mental/mood changes (such as nervousness, hallucinations, abnormal thoughts, extreme fear, or paranoia), transaminase elevations, infections, rash, harm to fetus; despite endless hype, miraculous claims, and ridiculous propaganda. 

Pushing %THC and %CBD is proof Big Institutions don’t understand cannabis and have no respect for Cannabinoid OleoResins, trading hype and pricing for effects and well-being.

What makes it Medicinal?

Structure-Activity Relationships, SAR... Single interactions within a Concert of Potentials

The Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) is the relationship between the nutraceutical's molecular structure and its biological activity. This idea was first presented by Crum-Brown and Fraser in 1865. 

The analysis of SAR enables the determination of the molecular group responsible for evoking a target biological effect in the organism. This allows modification of the effect or the potency of a bioactive compound by changing its chemical structure or interaction with the receptor–poly modulation. Medicinal chemists use the model to simulate molecular groups into the biomedical compounds and test the modifications for their biological effects. 

MX:Profile OleoResins leverage the poly-modulated interactions via SAR of cannabinoids within a spectrum of molecular shapes and their concert of receptor affinities providing SAR interactions linked to support, effect, and outcomes.

pK Pharmacokinetics

How an organism affects a drug

PharmacoKinetics (Ancient Greek pharmakon “drug” and kinetikos “moving, putting in motion”; is a branch of pharmacology apportioned to determine the fate of substances administered to a living organism. The substances of interest can include any chemical xenobiotic such as: pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, food additives, cosmetics, etc. pK attempts to analyze chemical metabolism and to discover the fate of a chemical from the moment it is administered to when it is eliminated from the body. 

PharmacoKinetics is the study of how an organism affects a drug. Without a lethal dose limit, Cannabinoids and their concentration behave differently, because they are not poisonous. Cannabinoid dosing affects the overall competition at the receptor, thus the available resources. Increasing the dose can effectively singularize the spectrum of resources and solutions toward a monolithic makeup that intoxicates but does not perform more important and useful functions. More is not more, a model for poison, in cannabis, more is less, is ignorant, and ruins cannabis as a therapeutic resource. 

Pushing %THC and %CBD is proof Big Weed and Big Pharma do not understand cannabis.

pD Pharmacodynamics

How a drug affects an organism

PharmacoDynamics is the study of a drug’s molecular, biochemical, and physiologic effects or actions. It comes from the Greek words “pharmakon,” meaning “drug,” and “dynamikos,” meaning “power.” PharmacoDynamics refers to the relationship between drug concentration at the site of action and the resulting effect, including the time course and intensity of therapeutic and adverse effects. The effect of a drug present at the site of action is determined by that drug’s binding with a receptor. 

Pharmacodynamics is the study of how a drug affects an organism. Cannabinoid OleoResins perform differently than medicine because they are more than one molecule, the molecules have different affinity for the receptor, and they lack lethality and its subsequent paradoxical effects and pharmacoVigilance risks. Because of the spectrum of affinities, dose changes the molecules that interact with the available receptor, meaning the resin effects change with dose. 

This means more is not more, and dosing must take address the concert interfacing with the EndoCanna Receceptor requesting support.

MX:Methods - Cannabis Solved!

MXGXLabs, Genomic Laboratory Operations

MXGroLabs, Growsite Cultivation Laboratories

MXAgLabs, BioMass Process Laboratories

MXXLabs, OleoResin Purification Laboratories

MXPLabs, Product Blending & Compounding Laboratories

The Trouble with THC... & CBD

Δ9-THC is 1 of the 87 THCs. CBD(5) is 1 of the 28 CBDs in Cannabis… 

%THC, %CBD, & THC :CBD Ratios are spurious, ridiculous over simplified propaganda. Big Weed pushes all THC and no CBD as expensive, and also all CBD and no THC as expensive, but actually, it means, neither is useful, long proven by the colossal failure of Big Pharma’s monolithic Drobinol, Epidolex, and Sativex products. Big Weed keeps pumping simple access as their value proposition (the value proposition for the illegal markets) because they don’t understand weed, nor how it works, much less cannabis as an intentionally functional substance. 

A cannabinoid functions because 3 important attributes come together. The cannabinoid shakes creating vibrations because of its structure–Geometry. A part of the molecule can transmit the result of the vibration into a receptor using a chain of carbons—Ligand. Geometry and Ligand work together to create a working Structure-activity Relationship–SAR— which allows the Cannabinoid to enter the receptor. If a cannabinoid enters the receptor, the third part creates the potential, at 3, 5, or 7 carbons deep in the receptor–Receptor Geometry. 

The Cannabinoid has a Ligand that ranges from 1 to 7 carbons long. For 413 different cannabinoids competing based on their SAR ability with the Receptor Geometry. The science of medicinals and how they create medicinal action is why Δ9-THC isn’t responsible for the propaganda for being high (Intoxicated and Stoned) and why CBD doesn’t bind to the EndoCanna Receptors. The basis for Big Weed and the Weedlers pushing Δ-THCs and CBD is incorrect at all levels, customers never know what their weed will do, and it’s because first Big Weed is wrong, and their sources are constantly changing.

413 Cannabinoids... not 2.

12 Master Geometries, 7 Depths of Transmission, 2 States, 59 unique Vibrations

Assuming two PhytoCannas can replace, six or 413 is Big Pharma’s plan and Big Weed is copying an asinine belief in pure propaganda, ridiculous. It is easily argued that Drobinol and its ineffectiveness is the basis for medical cannabis programs. The ineffectiveness of CBD is based on the molecular mechanics of medicine. Combining two losers in equal weight proportion despite a 4:1 count ratio, is a terrible strategy for an efficacious medicine, unless… you were trying to show how ineffective cannabis is, and wanted to justify a proprietary ligand capable of clinically-relevant results. And it would have worked, except for several pesky realities… 

The first is the Endocannabinoid Receptor system, it’s specialized and very selective, and finicky (it doesn’t even allow all the PhytoCannas to interact). The second is the Cannabinoid ligand, simple but easily influenced by the larger molecular geometry. The third is the capability at the individual receptor and the surface at large to facilitate poly-modulation, based on on-demand requests for geometric support. Nature crafted an elegant and dynamic problem-solution-outcome ecosystem. Replacing the entirety of the Cannabinoid system, with two overly hyped cannabinoids, is even more moronic than trying to replace all of the music, the entire documented and undocumented history of music with two of the most annoying notes… an unfathomably terrible and idiotic idea Big Pharma, Big Weed, and their Weedlers hope can happen. 

MX:Programs are just not that stupid because people deserve the efficacious application of cannabis… we’ve all waited long enough.

Pushing %THC & %CBD

Destroying the benefits of cannabis

MX catalogs PhytoCanna Oleoresins as nutraceuticals, allowing for synergy, treating MX:Profiles as they are capable of evidence-based therapeutics. This is the opposite of the Big Weed and Big Pharma poison based-models. 

Cannabis is not a poison, LD50 = 1000+, it’s recognized as unmeasurable safe, unique, and very important. Singularizing Cannabis by composition or through dosing destroys the benefits cannabis may have. Cannabis OleoResins may provide a spectrum of 413 different medicinal molecules. Big Pharma and Big Weed’s attempt to reduce 419 to 2 has not been useful. Although discovered first, the Δ9-THC-C5 molecule doesn’t imply it’s the most important of the 419, it’s not, not close. In 1985 Big Pharma pushed Δ-THC as if it had the abilities of the full spectrum of cannabis. The results were pathetic, painful, and disastrous for patients. 

The Big Pharma shortcut justified the 2016 Compassionate Investigational New Drug Program to grow and send university-grown marijuana to seven patients who applied. The failed university program inspired state-level Medical Marijuana Programs, where growers produced cannabis driven by patients with specific needs through personal relationships. MMP bad-actors and their diversion encouraged state legislators to explore legalization but instead of legalizing cannabis they legalized illegal market operations instead, ruining cannabis as a resource, and they pushed %THC and %CBD. 

Bogus propaganda flooded the media, as special interest groups with ownership in CBD companies promoted CBD, a cannabinoid class that does not bind to the EndoCanna Receptors. The EndoCannabinoid System is the most important advantage cannabis has, native and powerful. The EndoCanna Receptor system is a major regulatory network within the neurological and immune systems. Diminishing its core regulatory role is an unmeasurable mistake. 

Pushing THC and CBD diminishes the EndoCanna System’s role. Big Weed pushes CBD, a hoax, that allows special interests to make endless and spurious claims without medical action because it lacks intoxication–a placebo. However, awful actors, opportunistic turf grabbers, and ignorant drug war propaganda have stifled the benefit spectrum tuned cannabinoids have for users whose supplemented endocannabinoid systems. When Big Weed promotes %THC and %CBD they mimic the myopic mistakes Big Pharma has already made. Pushing weed, the worst of weed ruins the best, safe, and most capable nutraceuticals we have found. 

The model to manage cannabis as an intentional evidence-based therapeutic rest in nutraceutical models capable of accounting for natural synergies and supplementation, not poison-based medicine models that require identifying acceptable therapeutic-lethal dose ratios. Big Weed and Big Pharma require an oversimplified product to push, not a synergistic solution to optimize.,

Ask the Basic Questions…

Hype, hype, hype, Best, best, best! …so, why does my weed always seem to change?

The value proposition Big Weed pushes is Access, to Being High. Thousands of companies, billions of dollars, millions of advertisements… and they can’t even do it right. Random versions of intoxication, drifting potencies, %THC/CBD, and spurious beliefs behind their claims… It’s as far as 400,000 years to get weed right has gotten weedlers. Why? The lack of lethality, allows pushers to push false, everything. Despite the entire industry and their ultimate attempt to ruin cannabis, it still exists. The chemistry of cannabis as an intentional therapeutic capable of evidence-based outcomes exists. 

Binge-dosing cannabis using a poison-based model–assuming more is more–is why the cannabis market fails consumers. It fails because Big Weed isn’t better, it isn’t delivering health and benefit potentials. Look at the markets, fully funded, venture-backed companies still pushing Access–the value proposition of the illicit market for Weedlers. The value proposition, and randomized sources, fail. The promise of miracle cures in general and the cannabis miracles specifically is why Weedler-claim's spread quickly. But weedlers do not understand cannabis as a useful tool, it also creates the failure cycle. 

Cannabis is not poisonous (LD50=1000+ generally recognized and unmeasurably safe) and that’s why it's not necessary for Big Weed to take it seriously, without lethality, why should they take cannabis seriously. The reason is you, the consumer, who benefits from the significant therapeutic capabilities cannabis could bring you.

Big Weed intentionally Way-Over-Promise and Way-Under Deliver. There is no return policy for weed that doesn’t do what the counter person claims it does. Weedler customer services end at telling you what you want to hear, so you’ll just buy what's in the bag… new weed, same as the old weed.

Cannabis is inconsistent because %THC, %CBD, %Terpenes do not translate to effect, but all weed will get you high. Binge-dosing weed prevents the benefits cannabis can provide you, including consistently high. This frustrating loop is the inspiration behind the MX:Scale Project, to Clarify, Classify, and Communicate the clinically relevant outcome and evidence-based outcomes cannabis is capable of. If cannabis can, why doesn’t it.

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MX:85% Useful OleoResins

2 Master Receptor Categories, 3 Depths of Reception, Specialized for Cannabinoids ... not poisons. 

The MX:Scale Project facilitates data curation including efficacisous and  pharmacoConsistancy  (pC) metrics. The project audits OleoResins across large populations and it reports utilitarian effects throughout the dose range. PhytoCanna OleoResins originating within a consistent source and superior pC may be elevated to clinically-relevant commercial resin candidates because they are natural, robust, and safe (LD50=1000+, generally recognized as unmeasurably safe). 

MX:+85% OleoResins do not benefit from FDA-type claims because the pharmacoKinetic/pharmacoDynamic effect over time data is does not require claims to function. Consistent and easily identified, the user doesn’t need claims, the result of superior overall Phyto- and Endo- Cannabinoid collaboration with the EndoCannabinoid Receptor system can be reported by the user. 

The Native with Native on Native (NNN) system synergy results in a significant benefit for consumers and elevates their expectations of cannabis, beyond random intoxication intensities. Cannabinoids compete for their interaction with EndoCanna Receptors; as they bind with the receptor they're hydrolyzed-destroyed (metaphor: musical notes depositing their energy on the eardrum and then gone, PhytoCannas are not persistent. Cannabinoids work together, they work against, block each other, and complement each other (a symphony of yins and yangs) this creates a dynamic and nuanced pK/pD response, however, unlike poisons, the number of cannabinoids remaining, may change the overall pK/pD response. The response is either uber-consistent across 85% or more of the population, or they are not. Products consistent with more than 85% of the population become candidates for consumer products, the other stay within the research models. Claims are not needed.

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MX:OCO Walkthru

MX:OCO clinical programs investigate clinically relevant outcomes.

Pharmaceutical models fail cannabis because cannabis (LD50=1000+, generally recognized as unmeasurably safe) is not a poison (LD50 <150 to <10, recognized as poisonous to very poisonous) and there isn’t a Therapeutic to Lethal Dose Ratio to evaluate. Yet cannabinoids are the size, weight, and configured as a therapeutic class of molecules, a unique class with the specific geometry and polarity for interaction with the EndoCanna Receptor System. 

The MX:OCO starts with the chemistry of cannabis–synergistic molecular mechanics; nuanced receptor affinities; and natural poly- to poly-modulation interactions. The MX:Edu program lays the MX:OCO Program out. It summarizes the program first, so candidates can decide if the program seems initially aligned with their objectives. When moving forward is a rational and intelligent decision, the program will review volunteered medical records to identify root causality and primary pathways involved with the diagnosis. If the project merits further investigation, the information transfer outlines the Lean Medicinal plan addressing the specific strategy is identified. 

The intake process transitions to the actual MX:OCO program and overall quality of life assessment is conducted. There are never obligations to remain in the program, no Patient NDAs are presented because there are no outcome claims or placebos. Independent physicians determine program outcomes–your specialists and physicians. The MX:Programs do not provide outcome assessment, eliminating bias, and allowing crucial negative feedback to shape the effectiveness of the program. This critical approach is effective because PhytoCannabinoids enjoy a significant benefit with their synergy with the EndoCannabinoid System. The MX:OCO project is not simple, but can be clearly laid out to ensure transparent rational processes, and mapped before any program is initiated. Transparency within the MX:OCO program is key to consistent and sustainable outcomes.

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Minimum Most Effective Dose

Cannabis is not a poison, a low modulator, and not persistent at the Cannabinoid receptors...

The Structure-Activity Relationship chemistry and the MX:Scale Project molecular mechanics models reveal increasing the dose of cannabis does not effectively deliver the potential results a cannabis OleoResins may provide, because cannabinoids (LD50=1000+, generally recognized as unmeasurably safe) are not poisons (LD50 <150 to <10, recognized as poisonous to very poisonous). With cannabinoids, more is not more… more is different, singularizing, and generally less effective. 

Increasing the OleoResin load influences the PhytoCanna interfacing with the EndoCanna Receptor System (ECRS), and the resin interaction results and wellness outcomes because cannabinoids compete for receptor interactions. Increasing the dose of cannabinoid load singularizes–reducing the potential–the cannabinoids that can interact with the EndoCannabinoid Receptors (ECR). Singularization overrides the nuance and diminishes the overall benefit a PhytoCanna spectrum may bring users who could benefit from the advantages achieved from Cannabinoid OleoResins binding to the ECRS. 

The Plant-based Nutraceutical Cannabinoid OleoResins leverage a specialized relationship with the ECRS. The ECRS duality supports both immune and neurological systems. It supports efficacious responses to emotional and disease stress vectors, allowing specific systems to cope with the disease pressures and energy imbalance. Cannabinoid-receptor interactions are brief, and fleeting, so much that EndoCannas directly reference bliss–anandamide- instead of long-lasting persistent interactions, because they participate instantaneously. 

What this means is more is not more with cannabis, and putative poly-modulations–unlike and very different than poisons.  Cannabis effectiveness is tied to PhytoCanna delivery, they compete for receptor availability and interactions... Using a music metaphor—with 3 eardrums (Receptor Reception Depths)—and the notes (PhytoCanna  Structure/Geometries) delivering their structure-based frequencies into the receptor (the music’s depth of reception) creates a response (perception of music). The energetic transmission manifests (how the song makes you feel in vs. to how you felt before the music) the signal transmitted within the ECS regulatory system. 

Highly oversimplified, you're system begins to enjoy the tune! ...or it doesn't. If you crank the music up, eventually you stop the ability to distinguish music from overwhelming sound, as the individual notes are outcompeted by the most powerful notes, pounding, singular, saturated sound… and you’re ripped, high, intoxicated, and far past a useful response. 

Without toxicity, your body can still attempt rejection because massive dose loads and singularization overcome with only the most aggressive binders may result in a poison-type response rejecting foreign over-delivered frequencies and Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome. CHS is associated with ridiculously large doses of CBD and CBG class cannabinoids with a molecular affinity for receptors is ridiculously poor. Although the CBD and CBG class PhytoCanns are crucial to plant Cannabinoid production, their geometry does not extend the delivery ligand and does not transmit the foreign PhytoCanna frequencies. 

As such, increasing their population 2.42x10^22 fold, overcomes their inability by statistically overcoming delivery with a frequency unfamiliar to the ECRS… the foreign response, elicits an interpreted as-a-poison response, and violent-damaging vomiting may occur.

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Expectations for Cannabis

Cannabis expectations are low, everything is changed and obliterates its powerful potential.  

Expectations of the results of cannabis as an intentional therapeutic should be the most of any neutra- or pharma-ceutical. Nothing has more diversity, and nothing has the greatest super advantage, the putative EndoCannabinoid Receptor System—awesome, safe, and natural. Big weed ruins the Cannabis potential and its unbelievable advantage. Changing the grower, the terroir, nutrients, processes, harvest and curation parameters, storage and processing change the chemistries of cannabis. Changing the genomic starts, the strain names, and test samples add to unmeasurable chaotic randomness. The randomizing Big Weed does to the supply chain, does not make cannabis poisons, but it does defeat and hide the OleoResin potentials from users. From simply saturated intoxication resulting from binge use, based on poison applications to retrograde signaling capable of returning bad actor health system to homeostatic operations, to enhanced coping to ongoing stress processing that reduces fatigue and refreshes mental health potentials… Big Weed randomizes cannabis back to stoned, the least useful effects, and poison-based dosing, robbing users of the consistent enjoyment, usefulness, and spectrum of results they could get, but don’t. The Weedlers in Big Weed push weed as if they’re pushing meth, more-more-more… a terrible thing to do to users and the plant that holds so much more potential and promise, locked away because of the Top Weedlers pushing drugs. MX programs are not a fan of the illicit drug trafficking organizations, Big Weed has spoken, they want drugs. MX wants results that benefit clients' lives, well-being, and quality of life, especially when cannabis can assist in those expectations.

Hemp vs Cannabis

All cannabis is capable of low or non-detectable levels of THC, despite what Big Weed's leading Weedlers mislead people with. THC is within the second generation of cannabinoids defrived from the initial class, CGG. THC siblings are the CBD and CBC class cannabinoids (Three 2nd Gen Cannabinoid classes). Nutrients, Terroir, and physical manipulation can alter THC production, much more so than the genetics do. Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis are more legacy terms from the illicit market. Testing for these cannabinoids is jerry rigged because they include the weight of fiber. Big Weed just doesn't know what cannabis is, loves to smoke it, and assumes the more you use the more you must know. We don't rate doctors by how much oxy they slam, it's the wrong metric.

CB1 & CB2 Receptor Strategy

Receptors receive a vibrational signal from medicinal molecules. Cannabis medicinals are special.
The Medicinal molecules made by the cannabis plant can simulate the coiled form of Cannabis type molecules made in the body--EndoCannabinoids. These plant -made medincals have a massive advantage over all other medical molecules because of a native system of receptors mamals have--the EndoCannabinoid System. This receptor system is found among the periphial and central nervous system tissues--Type 1 EndoCannabinoid Receptors, CB1. When tese receptors are found in the microglia and to a lessor extend the central nervous tissue they make up the CB2 counterparts to the CB1 receptors. It is these CB1 and CB2 reseptors that interact with Cannabis medicinals. Big Weed dealers ignore how cannabis works with the push THC and CBD... the reason cannabis doesn't work for regular people, but does for the Binge users who just want to be high, and the reason despite being a very effective medicinal, does not generally and regularly help cannabis users to prevent disease... and considering the EndoCannabinoid system advantage, the mis-use and mis-application of cannabis even worse. 

Geometry, Reach, & Binding

Cannabinoids aren't the best at addressing superficial symptomology, and it makes sense.
Cannabinoids have the EndoCannabinoid system, like rails for a train, or the electrical system overlaying a city, cannabinoids enjoy a significant and natural advantage. The strategy for an effective application a cannabis product or therapy must include the obvious... PhytoCannabinoids supplement the EndoCannabinoids and the mixture interacts, competes, and synergizes with the type 1 and type 2 receptors in the EndoCannabinoid system. Think 450 notes across 12 octaves depositing frequencies on two types of triple depth eardrums, so we can strive to derive your system's favorite jam. Plant-based Nutraceuticals target root causes, putting things back as they are supposed to be. So Simple ;)

Random Problems

If you change EVERYTHING about cannabis, you get a different cannabis product, and effect.
It's easier to just recognize everything Big Weed Weedler mouth peices say about cannabis is wrong, all wrong. Pick a name, then change the grower, plant, the grow technique, grow conditions, area of the plant, harvest conditions, cure techniques, storage, and maybe stay with chemicals for taste and flavor... and you have.  a different cannabis, you have micro vintages constantly changing. This is the fundelmental problem in Big Weed products, they change everything and all the time. Imagine your pharmacist or even a drug dealer randomly changing what they give you every time.


Solutions for stablity Standard, Research Grade,and  Clinical Cannabis

Testing 6/413... is an "F"

Testing cannabis applies a version of science to a reality that ends up canceling the science. Throwing a lot of science words at users, politicians, and farmers creates a TL;DR effect--Infomation overload. The illusion of sceince and data, but the only think known is that the readings you see have nothing to do with the actual chemistry. Every single lab knows this, they all know the Potency test is spurious, false, a scam they happily charge hefty prices for, encouraging multiple tests, all of which are useless, but the illusion of science. The simple fact is, the top, middle, bottom, left, right of the plant are all different, The high spot in the field, the low spot, the sunside, the north side, and all sides are different, even those they test for 6 cannabinoids (out of 450) they still don't get it right (GC doesn't either, btw). Because the COA data is bunk, often tests are not run or run correctly, because High number mean money, and low numbers mean legality, so you see what they want you to pay for. Big Weed knows you don't know, they joke about it, and instead of creating a testing system that keep the illegal markets alive. 

MXResearch Programs

 Solutions to bad data

Cannabis Explains Yin & Yang

The 2900 BCE Emperor Fu Hsi, is credited with bringing civilization to China and made references to “Ma” a word for Cannabis, noting Cannabis was a very popular medicine that possessed both yin and yang. 2700 BCE Emperor Shen Nung--The father of Chinese Medicines and herbalists--rediscovered the healing properties of Cannabis with two other mainstays of Chinese herbal medicine, ginseng and ephedra. The focus was on its powers as a medication for rheumatism, menstrual problems, gout, malaria, and, absent-mindedness. 

Poison v. Lethal

Poisons causes injury, illness, or death, especially by chemical means, they have lethal amounts tied to the weight of the organism, like the LD50 and LD20 metrics. Poison metrics help the government and pharmaceutical companies identify ranges where a benefit vs destruction ratio is acceptable for medicines. Medicines are high modulators. Low LD50 metrics range from above zero to 150 for dangerous poisons. Materials with LD50 over 1,000 or estimated because the are generally safe, are not considered poisons. Lethality is the ability to cause or capable of causing death, materials can cause death outside being a poison, through intoxication, misuse, or poor decision making. Cannabis can be lethal but still not poison when used stupidly, converting a very safe nonpoisonous substance into an accomplice through poor decisions around motor vehicles, mindlessness, and false sense of control, when used like Big Weed, pushes its binge use. Please be smarter than the Weedlers pushing their random weed by hyping the more-more-more poison-type use model. Cannabis didn't synergize with the human EndoCannabinoid system over the last 100,000year to be used like a jerk. Be safer and smarter than the people who are trying to take advantage of you.   

MX:Clinical Methods - Cannabis Solved!





Distrupting Big Weed

The Cannabis law is wrong, not commensurate with what Cannabis is, its potential, its safety factors, its synergy, the bad law for cannabis was a horse trade for a law meant for tobacco. Uber regulation and the most extreme illegal status encourages brave people who want to risk it all to promote weed. They love it, all of all the kinds, and because of this innovative adopter mindset, have the lowest expectation of weed... access. Access is the value proposition. The randomness prevents a more valuable and useful approach to cannabis, because hyping access drives Big Weed. Big Weed isn't helping people who could significantly benefit from cannabis if they could trust the suppliers, growers, extractors, and sellers. 

Poisons vs NonPoisonious

Synethetic and monolithic drugs are not compatico with humans, and their leathality and impact on addiction models give them their effectivess--the dose makes the poison--because they are poisons. Poisons need clear guidlines, addictive substances need clear guidelines to manage their destructiveness. Cannabinoids are not poisons, and have a major synergistic advantage because of the EndoCannabioid system. Managing non-poisons as if they are posions prevents the efficatious evaluations, because the super-majority of effort and cost is spent on quantifying a leathalty that isn't present. Cannabis has been with us since 3500BCE look how much Big Weed and Big Pharma  knows given 5,000 years, to come up to speed. The lack of lethality and zero impact on addiction models has deincentived efficaious investigations into cannabis as an intentional medicinal. (No LD20s/LD50s makes applying for FDA pipelines an issue, b/c no LDs is such a red flag, since everthting kills... except canna.)


Synethetic and monolithic drugs are not compatico with humans, and their leathality and impact on addiction models give them their effectivess--the dose makes the poison--because they are poisons. Poisons need clear guidlines, addictive substances need clear guidelines to manage their destructiveness. Cannabinoids are not poisons, and have a major synergistic advantage because of the EndoCannabioid system. Managing non-poisons as if they are posions prevents the efficatious evaluations, because the super-majority of effort and cost is spent on quantifying a leathalty that isn't present. Cannabis has been with us since 3500BCE look how much Big Weed and Big Pharma  knows given 5,000 years, to come up to speed. The lack of lethality and zero impact on addiction models has deincentived efficaious investigations into cannabis as an intentional medicinal. (No LD20s/LD50s makes applying for FDA pipelines an issue, b/c no LDs is such a red flag, since everthting kills... except canna.)

I t ' s  u p d a t i n g  -  May 2 0 2 3

Traditional Bing Use

Binge use of any substance is an abusive construct for poison based medicinals… but not non-poisonous cannabis, a low modulator (more is not more) and not persistent at the receptor interface (overdosing reduces a matrix of nutraceutical Oleoresins with uber-synergies with great potential into a monolithic substance without synergy, ie. Δ9-THC–Marinol). Big Weed recreates the poison approach to weed by pushing giant doses of Δ9-THC and CBD… examples of colossal failures, and the reason for medicinal marijuana programs, trying to counter acted such stupid ideas and decisions to rape cannabis as a theraputic into an isolate capable of no benefit. Turning the doses of Δ9-THC and CBD far into binge type dosing, has found Cannabidiois and Negative effects of benign substances in the epidiolex trials. Binging cannabis is a pointless abuse of a safe substances, and subjects the endocannabinoid receptors to vibrational transmissions the receptors never developed with, and the results are migraines, violent poison-expulsive vomiting, and allergic response because the intense monlicic vibrational transmissions never evolved with humans, and the ECS is overloaded. Users don’t die, but the Weedlers Pushing binge use obliterate the benefit cannabis could have provided, with a compensation for a failing access as the value proposition business plan. Proof Big Weed is an pool of idiots, ruining the future of cannabis, despite millions killed in the drug war and magnitudes more jailed in protest of terrible cannabis laws. Weedlers are the problem, and the proof are the multitudes who are afraid of results of cannabis use–arguably the safest substance on the planet–because of the experience they had with the weedler who pushed their drugs.

Dose for Success

Terroir v. Strain Name

Cannabinoids are created above the surface of the plant. Strain names have a loose association with the genomic summary of a plant, however even cloning a plant does not necessarily make a genetic replica of the parent plant, and as the mother plant providing the genetic pool ages the genes (imperfect expressions of the genetic potential within the plants DNA). These inefficiencies and the physical proximity mean the OleoResin produced has far less to do with plant than it does environment,  in fact we might say 70% environmental and 30% Plant genetics. In fact, the environment is complex matrix of inputs, some of which are converted into useful resources (Think thick wire for a future bolt), thus the plant genetics are more in the vein of conversion efficiencies like a kitchen set up somewhere between a Michelin Restaurant and college Hot plate and Coffee press set up than the actual meal itself made from the input ingredients that are managed efficiently or inefficiently based on the kitchen set up for a quick coffee and pop tart one day and high-tea the next. No wrong configuration when it's mated to the meal needed. But to ignore the entire grocery list to promote the current kitchen you're stuck with selling... is a mistake.

Constistant Effects

Cannabinoids are created above the surface of the plant. Strain names have a loose association with the genomic summary of a plant, however even cloning a plant does not necessarily make a genetic replica of the parent plant, and as the mother plant providing the genetic pool ages the genes (imperfect expressions of the genetic potential within the plants DNA). These inefficiencies and the physical proximity mean the OleoResin produced has far less to do with plant than it does environment,  in fact we might say 70% environmental and 30% Plant genetics. In fact, the environment is complex matrix of inputs, some of which are converted into useful resources (Think thick wire for a future bolt), thus the plant genetics are more in the vein of conversion efficiencies like a kitchen set up somewhere between a Michelin Restaurant and college Hot plate and Coffee press set up than the actual meal itself made from the input ingredients that are managed efficiently or inefficiently based on the kitchen set up for a quick coffee and pop tart one day and high-tea the next. No wrong configuration when it's mated to the meal needed. But to ignore the entire grocery list to promote the current kitchen youre stuck with selling... is a mistake.

Expectations for Cannabis

Cannabis expectations are low, everything is changed and obliterates its powerful potential
Expectations of the results of cannabis as an intentional therapeutic should be the most of any neutra- or pharma-ceutical. Nothing has more diversity, and nothing has the greatest super advantage, the putative EndoCannabinoid Receptor System—awesome, safe, and natural. Big weed ruins the Cannabis potential and its unbelievable advantage. Changing the grower, the terroir, nutrients, processes, harvest and curation parameters, storage and processing change the chemistries of cannabis. Changing the genomic starts, the strain names, and test samples add to unmeasurable chaotic randomness. The randomizing Big Weed does to the supply chain, does not make cannabis poisons, but it does defeat and hide the OleoResin potentials from users. From simply saturated intoxication resulting from binge use, based on poison applications to retrograde signaling capable of returning bad actor health system to homeostatic operations, to enhanced coping to ongoing stress processing that reduces fatigue and refreshes mental health potentials… Big Weed randomizes cannabis back to stoned, the least useful effects, and poison-based dosing, robbing users of the consistent enjoyment, usefulness, and spectrum of results they could get, but don’t. The Weedlers in Big Weed push weed as if they’re pushing meth, more-more-more… a terrible thing to do to users and the plant that holds so much more potential and promise, locked away because of the Top Weedlers pushing drugs. MX programs are not a fan of the illicit drug trafficking organizations, Big Weed has spoken, they want drugs. MX wants results that benefit clients' lives, well-being, and quality of life, especially when cannabis can assist in those expectations.

The Trouble with THC ...and CBD

12 Master Geometries, 7 Depths of Transmission, 2 States curating 450 Medicinals ...not 2.
PhytoCannabinoids are not persistent at the EndoCannabinoid interface and they are low modulators, not high modulators, meaning more is not more (unlike poisons, ie. LD50 or LD20s). Big Weed sells cannabis as if its a pharmaceutical but it's not lethal, it's just not--Just like mental health support isn't a replacement for amputation... with a machete. We can expect far more! 2-12 cannabinoids out of 450 is an "F" in Understanding 101, We don't like Big Weed, Big Pharma, their Weedlers, or their Pushers... they ruin cannabis as a therapeutic, because they're ignorant, myopic, and gimmicky--Expect more and you'll get more.  ps. When you see %THC, %CBD, 1:1, etc., ask about the other 448. It's no wonder they can't even deliver a consistent high, or anything else.

MX:Operational Models - Cannabis Solved!


Acquires conventional farmland, converts it to certified organic, and builds long-term value by implementing sustainable farming practices including hemp and cannabis crops complimenting conventional food and husbandry ranching.


Backs bold entrepreneurs building the future through technology in cannabis, a scalerator providing support for founders from inception, through due diligence, to acquisition to scale companies through defining stages of the startup lifecycle, known as the Survive, Strive and Thrive stages. Survive (18 to 36 months, Product Market-fit); Strive (3 to 7 years, Go to Market Model validations); Thrive (7 to 12years, Brand impact, investment banking relations, and exit/IPO value propositions)


Provides cannabis product startup studio services from technology and infrastructure, visability, and maker resources to produce, test and validate operational resources. Fabrication, 3d computer modeling, simulations result in effective new process and reactor optimization as associates move to operations as a company.

W e l c o m e,  p l e a s e  e n j o y  o u r  W e b  S i t e,  a s  i t ' s  u p d a t i n g  -  June  2 0 2 3