The Top SEO Trends for 2022

Search engine optimization (SEO) has become an important component of many businesses’ marketing strategies over the past decade, and it’s clear that it will continue to be so in the next decade as well. One way to stay ahead of trends and ensure that your business continues to benefit from SEO is to predict what may come next in the world of SEO by reading about the top SEO trends from today and the past year or two. Here are some of our top predictions for 2022 and beyond.

Micro-Moments & Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are quickly becoming our primary search engine. With smartphones, we can easily search on-the-go and make quick decisions (like where to eat or who to call). Because of these micro-moments, more attention is being paid to mobile optimization and user experience than ever before. Google recently rolled out mobile friendly ranking factors which means if your site isn’t mobile friendly you’re going to be at a severe disadvantage. SEOs need to constantly optimize for mobile devices because more and more traffic will come from smartphones in addition to traditional desktop/laptop computers. If people searching on a PC don’t see what they want—they might just pull up their phone and look for alternatives, so it’s vital that all companies stay up-to-date with SEO trends moving forward.


Don’t neglect personalization, as it is one of Google’s key ranking factors. By using your site’s analytics data to understand more about your audience, you can create relevant and unique content that directly targets their needs. Personalization has been a part of SEO since its inception; however, we can expect Google to emphasize it even more in coming years. Many articles have already been written on how to implement personalization on your website, including strategies like utilizing A/B testing and creating evergreen content, so there isn’t much I can add here. I just want to encourage you not to overlook any part of your site—search results pages included—when considering ways to improve user experience through organic optimization.

Infographics and Visual Content

There’s a difference between good and bad data. Make sure you have your facts straight before you create an infographic to help support your business. If something isn’t backed up by evidence, take it out of your infographic. The last thing you want is to get caught spreading lies and falsehoods in your marketing efforts! Data is constantly changing, so make sure you double-check any statistics or numbers that are presented in your infographic. A random fact thrown into an infographic doesn’t really add anything—it just creates clutter and takes away from what could otherwise be an effective piece of visual content for SEO purposes.

Consumer Behavior

Consumers have changed a lot in recent years. They’re more connected than ever, spending most of their time online and on their phones. That means search engines are highly valued when it comes to gathering information and making decisions, so SEO trends will be huge going forward. A quick look at keyword-focused trends reveals that consumers want transparent businesses, fast service and answers to simple questions quickly. Any business looking to be successful in SEO should target those kinds of keywords. Additionally, voice search is about to explode/ Overall, building trust through useful content will become even more important as we move into 2022.