
Privacy Policy

We collect and process various types of information, including personal data, that you provide or make available to us when using the App and Services. This includes the information you enter on the App, such as your Nick Name, birthday, gender, and profile photo, as well as your activity on the App, such as searches for mosques or Quran verses, prayer requests you post, and modifications to your settings. Additionally, we collect and store any image, audio, or video files you upload with consent in feedback or anywhere else in the app.

If you sign up or log in with your account on a third-party site (such as Facebook or Google), we also collect the personal data you have provided to that third-party site. We also collect commercial information, such as your membership subscription plan(s) and service(s) ordered, and communication/support-related data, such as your contact information, messages, and any other data you provide or that we collect through automated means when you contact us for support or to report a problem or concern.

Furthermore, we receive, store, and process information, including personal data, related to your device and App settings when you use the App. This includes device-specific information such as your device brand and model, operating system version, device language, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information. We also collect your geolocation information, such as IP addresses, GPS data, and network services data, as well as application-specific information related to the App, such as application version number, activity on the App, and subscription status.

Please note that this Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with a general understanding of our practices and is not a guarantee that your information will never be disclosed except as described. Although we use commercially reasonable practices to protect your privacy, there is no guarantee that your information or communications will always be private or protected. Factors such as third-party interception or access, technology malfunctions, and unauthorised access can compromise your data, despite our best efforts.

We collect information from you to ensure a secure environment for using our services. This information is used to provide you with personalised features and content, such as the monitoring back-desk interface accessible after registration and login. These personalized features are tailored specifically to you, enhancing your experience with Muslim Umah.

Ensuring Safety, Integrity, and Security

To maintain a secure and trustworthy environment on Muslim Ummah, we use the information collected to verify accounts and activities, prevent harmful conduct, and detect and eliminate any viruses, plug-ins, trojans, or other malicious software. By implementing these protective measures, we ensure the integrity of our business and provide you with better service experiences on the app.

Personalised Advertising

With your Personal Information, both we and our third-party advertisers can provide you with advertisements that align with your interests.

Communication and Support

We may use your information to keep you informed of any changes to the Services, as well as to maintain the app and address any support requests, questions, or issues that you may have.

Legal obligations

We may utilise the information we collect from you to fulfil our legal obligations, protect our intellectual property, enforce our terms of use, and cooperate with regulators and law enforcement agencies.


We are committed to maintaining the privacy of your information and will not share it with anyone without your explicit consent. We have strict guidelines in place for our partners and third-party vendors to ensure that they follow the same privacy standards. The following details the specifics of how we share your information.

Third Parties

We may disclose your Personal Information to third-party service providers who are authorised to perform certain services on our behalf. These services may include order fulfilment, credit card payment processing, content customisation, analytics, security, map navigation, data storage, cloud services, and support for our features and functionality offered through the Services. While these service providers may need access to your Personal Information to perform their functions, they are strictly prohibited from sharing or using this information for any other purposes. However, if you choose to connect to a third-party service through the Services or link your account with a third-party service, you are authorising us to share or grant access to your information on your behalf with such third-party. Additionally, we may send information about the content you have watched or your activities on the Services to such third parties to enhance your experience on the Services.

Corporate Sector

We may share your Personal Information with other companies that are part of our corporate group. These are entities that either control us, are under our control, or are under common control with us. We do this when it is necessary for various purposes, such as providing services to you, managing customers, customising content, advertising, analysing data, verifying information, ensuring functionality and security, and complying with legal obligations.

Legal request

We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties if we are required to do so by law or in response to a legal request. This may include sharing your information with regulatory bodies, law enforcement agencies, or other third parties to protect Our rights, the rights of our users or any other third party.

Sell or Transfer

In the event that we sell or transfer all or a substantial portion of our assets and business to a third party, we may share your Personal Information with that party. We will make reasonable efforts to ensure that any entity to which we transfer your Personal Information will use it in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Data Removal

As per the Applicable Rules, you have certain rights with respect to the personal information you have provided, which include the right to access, correct, delete, and in certain circumstances, request the portability of your personal information. You may also provide feedback to request the deletion of your information at any time. Once we receive your feedback, we will delete the specified information within seven working days.


Our app utilises Google Ads to display advertisements. Google may utilise the advertising ID on the device where the ad is displayed to generate demographics and interests data for personalised advertising through the Google Mobile Ads SDK. However, we ensure that the ads we display are not personalised and that we do not share any information with third parties. We display ads in our app to support our revenue model. If you come across any inappropriate or unsuitable ads, you can report or block them on Muslim Umah for a better user experience.

Personal Information

As long as you have an active Muslim Umah account, we will retain your Personal Information and other data. If you decide to delete your account, we will carefully review your request and delete any unnecessary data that is not required by law to be retained for regulatory, tax, insurance, litigation, or other legal purposes. However, we may keep some location, device, and usage data for safety, security, fraud prevention and detection, and research and development purposes for a reasonable period of time, even after your account has been deleted. For example, we may retain certain information about your account if we have deactivated it due to safety concerns or security incidents, in order to prevent you from creating a new account in the future. In certain situations, such as when there is an outstanding claim or dispute, we may not be able to delete your account immediately. Once the issue has been resolved, we will delete your account as outlined above.

Rights Reserved

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy periodically. Your use of our services implies your acceptance of the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of use. We will inform you of any substantial changes that may affect your rights. If you have any questions or concerns about how we have used your Personal Information, please reach out to you.