50 SQL Queries and Answers

Are you trying to become proficient at extracting business queries?

These practice queries aim to build your SQL skills. The SQL exercise was curated to enable beginners to become confident in their skills at writing business queries because these practice queries cover most SQL syntax like create, insert, update, delete, wildcard expressions, etc.
The SQL script and other resources can be downloaded on my GIT Page.

Project Date: January 11, 2021

Snippet of the 50 Practice Queries of Northwind Database

First, I created a database called “northwind”. Then I use northwind as our schema. 

Question 1 of  50: Create a report that shows the CategoryName and Description from the categories table sorted by CategoryName.

Question 2 of 50: Create a report that shows the ContactName, CompanyName, ContactTitle and Phone number from the customers table sorted by Phone. 

This is me attempting the first two questions, you can read extensively about this research on my Blog.
