The U.S. Age Pyramid

Project Summary
Dashboard analyzed the 2017 U.S. Census Bureau population projections predicted that by 2060, one-fifth of the population will be of retirement age, marking a historic shift where older individuals will outnumber children. This change is due to longer life expectancies and declining birth rates, causing the age pyramid of the United States to resemble a rectangle shape in the future. Each data bar represents a five years U.S. population group.

Project Date: September 2,  2021.

Skills Used:
- Power BI to analyze, model, format tables, and data visualization.

Desired Insights:

The U.S. population projections predicted that Older people will outnumber children as a result of longer life spans and lower birth rates.  

Interested in the analysis?
The Dataset: Challenge on Workout-Wednesday (2021).
Data Source:  U.S. Census Bureau.
