Operation Fistula

Project Summary
Dashboard analyzed obstetric fistula, an abnormal opening between a woman’s genital tract and her urinary tract or rectum in Africa.

As a black woman in Africa, this is one of the projects that I am highly passionate about. I first learned about Obstetric Fistula after watching the movie "Dry" by Stephanie Okereke Linus in 2014. I later found out that there are more than 2 million young women living with untreated obstetric fistula in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.  According to WHO (World Health Organisation),  about 50,000 - 100,000 women worldwide are affected by obstetric fistula. As a result, obstetric fistula is directly linked to one of the major causes of maternal mortality and obstructed labor; while women who suffer from obstetric fistula experience constant incontinence, societal shame, social segregation, and health problems.

Project Date: November 30, 2020.

Skills Used:

- Tableau to analyze, model, format tables, and data visualization.
- Toggle with the interactive chart on my Tableau Profile.

Desired Insights:
- To show the world and supporters of the Fistula Operation how impactful their donations to this program have been and continue to raise funds for fistula patients. 

- Average of patients?

- Total Surgeries performed/Average years of healthy life gained and lost.

-  The distribution of obstetric Fistula across Africa?

Interested in the analysis?
The Dataset: Challenge on MakeoverMonday (2020) and my resources can be downloaded here.
Data Source: Operation Fistula via data.world.

Please donate to the cause at Opfistula.org.

Follow them on Twitter @OpFistula.
