Data Engineering - ETL Project with Amazon S3, Snowflake, and Power BI

Project Summary
This Data Engineering - Extract, transform and Load (ETL) project uses Amazon S3, Snowflake and Power BI to create a website dashboard for people who are interested in working for companies that can sponsor workers on the Worker and Temporary Worker Immigration Routes in the United Kingdom .

If you prefer to read, see the detailed tutorial on my Blog.

Project Date: January 16, 2024.

Skills Used:
- Amazon S3 for data storage.
- Snowflake for data warehousing and transformation.

- Power BI to analyze, and format tables, and data visualization.

Desired Results:

-  A website dashboard with over 99,000 Tier 2 Sponsors in the UK.
-  End Users who wish to work in the UK on the Worker and Temporary Worker immigration routes(Skilled Workers Routes) can easily find sponsors by searching companies by name and location or alphabetical order.

Interested in the analysis?
Read the full project documentation on my blog.
The Dataset:  can be found the Register of Licensed Sponsor of GOV—UK website.
