The Cereal Industry had a Weird Year

Project Summary

Dashboard analyzed how suddenly cereal consumption became cool again to Americans thanks to the pandemic.

Before the Pandemic, cereal was not people's favorite, especially for consumers looking for fresh ingredients, but COVID-19 restrictions was the turnaround period for the cereal industry as people stock up and started eating breakfast at home. U.S. Brands like Grape-nut reportedly ran out of stock. In summary, there was an increase in the U.S. monthly personal cereal consumption.

Project Date: March 23, 2021.

Skills Used:

- Tableau to analyze, format tables, and data visualization.
Toggle with the interactive chart on my Tableau Profile.

Desired Insights:

-  A surge in the U.S.  monthly cereal personal consumption especially in 2020.

Interested in the analysis?
The Dataset: Challenge on MakeoverMonday (2021) and my resources can be downloaded here.
Data Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, and can be downloaded on
