In my experience, the volume of the music automatically drops when the other hosts speaks while playing music in Windows 10 High Definition Audio Driver computer. But it did not while playing music in Windows 7 High Definition Audio Driver.

Hi everyone, while I understand that keyboard maestro has a built-in action in which the volume level of Apple Music can be raised by 10%, is there any easy way to change the volume with smaller increments? (Namely, 1%?). Thanks so much, I am so grateful to this forum for the invaluable advice I have received thus far.

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The only problem is: when the volume reaches 100 or 0, it no longer wants to change. However, it is able to change as long as the value is not 100 or 0. (For example, if the Apple Music slider value is at 50, I can raise it to 51; but I cannot go from 0 to 1 or 100 to 99). Would anyone have any insight? Thanks so much!

Hi there; I have a similar request but with Apple Music specifically. Is there a special way to apply the an incremental volume change within Apple Music (and not system volume) using keyboard maestro?

The only problem is: when the volume reaches 100 or 0, it no longer wants to change. However, it is able to change as long as the value is not 100 or 0. (For example, if the Apple Music slider value is at 50, I can raise it to 51; but I cannot go from 0 to 1 or 100 to 99). Would you have any insight? Thanks so much!

I know it's years later, but I had the same problem as you (for whatever reasons volume wouldn't go up from 0 or down from 100.) I just figured out why your if/then statement didn't work. Apparently the Music app doesn't go from 0 to 100, but it goes from 1 (no volume) to 99 (max volume.).

tell application "Music"

set vol to sound volume

set vol to vol + 1

if vol is less than or equal to 1 then

set vol to 2

end if

set sound volume to vol

end tell

tell application "Music"

set vol to sound volume

set vol to vol - 1

if vol is greater than or equal to 99 then

set vol to 98

end if

set sound volume to vol

end tell

Hey guys! You know the old Xbox menu? You were able to change the volume of the background music you were listening to. (Spotify or Pandora) However on this new update I can't seem to find where I can do that. Did they take this feature away?

Has anyone else experienced the issue after the new IOS update that caused the volume in Apple Music to be significantly quieter now? I always had my volume turned up to a specific settings because I could hear the songs perfectly like that, but now I have to turn it up way louder than before to even hear the song. If you had this issue and fixed it let me know!

I notice that when using Spotify and Pandora, pressing the iPhone's volume buttons adjusts the system volume if a song is not playing. Only once a song starts playing do the volume buttons adjust the music volume. If the volume happened to be turned up really loud the last time the app was used, you have to start playing the song at full volume in order to turn it down. Any ideas if this can be fixed? It would be nice if the volume buttons would change the music volume whenever you're in the app at all, not just once a song starts playing.

Ahhhhhhh thank you so much!! In that link I saw that you can lock the alert and ringer volume to prevent them from being adjusted with the volume buttons: go to Settings > Sounds and turn off Change With Buttons under ringer and alerts. My volume buttons now adjust the music volume regardless of whether I'm playing a song, which is exactly what I wanted. Many thanks!!

There is NOT a built in adjustment as that would require additional CPU processing on the fly. If the volume is to loud for a particular MOH file pull the file down, reprocess the file with a lower volume in them and upload again.

I am using Voicepulse as our SIP trunk provider and we have grandstream phones but it shouldnt matter what phones we have, its the customers that are saying its to loud when we put them on hold. I converted MP3 files to wav files and uploaded them into MOH and they are loud. If i send myself into the call park the onhold music is loud. I have even called in from my cellphone and its loud. I cant just tell our customers to turn the volume down on their phone, thats not professional.

I hot a FR 245 Music and since I did not have BT earphones before I got a pair and they work with the watch but the music volume is always at max level even if I try to reduce it using the watch controls. The earphones dont have volume buttons so it is just the FR245 in control and the music is painfully laud..

I tried using the earphones with my phone and they work fine regulating the music level. Also I tried connecting to my Bluetooth home speaker and I cant change its volume level using the watch either.

I bought 245m with firmware 3.10. My tws headphones worked fine. The watch has been updated to firmware 3.70. The volume is not adjustable. I returned firmware 3.10 and the volume is working fine. Used beta 3.52 firmware - volume is not adjustable. My advice is to try reverting to earlier firmware.

What I do, might just be out of habit, I press play on my watch to begin music. While playing (take the buds of your ears until volume is what you want) press the 3 dots button to bring up the play controls sub menu.

Same problem here...with Powerbeats Pro. Got them about two weeks ago and all was well. Went to the gym and now have to adjust volume on the watch. Play/pause does work, however. Tried deleting and re-pairing to no avail.

I just tried pairing my Powerbeats3 headphones with my 245 music and they are working OK (inline volume control and music control). I've also got some RHA and JLab headphones that all work OK, so it seems to be model specific issues.

The music that plays at the login screen (not the patcher/launcher) is always turned up much louder than every other noise and song in the rest of the game. Not this particular song; the login screen has been notably louder than anything I hear in game (even if it's the same track in-game as the login screen) as well as any other applications I've had open concurrently. A volume slider would be nice, but it needs to have a toggle option at the very least. Currently, if you listen to your system without straining your ears, you'll be blasted by music unless you 1- form a habit of halving or muting your system volume before opening the game OR 2 - mute the music every session before logging out so that you can enable it again after your next login.

I get that the new login music is your flashy new statement and the audio people worked hard on it but the fact is I absolutely hate it now because the volume on login is always full blast and isn't a tune which I really enjoyed in the first place.

When you login, as soon as that actually happens, the music volume changes to what you have the slider set to. Before you actually hit login, that is a whole other volume setting that we do not have access to. Another game that does this exact same thing is ESO. When you're just sitting on the title menu before hitting A or whatever button it is for your platform, the music volume is noticeable louder. When you hit the button to "login", your volume options slider takes effect and reduces the volume. Maybe DE will reduce it some to satisfy the minority. I just wish DE would do like what ESO is about to do in its next update and that is allowing us to pick what music is actually playing on the title menu.

I notice that the volume levels on the Login Screen are always different than my actual settings, but I don't think it's a huge issue because 1)the volume snaps to the desired levels as soon as login completes and 2)because I can just lower the volume on my hardware.

This can be some what easy to fix on Windows at least. There's not just master system volume, but individual app based audio controls. I think that's been in place since Vista, but Windows 10/11 removed the fine controls. As a head phone user I know what it's like to have random sounds not respect your settings so here's what I do: there's an app on the windows store called Ear Trumpet: =en-us&gl=us it adds another volume control to the notification area. Using that you can flat out reduce the volume on an app by app basis and the settings are saved. So with that app installed just click on Ear Trumpet the next time you start the launcher and reduce the volume for that specific app. Problem solved.

I'm on xbox and also have this issue. The game doesn't seem to register your volume settings until you press A on the login screen and start logging in. But before doing this, the music and I'm assuming other volume settings are set to max upon launching the game. I always have to turn down my soundbar or headphone volume when launching the game.

On some platforms, settings aren't taken in to account until you log in to Warframe, which can result in the log in music volume (and other settings) being set to a 'default' state. Because of this, if you have turned down audio sliders in the in-game settings, they will not apply to the log in screen. We are investigating possible solutions to this issue. ff782bc1db

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