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Hello! Last month it came to my attention that no music players existed for the Playdate (there is Audition, but it's not made to be a music player). This didn't make sense to me, so I decided to create my own!

Music Player Mp3 Player

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Also, does the Playboy automatically pause any app when locked or is that possible to get around bc I think it'd be good if you can lock the Playboy while still listening to music so that I dont accidentally press any buttons

To answer your .wav question, yes, you will have to downgrade to mp3 for musik to play your music. This is mainly because I'm using Playdate SDK built-in functions to handle the audio, so unless Panic adds .wav support you will have to use mp3s.

Sorry if my suggestions are unwanted, I'm just a big fan of music players and want this to be the best it could be. I'm also useless when it comes to coding so if anything I say is too difficult please just tell me outright.

I'm seeing the same problem, as well as an issue where the phone orientation will occasionally cause only part of the widgit to be visible. Killing the app that was playing music (or video) has no impact on this.

Hard reset seems to be the only thing that works, but then it comes back. I am to the fu**ing boiling point now with this effing bug. Please Apple, fix it. I don't want to have to restart my GD phone 5 times a day because the music widget is on the lock screen.

Update: I reset my phone and went to a meeting. When I came out, the music player was on my lock screen. No bluetooth, no media was played. It just appeared. My next step is to delete the music app and reinstall it. But I think I'll lose all my playlists. ?

Sometime back eve used to have a basic feature where you could select what in game music you heard while doing things out in space. It was active for as long as I can remember but after returning from a long break, it is no longer in game. Is it possible its just hidden or is it just gone?

If its just gone I would love to see its return. listening to the drones and eerie and dark music in place for low and null sec is rather dull. i much like the music that comes to life when your in a high sec system.

Since I couldn't find such a player, I implemented one for my own use as a Python script, which supports playing .m3u files, and calls mplayer with the proper -ss value to resume playback where it left off last time. Get it from (project page: ).

Can someone recommend an Android music player that recognizes MP3Tag's Genre multi-tag format? For example: If an album that has a Genre tag like 'Classical\Opera' I want the album to show up in the Classical Genre list and the Opera Genre list.

Not, not really. You probably find this character in a column of the files list.

Have a look at the definition for "value" and you will probably see something


which means that the \\ are defined as separating characters but you could just as well take any other character. Foobar, I think, takes the semicolon as separator

The point I try to make: as there as so few players that actually the real multi-value fields, there are some players that interpret special characters in a single-value field as separator and display the items separated like that as individual items.

I know that e.g. WMP use the semicolon in ARTIST, GENRE, ALBUMARTIST and COMPOSER to create individual entries.

E.g. Stock; Aitken; Waterman would show an entry under A for Aitken, one under S for Stock and one under W for Waterman.

And all this without a multi-value field.

So it could be that there are other players around that do it like that.

And whatever the implementation would be: MP3tag can help you to set the right format.

Speaking of easier, the Grimm MU1 has been both really easy to use and at times caused me a little consternation. For 99% of listeners, the MU1 will be absolutely simple, and fit right into their audio systems nicely. For me, someone who has to try every option, with multiple other devices, and attempt to break the product while also figuring out how it fits into the wider audio world, the MU1's distinctive feature set was tough to harness at first. I spent a couple weeks, and a long video chat with Eelco Grimm, attempting to understand what, why, and how the MU1 does what it does. I know, it's a digital music source, it shouldn't be complex for someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes this stuff. Perhaps I over thought it, when I should've just put on some music and listened.

The MU1, delivered to me for review, contained an internal 2TB SSD to store some of my music library. This is a nice feature that I recommend for all MU1 users. When I pointed the MU1 at my NAS, containing 350,000 tracks, it wasn't a good experience. The library was too big and using a NAS for this, didn't work nearly as well as the local SSD. Roon server on the MU1 often restarted as it scanned the NAS and as it analyzed the library. I've run into similar situations with Roon running on an i3 Nucleus, where the application didn't fail gracefully. Rather than just slowing down, it entered an endless loop of ingesting too much data and restarting. Roon's recommendation for such large libraries is to use an i7 based Roon core (link).

Recapping the above paragraphs for clarity, the MU1 runs Roon, outputs the audio from the internal computer to an internal FPGA with custom filters and is capable of high precision DSP. The audio is then output over a traditional interface, in my case AES, to a DAC. Seems straight forward, and to the end user it is very straight forward. Roon running on an iPad, or similar, can control the music and a web browser can adjust any of the MU1 settings if needed.

I really like the Grimm MU1, and have come to see it as a device similar to that of a dCS upsampler. Both use proprietary upsampling to 4fs over a single AES wire, with the dCS going to 8fs over dual wire AES. The concept of both is quite similar in that they reduce the load on the DAC, use sophisticated algorithms and filter designs, and act as a music source.

I will never argue over one's sonic preference, but I believe using the MU1 with an NOS DAC could leave a bit of performance on the table because the MU1 only oversamples to 4fs (176.4 / 192). CD players in the 1980s used 4fs oversampling, granted without the sophisticated filters and clocks in the MU1, but the fact remains that 4s is pretty low if a DAC doesn't take that incoming data and oversample to a much higher rate.

Listening to Chris Isaak's cover of Only The Lonely, made this very apparent. Isaak's voice sounded silky smooth, and sucked me right in. The acoustic guitar was lush, with a wide soundstage, neither of which Roon's upsampling could match. Staying with acoustic music, I played Dave Matthews Live at Luther College. On Christmas Song, the 4fs oversampling gave the acoustic guitars a much fuller body and silky sonic texture when played through the EMM Labs DV2 DAC, and to a lesser degree through the T+A DAC 200 using the BEZ 2 pure Bezier interpolator. Based on my many hours of listening through and experimenting with the MU1, I believe it sounds best set to 4fs oversampling while playing acoustic music. This is its sweet spot.

Audio that sounded great through the MU1, but with oversampling turned off via its web interface, was what I'll call piano music. I listened to Larry Karush's album titled May 24, 1976 and Tsuyoshi Yamamoto's album Midnight Sugar extensively, using many different up/oversampling options. When only the DAC's oversampling was enabled, transients were bolder and definition in the bottom octaves of the piano was better.

On the title track to Midnight Sugar, there was also more definition in the top end and the transients were less sharp with the MU1's oversampling disabled. Specifically, the transient at 2:25 into the track. With 4fs oversampling enabled, the piano can rip the listener's ears off. It's overly sharp. Without MU1 oversampling enabled on this track, the T+A DAC 200 with bez2 filter sounded fantastic, as did the EMM Labs DV2. When listening to piano music, I preferred the T+A and EMM Labs filters and algorithms on their own.

My experience with the MU1's oversampling on and off seems unique, although not abnormal, as listener filter preferences are commonly based on musical content in systems that enable filter switching (dCS, HQPlayer, etc...). Others who use the MU1, set it and forget it (at either 2fs or 4fs oversampling). In my system, with my music selections, the MU1's oversampling benefits were very music dependent. Acoustic music was fantastic while piano music wasn't. Fortunately, disabling oversampling still enables the listener to take advantage of the MU1's stellar clocking circuit and clean digital audio output to the DAC. What I heard with all music, once I settled on my preferred filter setting, was terrific through the MU1.

The Grimm Audio MU1 digital music source is absolutely the right product for many listeners in our wonderful hobby. If perusing the MU1 thread here on Audiophile Style is any indication, most people set it and forget it, at either 2fs or 4fs oversampling. The concept and validity of an external up/oversampling device has long been proven highly effective in many audio systems. The MU1 takes this a step further by including a Roon core and an advanced FPGA working to extend the capabilities of Roon, to deliver a pristine audio signal out to a DAC.

The sound I heard through the MU1 was fantastic, when I configured it to my taste. We must remember that when using well designed digital filters and oversampling, there isn't a right or wrong. It all comes down to personal preference. On some music the MU1 4fs oversampling was clearly an improvement. On other music I preferred the MU1's oversampling disabled. I guess this is why Grimm, and many other very high end DAC manufacturers, offer listeners a choice. ff782bc1db

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