To start the production of the charges, the group met to share the ideas and decide what would be done. Then the tasks were divided, with Eduarda Negri and Isabela Brondani in charge of producing the drawings, which were done in a different way, just sharing the same idea. The rest of the work was done by Andressa Bianchin and Henrique Grigoletto, who were left with the task of producing the explanatory text of the charges.

The group decided to create critical charges, aiming at portraying the calamitous situation of Brazil during this pandemic, focusing on the negligence of the Brazilian government in dealing with the situation. Thus, we decided to illustrate the president (who represents the Brazilian government) in a path of blood (which represents the deaths) in a prospective cemetery, which has the intention of giving the reader an idea of infinity, since thousands of Brazilians have died as a result of this disease. Finally, in the foreground of the drawing we put three graves with phrases pronounced by the president in some interviews during critical months of the pandemic.

We chose this idea because we believe that the government has great influence over the population, mainly over its voters. Thus, if the government adopts a careless posture, the population will also adopt, not following the rules to avoid contamination, and thus resulting in more cases and deaths from the disease.

We hope that the charges have awakened their awareness about the conduct of the Brazilian representatives in this pandemic, moreover, we hope that these drawings can somehow honor all Brazilians who left as a result of this terrible disease.

Made by Andressa Bianchin, Eduarda Negri, Henrique Grigoletto and Isabela Brondani.