I'm now very worried about the future of Musescore. After that whole situation with Audacity, now they have thrown this "muse hub" thing with Musescore 4, that seems to be required for it to be able to use sound libraries. But this muse hub is not only proprietary, but people are reporting it is required to be running in background as super user. It's a huge security problem and, of course, a huge problem for anyone that values free software in general.

MuseHub was initially announced as an help to download the huge MuseSound files, allowing restart of partial download after internet interruption, download of partial update instead of a full new file when a part of MuseSound was changed, and that kind of things.

But is there a way to download MuseSound "the old way", just starting the download of the huge file(s) and restarting ourselves if the download is interrupted mid-way?

If not, why? Is there a technical reason that would make "just downloading" process insufficient to make it work? If there is no technical reason and the files are just not available on the official web site without using MuseHub, suppose somebody makes these files available on the internet for direct download without MuseHub, would that be a license violation?

Musescore Download Without Musehub

Download File 🔥 https://urllie.com/2y3I4c 🔥

As in: Impossible due to technical reasons in the code (e.g., uses outside libraries not in public domain), or: In principle possible, but not provided for by MuseScore (second question of OP if I understand correctly)?

No one is forcing you all to download anything. Isn't it just possible that the Hub is a way to keep MS4 updated without you having to do anything. It doesn't have to start at system start up. It doesn't have to do anything. Oh, except load MuseSounds. 14 gigs that I think the developers were trying to help you with. Because most users are more used to a few hundred MB max. Fonts for some other programs start at 35 GB and go up. Way up. Plus you can close it if you want. Unless, of course, it secretly stays open, like YouTube, and messes with your system. The sounds are big files that take some time to down load. Wouldn't it be nice if they could load in the background.

MuseScore itself runs on macOS 10.14 and higher. You can install it without Muse Hub using the link on the homepage. However, since Muse Sounds can only be installed using Muse Hub, you can only use that on macOS 11.5 and higher.

By the way, is anyone else tired of Muse Hub? It's basically closed source bloatware. This program sucks so much that it won't even run on Windows LTSC 2019. Muse Score 4.0 works fine there but Muse Hub won't even install.

wanted to get back into composing music after a few years and decided to redownload musescore on my computer. so confused by the musehub thing lol. is it true that i have to use an older musescore version if i choose to not download musehub? seems wild lol help.

From the menu bar (macOS) or System Tray (Windows), you can install MuseScore 4, as well as other applications like Audacity, and even content for these audio applications, like audio loops, effects, and virtual instruments (more on those later).

The next update users will encounter is the completely rebuilt MuseScore user interface. Things are mostly laid out in the same ways as they have been in MuseScore 3.6, but with an updated, flat style. The team has rebuilt it using more modern technology, which allows for much greater flexibility and customization.

Panels in MuseScore 4 can be moved around much more freely as well, including the handy ability to stack them on top of one another, and quickly switch by clicking tabs across the top. This is a really nice way to get quick access to some less frequently used panels without having to keep them on the screen all the time or return to the View menu.

The Mixer panel has probably received the most attention of all. It now looks much more like the kind of mixer you might see in a digital audio workstation (DAW), which is to say it looks more like a hardware mixer. It also docks nicely to the bottom of the window, much as in other music and audio applications. The Mixer panel now also includes a track for the metronome, as well as a visual volume meter for each track, something that the MuseScore 3.6 mixer lacked.

As lovely as the new user interface in MuseScore is, I would argue that it is far less consequential than the updates that have been made to the functionality of the application, starting with engraving.

Most obviously, notice that MuseScore has given the whole notes a lot more space, and even the eighth notes have slightly more space. The whole notes are less cramped and read more like the long sustains that they are. There is also extra space for the eighth notes, which is more subtle and allows room for small adjustments to distribute them optically evenly. Notice that 3.6 appears to give a lot more extra space to the flat sign and a little bit less space to the ledger line, which makes the D look much longer than the C before it. MuseScore 4 makes this rhythm appear as consistent and steady as it sounds.

Notice that previous versions of MuseScore gave rather sporadic spacing to the consistent tuplet rhythm to make it align to the simpler 3/4 rhythm in the upper voices. In MuseScore 4, this is corrected and both rhythms are now spaced proportionally.

Not only does the rhythm spacing make this first slur very difficult to read, the second slur cuts through the natural sign. The ties in the chord at the end cut awkwardly through the space of the dots. MuseScore 4 brings a much more sophisticated system for identifying and automatically correcting these kinds of errors.

These brand new instrument samples, recorded by StaffPad founder David William Hearn, are downloadable for free within Muse Hub and usable immediately from within MuseScore 4 without any configuration. You can download individual instrument families as needed from the following:

Not to be overlooked is the tighter integration with musescore.com, the rapidly expanding commercial side of the MuseScore project, where users can upload scores, share them, and obtain other scores. Within MuseScore 4 is an option to directly Save to cloud, so that you can publish your work on musescore.com. Like YouTube and other content-sharing sites, you can first set the visibility to Private and then later make it publicly available if you so choose.

Even so, I still think it is a long way off from competing with the best automatic spacing and layout features of the commercial applications. Some of the quirkier default score settings remain unchanged. For example, the MuseScore projects I see in my teaching often end up with staves crunched far too close together. Vertical staff spacing in MuseScore 4 remains unchanged at 3.5 spaces, which is half the default in Sibelius (7 spaces) and nearly half the default in Dorico (6 spaces). While quibbles like these are extremely minor in light of the drastic engraving improvements in this release, they do add up. However, I trust the team at MuseScore and Muse Group to address these moving forward.

I use the musescore software often and have never had any issues. BUT, I recently went to sign up for a free 7 day trial and was immediately charged. When I contacted muse score, they gave me the runaround and offered only a 25% refund. Now, I read online that it is a VERY common problem with their site. Bad business in my opinion.

Hi Holly, It sounds like you may be getting MuseScore the scoring software with MuseScore.com, the score sharing service. MuseScore has always been completely free, and there is no requirement to connect to the MuseScore.com service at all.

I have been using Musescore for approximately 10 years and was looking forward to the release of 4.0. I have never been so disappointed with a software release as I am with Musescore 4.0, With the exception of the notation improvements, 4.0 is a giant step backwards from 3.6. Free is nice, but functional tools are better. The only thing MU 4.0 is good for is to reformat the layout of compositions created in 3.6!

I'm installing Arch Linux on a new machine. I installed musescore-4.1.1-1 via pacman, but I don't get any sound at playback.

After some research, I found out that the problem, for starters, is that I don't have Muse Sampler installed.

I haven't been able to find anything related to Muse Sampler or Muse Hub, neither in the official Arch packages nor in AUR.

There doesn't seem to exist a page for MuseScore in the Arch Wiki, either, where I could find instructions.

Is there a way to request the inclusion of a package in the Arch repositories? Since there is a package for MuseScore, I think it would be reasonable to also expect a package for Muse Hub, without which MuseScore has limited functionality.

Muse sampler is part of musescore and musehub is not needed in order for it to work but there is a bug in the way musescore 4.1.1 is packaged for arch. See this : bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=287518

Your use may vary but I recently moved over to Linux and cannot use any VSTs or computer based DAW for the time being. I have actually found Musescore to be more productive. I am no longer just fiddling with all the virtual instruments and just focusing on the composition.

I don't use or have MuseScore installed, but a post I saw this morning on the Band-in-a-Box forum mentioned that MuseScore does not send time info to VSTs, so any VST needing time info to sync to a host won't work properly. The examples cited were EZBass, EZKeys, EZDrummer and a couple of others.

If you have time, try Autoruns (it's free). You may be surprised at how much stuff is running on your system without your knowledge. The reason is that despite unclicking the option to run at startup, some companies ignore your preference and install their software anayway. Worse still, others don't even ask leaving you to discover it on your own. I regularly run Autoruns everytime after installing a program or performing a Windows update. 2351a5e196

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