Musescore 3.7.0

"Musescore 3 Evolution"

This unofficial page has been superceded by an official wiki and will not be updated.

Please use the official wiki for up to date information on MS3 Evolution including installation instructions as well as details of how to report issues. 

Developers can join in with the evolution of MS3 by submitting pull requests on GitHub.

yonah_ag, May 2024

About Musescore 3.7.0 (a.k.a. Musescore 3 Evolution)

The last official release of Musescore 3 was 3.6.2 and this is still available for download from Musescore's website. Musescore 4 was released in December 2022 and is being continually developed. Some users still do not feel ready to migrate to Musescore 4, mainly because of missing features which are important for their work.

Enter Musescore 3.7.0. This is an on-going, unofficial development of 3.6.2 containing bug fixes and enhancements, including some features back-ported from Musescore 4. The development of MS3.7.0 is hosted on GitHub and is largely the work of Jojo Schmitz, a well known contributor to many aspects of the Musescore project, and it remains fully open source so that other developers can make contributions.

Musescore 3.7.0 can be run alongside MS3.6.2 and MS4 without any problems. They do not interfere with one another.

Pre-requisites for Installation

Installing Musescore 3.7.0

Workflow Details

Note 1: This download requires that you are logged in to GitHub.

Note 2: For some configurations of Windows the 64-bit version can be problematic, (e.g.  missing plugins).
Note 1: If this happens then use the 32-bit package (x86) instead.

Note 3: The package names will be different for MacOS and Linux.