Curvy Snake

Programming And Scripts


Each line of code is written to maximize performance in the Game this ensures optimal resource utilization.

The game is running at 60 fps on 1080p resolution, This creates smooth seamless user experience for the player.

Clean Update() functions, this in turn reduces the number of calculations needed in every frame which increases the performance and removes unwanted frame rate drops.

Upgradability and Reusability

Clean code excels in its performance, reusability and flexibility.

Remove Features: Every feature in the game is controlled threw one or more classes with every feature being easily disabled/removed by disabling/removing relevant scripts.

Add Features: Adding features is made very easy as each class contains methods which allow basic interactions with the desired classes.

Edit Features: Editing any feature is fairly simple as the project follows clear structure. Classes variables and methods are named descriptively, The scripts contains descriptive names and comments.

Testing and Errors

Number of solutions are implemented from the start of the project to eliminate errors and to keep the game behavior normal if an error or an exception occurs, these solutions are as follows.

Testing and Clean Run testing, discovering new bug and fixing bugs is continuous cycle, the game was released with minimum detectable bugs not ignoring any player/tester complaints.

Smart Code the code is written in a way that fixes errors in case something goes wrong for the user, by script of user misbehavior.

Covering All Scenarios with user being the most unpredictable part of the formula, User actions are limited and any misbehavior is handled in the background.

For Further Questions And Details Contact Me:

Email : Murad.dasi AT | Tel : +962 - 770 - 341 - Seven Three Six

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