I have multisim 10.0.343 installed, and for whatever reason the whole "global restrictions" thing came into play. Even though that is fixed now, I cannot get the same instruments that I had before. There's the usual multimeter and the probes and all that, but the tektronix scope, the agilent function generators, and stuff like the power meter and other things are missing from the instrument toolbar. How can I get these back?

I have the student edition installed. I am not on an evaluation period, and everything has been running fine for a long time. Two days ago, the global restrictions locked up and I had to enter the "Rodney" password to unlock multisim. After doing so, the textronix oscilloscope has not shown up on the instument panel. In circuits that I already have, I can view the textronix scope. I can even copy and paste the scope into new files, and it works properly.

Multisim Tektronix Oscilloscope Download

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The above process does not work. Everytime I delete the file, a "simplified_ms_stu.ewcfg" file appears in my documents and settings folder. I can never get it to be the "default_ms_stu.ewcfg" file. If I rename the "default" file to "simplified", it gives me an error when i start multisim saying "invalid configuration file".

When I use the Agilent multimeter and Tektronix oscilloscope in Multisim parts of both instruments are not visible. See screenshots. I cannot figure out a fix for this. Thanks for any help you can give.

In addition to proper oscilloscope setup, periodic instrument self-calibration is recommended for accurate measurements. Oscilloscope calibration is needed if the ambient temperature has changed more than 5 C (9 F) since the last self-calibration or once per week. In the oscilloscope menu, this can sometimes be initiated as Signal Path Compensation. Refer to the manual that accompanied your oscilloscope for more detailed instructions.

Passive attenuation voltage probes must be compensated to the oscilloscope. Before using a passive probe, you need to compensate it to balance its electrical properties to a particular oscilloscope. You should get into the habit of compensating the probe every time you set up your oscilloscope. A poorly adjusted probe can make your measurements less accurate. Figure 65 illustrates the effects on a 1 MHz test signal when using a probe that is not properly compensated.

Most oscilloscopes have a square wave reference signal available at a terminal on the front panel used to compensate the probe. General instructions to compensate the probe are as follows:

You can make time measurements using the horizontal scale of the oscilloscope. Time measurements include measuring the period and pulse width of pulses. Frequency is the reciprocal of the period, so once you know the period, the frequency is one divided by the period. Like voltage measurements, time measurements are more accurate when you adjust the portion of the signal to be measured to cover a large area of the display, as illustrated in Figure 68.

In response to these challenges, said Scott Davidson, midrangeoscilloscopes technical marketing manager at Tektronix, his company and itsKeithley subsidiary have a broad power electronic test portfolio. Forexample, Keithley offers several source-measurement units (SMUs), includingthe Model 2657A high-power SMU, which, Cejer said, is suitable for R&D,production, and quality assurance and failure analysis. It sources or sinksup to 3,000 V at 20 mA or 1,500 V at 120 mA while providing 1 -fA currentmeasurement resolution for measuring the low-leakage requirements ofnext-generation devices.

Davidson said Tektronix complements Keithley ' s offeringswith MSO/DPO5000B mixed-signal oscilloscopes, the MD04000B and MD03000mixed-domain oscilloscopes, and TPS2000B digital storage oscilloscopes.

"Once a device has been selected (or for development ofreference designs in the case of semiconductor providers), oscilloscopes areby far the most popular instrument for debugging designs and optimizing powerefficiency," Davidson said. "Tektronix oscilloscopes meet this needwith software that allows designers who may rarely deal with powermeasurements to quickly get the same, repeatable results as a power-supplyexpert. For example, one of the critical measurements for standardscompliance is input current harmonics. Given the cost of compliance testing,precompliance testing with full pass/fail reporting is critical to ensuringsuccess at the test house. Tektronix also manufactures a range of probes tosupport high-power applications."

To complement the instruments, Tektronix has DPOPWR advanced powermeasurement and analysis software (Figure 2) for MSO/DPO5000 oscilloscopes,and it provides DP04PWR/ MD03PWR software for MD04000B and MD03000oscilloscopes. In addition, Tektronix offers the THDP0200 highvoltagedifferential probe, which features a bandwidth of 200 MHz (< 1.8-ns risetime) and low circuit loading of 10 MQ (

Ken Johnson, director of marketing and product architect atTeledyne LeCroy, concurs that oscilloscopes and probes are useful in powerelectronics test. In particular, he said, "Our new HD08000 seriesoscilloscopes bring quite a bit to the table for power electronics."

"For example," he said, "say you're looking ata MOSFET's VDS saturation voltage in a switched-mode power supplyapplication. An 8-bit oscilloscope displays a fuzzy saturation voltage tracewith little or no detail while an HD08000 shows a clean trace with plenty ofdetail," as shown in Figure 3 top and bottom, respectively.

He added that 12-bit HD4096 technology provides more accuratemeasurement results. "In a real-world example tested here at TeledyneLeCroy," he said, "an 8-bit oscilloscope measured Vpk-pk of afourth oscillation at 165 mV. The same measurement taken with an HDOoscilloscope yielded 134 mV."

Bill Gatheridge, product manager at Yokogawa, said his companyoffers a complete line of digital power analyzers for the power electronicsmarket, including single-phase value series products like the WT310, thehigh-accuracy Model WT3000, and the high-frequency Model PX8000 (Figure 5)."We also offer digital oscilloscopes with power analysis measurementfunctions like the Model DL850E and DLM4000," he said. 17dc91bb1f

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