www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-ltd.com   /  www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech.com

Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies (also abbreviated elsewhere to M.N.T. or MNT) refers to the group of projects and affiliated company Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd. ('limited' ; a private limited company) that was started by Harry Muzart (H.M) in late 2017. He is still the sole person involved in this company (and operates as the director, 100% shareholder, secretary). The company and its sub-projects are still in development. 

Also see:  www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-ltd.org

Its Aims are to further the following:

Research-related and modelling work in neurosciences at all levels of biological structural organisation (chemical/molecular, cellular, neuronal ensembles (neural networks), organismal-system-level, cognitive, behavioural, macro-groups/populations), especially using a range of computational tools/programs and datasets. 

   -- The computational tools and data may be already existing (exclusive or publicly open-source), or newly developed and of a novel nature. 

   -- Part of the above also involve specialised hardware devices or 'wetware' samples.

   -- Part of the above also includes exploring the integration of neuroscience and A.I. / machine learning, in various ways.

   -- Data is represented in visuo-spatial 2d/3d/4d (space-time dimensions) models.

   -- Practical applications are the end-goal.


Actively promoting and validating the open-sourcing of (neuro-)sciences, neuro-subjects, democratised open science, and independent 'citizen science' & 'do-it-yourself' home-based labs (physical or virtual).

To further the educational dissemination and cultural popularisation, and supportive works/systems, with regards to the mindset of interdisciplinary sciences (physical, technological, biological, medical, social/societal) (including: interdisciplinary neurosciences, general daily life topics, etc), to local and worldwide audiences, from all age ranges and backgrounds. 

   -- This involves interpersonal communications, and creating visual & audio content and presenting it. 

   -- It involves using computer technologies and online avenues. 

   -- It also involves applying concepts from computational cognitive neuroscience, human biophysiology, and psychiatry, including gathering user feedback, to create more accessible, engaging, memorable, and personalised information and means of communicating.

For more information, see www.CognTech.net & www.BioNeuroTech.net (which mainly refers to the first and second points above), and www.Scientifically.Org.uk  (for the second and third points).

There are also:

Other independent freelance advisory works, and helping set-up technologies (for communications, academic, medical matters) for people with disabilities or diverse neuropsychological profiles. International networking. 

Web maintenance. Business-related administrative duties. 

All the above also overlaps with many other independent works/activities by H.M.  (partly aritculated at www.Harry-Muzart.info)

Motivation & Implementation: 

Business Model: 

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More information will be posted here soon as this website is currently being re-built.  

For now, please visit the Temporary Informational Website:

--->   www.Multidisc-Neurosci-Tech-ltd.org   <---

Multidisciplinary Neuroscientific Technologies Ltd  /  Mr Harry S F Muzart          ©     2017-2024