Multi-view Modelling Approach Repository


Multi-view Modelling

Separation of concerns is a well established principle by means of which it is possible to tackle the complexity of a problem. In software and system modelling, this principle entails the partition of the target system into multiple problem domains, each of which dealing with system characteristics from a specific perspective. Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are exploited to frame a particular set of system concerns, and the models produced by each DSL represent a view of the system. In general, viewpoints are defined based on the problem at hand, however there exist domains of application for which viewpoints are well-defined. In particular, (data-intensive) web applications rely on the model-view-controller architectural pattern, that separates the problem into the definition of data behind the application, the specification of how data are shown through the pages of the application, and the definition of how information is appropriately stored and retrieved, respectively.

The Study

With this study, we aimed at identifying, classifying, and evaluating existing solutions for multi-view modelling of software and systems. Thus, we conducted a systematic literature review of the existing state of the art related to the topic. More specifically, we selected and analysed 40 research studies among over 8,000 entries. We defined a taxonomy for characterising solutions for multi-view modelling, and applied it to the selected studies.

Publications by year

Publication trend by year


The taxonomy defined in this study is not meant to be a disposable artefact. On the contrary, we aim at making it available for the community as an interactive classification and persistent collection tool. Providing it as an open online form (Google Forms) linked to a browsable repository of categorised approaches, anyone can access it and use it to

  1. categorise her own multi-view modelling approach to self-assess it and make it part of the common repository,
  2. compare her own approach to others already categorised in the repository,
  3. browse through the existing approaches in the repository and compare them to identify what best fits her purpose.

Interested in comparing your work?

If you have an approach to Multi-view Modelling and would like it to be categorized and classified according to the proposed taxonomy, click the button.