マルチエージェント・マルチロボットプランニング研究会 2024

Multi-agent and multi-robot planning workshop in Tokyo, 2024



キーワード: マルチロボット協調 / マルチエージェント経路計画 /  AIプランニング / 探索アルゴリズム  / ヒューリスティックサーチ / 群ロボット  / 中央集権・自律分散 / ファクトリーオートメーション / 衝突回避 / デッドロック

※ 継続的なイベントとして意図されてはいませんので、お見逃しなきよう。


開催要項 / Summary

日時:2024年10月5日 (土) 13:00- / 5th Oct. 2024 1PM-

会場:産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター 別館11F   [HP]   /   〒135-0064 東京都江東区青海2丁目3−26 [Google Map]

参加費:無料 / The registration is free.


発表・参加登録 / Registration



発表者の方へ / Instructions for Presenters

プログラム / Program

12:30  -  受付開始

13:00-13:10  -  開始挨拶

13:10-14:00  -  招待講演  "Recent advancements in Multi-Agent Path Finding"  (Dr. Zhe Chen / モナシュ大学)

14:10-15:10  -  セッション1、10分口頭発表+2分質疑

15:40-16:30  -  セッション2

16:50-17:40  -  セッション3

17:45  -  クロージング

19:00  -  懇親会

 招待講演  /  Invited Talk

"Recent advancements in Multi-Agent Path Finding." by Dr. Zhe Chen (Monash University)

概要 / Abstract:Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) is the fundamental challenge of coordinating multiple agents to navigate from their start locations to their goal locations without collisions. It lies at the heart of various industrial applications, including warehouse automation, robotics, and traffic management. In this talk, we will delve into the evolution of MAPF approaches in recent years, exploring how researchers have tackled a series of challenges in solving MAPF problems. We will discuss the trade-offs between solution quality and solving time, highlighting the advancements that have enabled MAPF algorithms to handle increasingly large-scale and dynamic environments. Additionally, I will also share my experience in building award-winning competition solutions that leverage state-of-the-art techniques.

略歴 / Biography:Zhe Chen (Mike) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Monash University, Australia. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science at Monash University in 2024, advised by A/Prof. Daniel Harabor and Prof. Peter Stuckey. His research focuses on the Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problem, crucial for coordinating large teams of agents in applications like automated warehouses and robotics. His work addresses real-world challenges in MAPF, such as task assignment, scalability, and robustness. His work contributed to winning the 2020/2021 Flatland Challenge and he actively serves on the organising committee for The League of Robot Runners Competition and Grid Based Path Finding Competition.

講演動画 / Recording

Recent advancements in Multi-Agent Path Finding.pdf

懇親会 / Social Event

アンチハラスメントポリシー / Ethics Statement


企画運営 / Organisers


連絡先 / Contact

ko393 [at] cam.ac.uk