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All three-and four-year-olds will be guaranteed 12-and-a-half hours a week of "educare", either in a nursery or child care. From age five, "wrap-around" child care will be available before and after school (from 8am until 6pm) and in school holidays. By 2008 the Government intends to have this scheme operating in 1,000 primary schools offering places to 50,000 children. Eventually, it intends to extend it to secondary school.

No existing classification of the Asterida is satisfactory even forthe recent forms, still less when the older fossils are considered.A separation of the latter as Palasterida, because of their alternatingambulacrals, from the recent Euasterida with opposite ambulacrals,is now discarded and an attempt made to arrange the Palasteridain divisions originally established for Euasterida. Those divisionsfall under three schemes. C. Viguier has divided the starfish into:Astries ambulacraires, with plates of ambulacral origin prominentin the mouth-skeleton, pedicellariae stalked, and straight or crossed,podial pores usually quadriserial; Astries adambulacraires, withadambulacrals prominent in the mouth-skeleton, pedicellariae sessile,and forcipiform or valvular, podial pores usually biserial. Perrier,at first laying greater stress on the nature of the pedicellariae andafterwards on the form of the mouth-skeleton, has gradually perfecteda scheme of five orders: (1) Forcipulata, with pedicellariae stalked,and straight or crossed; (2) Spinulosa, with pedicellariae sessile andforcipiform; (3) Velata, with membraniferous spines; (4) Paxillosa,pedicellariae represented by an ossicle of the test and the spinescovering it, the whole forming a paxilla; (5) Valvata or Granulosa,with pedicellariae sessile and valvular or salt-cellar shaped. Amore widely accepted scheme is that of W.P. Sladen, who dividedthe Euasterida into two orders; (1) Phanerozonia, with marginalslarge and highly developed, the supero-marginals and infero-marginalscontiguous, with papulae confined to the dorsal surface,with ambulacrals well spaced and usually broad, adambulacralsprominent in the mouth-skeleton, with pedicellariae sessile; (2)Cryptozonia, with marginals inconspicuous and somewhat atrophiedin the adult, the supero-marginals separated from the infero-marginalsby intercalated plates, with papulae distributed over thewhole body, with ambulacrals crowded and narrow, either ambulacralsor adambulacrals prominent in the mouth-skeleton, withpedicellariae stalked or sessile.

The probable relationship of these orders is shown in the annexedtable. Here the Cystocidaroida occupy an isolated position. It is,however, quite possible that Echinocystis may some day be referredto the Cidaroida, and Palaeodiscus to the Melonitoida. This wouldleave the Echinoid scheme remarkably simple, with the Melonitoidaand Cidaroida as divergent branches from an ancestor like Bothriocidaris;but while the former branch soon decayed, the lattercontinues to flourish at the present day. To take the Echinoideanow living, and to divide them into Endocyclica and Exocyclica,Branchiate and Abranchiate, Gnathostomata and Atelostomata, iseasy and convenient; or again to distinguish as Palechinoideathose pre-Jurassic genera which do not conform to the fixed type oftwenty vertical columns found in the later Euechinoidea, is toexpress an interesting fact; but all such divisions obscure the truerelationships, and the corresponding terms should be recognized asdescriptive rather than classificatory.

We shall best illustrate the character and method of economicreasoning by examples, and for that purpose let us take first ofall a purely historical problem, namely, the effect onthe wage-earners of the wages clauses of the Statute ofAn illustration of economic method.Apprenticeship (1563). It is at once obvious that weare dealing not with an abstract scheme of regulationin a hypothetical world, but with an act of parliament nominallyin force for two hundred and fifty years, and applicable to agreat variety of trades whose organization and history can beascertained. The conclusions we reach may or may not modifyany opinions we have formed as to the manner in which wagesare determined under modern conditions. For the time beingsuch opinions are irrelevant to the question we are investigating,and the less they are in our minds the better. There is no reasonwhy we should apply to this particular act a different method ofinquiry from that we should apply to any other of the numerousacts, of more or less economic importance, passed in the samesession of parliament. The first step is to see whether there is aprima facie case for inquiry, for many acts of parliament havebeen passed which have never come into operation at all, or havebeen administered only for a short time on too limited a scale tohave important or lasting results. The justices were authorizedto fix wages at the Easter quarter sessions. Did they exercisetheir powers? To answer this question we must collect thewages assessments sanctioned by the magistrates. This is aperfectly simple and straightforward operation, involving nothingmore than familiarity with records and industry in going throughthem. Without having recourse to any elaborate process ofeconomic reasoning, by confining our attention to one simplequestion, namely, what happened, we can establish conclusionsof the greatest interest to economic historians and, further,define the problem we have to investigate. We can show, forexample: (1) that the Statute of Apprenticeship did not standalone; it was one of a long series of similar measures, beginningmore than two centuries before, which in their turn join on tothe municipal and gild regulations of the middle ages; one of animportant group of statutes, more or less closely interwoventhroughout their history, administered by local authoritieswhose functions had grown largely in connexion with thislegislation and the gradual differentiation of the trades andcallings to which it related. (2) That wages were regulated withmuch greater frequency during the reigns of Elizabeth, James I.and Charles I. than at any later period. (3) That they wereregulated in some counties and not in others. (4) That in thecounties and towns where they were regulated the action of themagistrates was in general spasmodic, and rarely continuousfor a long series of years. (5) That the magistrates used theirpowers sometimes to raise wages, sometimes to force them down.(6) That the local variations of wages and prices were what weshould call excessive, so that the standard of comfort in onedistrict was very different from that of others. (7) That thewages assessments group themselves round certain short periods,coincident in many instances with high prices, increase of poverty,and other causes of exceptional action. (8) That what we maycall, with the above limitations, the effective period of the actterminates with the outbreak of the Civil War. (9) Thatsubsequent to that period organic changes in the industriesaffected, coupled with the incompetence of parliament to adaptthe old legislation to new conditions, and the growing acceptanceof the doctrine of laissez faire, brought about a general disuse ofthe statute, though isolated attempts to enforce it were madeand new acts applicable to certain trades were passed in the 18thcentury. (10) For more than one hundred years before therepeal of the act, trade unions and other forms of voluntaryassociation amongst wage-earners, combinations amongst employers,collective agreements, customary regulations, wereestablished in many of the important trades of the country.But these conclusions, after all, suggest more difficulties thanthey remove, for they show that our inquiry, instead of presentingcertain well-marked features which can be readily dealt with,has to be split up into a number of highly specialized studies:the investigation of rates of wages, prices and the standardof comfort in different localities, bye-industries, regularity ofemployment, the organization of particular trades, the economicfunctions of local authorities, apprenticeship and a host ofother subjects. Moreover, all these subjects hang together, sothat it seems impossible to come to a decision about one of themwithout knowing all about the others. 17dc91bb1f

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