I immediately noticed that my CPU, R7 5700X, no longer reaches 4850 but stops at 4784... Furthermore, in idle it is no longer at 3400, but at 3551 as the lowest frequency. Has anything changed in frequency management? Has anyone updated? How is it with the new bios version?

Issue is that I can not get my system to run stable when I enable the XMP in BIOS. System runs great at 2133 but as soon as I enable XMP to get the 3200 speed I get random BSOD, sometimes when powering down or when watching YT. MemTest86 shows well over 200 errors after only 2 minutes!

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I have the exact same memory kit, and an X570 Gigabyte board as well (X570 Master). Enabling XMP did not work properly. It always gave me errors when testing memory or when running Prime95 and it gave me BSOD's too. After a second or third boot, the BIOS also reverted back to JEDEC speeds (2133Mhz) even though the option XMP was still enabled in BIOS.

After this second RMA, I decided to further try out manual timings for the RAM kit. I had tried this earlier - and followed the ryzen dram calculator settings to the letter - but those also gave me errors. This time, I decided to just set the first five values in BIOS to the exact same as XMP would: 16-18-18-18-36. I noticed that my board would set the sixth value to 75, while XMP sets this to 54. So I tried dialing it down and ended up with 55 and 56 and everything ran fin without errors at 56.

Something is clearly not right here. I hope that a future BIOS update will resolve it. But as of now, this kit doesn't work correctly on x570 gigabyte boards. And it is on the QVL, so something is off.

I have the same RAM kit, with Ryzen 3700x and x570 Taichi MOBO, i try your tips and work a few days, then i change to "58" and works fine some days. Then i have some stack in windows with cpu pikes... and many problems try'n to render videos in Adobe Premiere.

I do have Gigabyte Gaming X 570X with latest bios F12e and in slot A2 and B2 when i put the ram with enabled X.M.P. all works fine till i run some games like WOW or Gears Tactic. Most of the programs and games works fine some don't. When I do set it to default 2133 all works stable. Just ordered new ram and will see how it perform with above settings.

I suspected this was to do with overvolting of RAM or SOC initially when I faced many BSOD's (more than 2 per day), as I realised my BIOS VDDG and VDDP was higher than normal (1100 and 1000) when comparing to the Ryzen DRAM calculator 'Safe' values which were recommended at 900. As per another thread, I used Thaiphoon software to read the XMP directly from the kit before importing it and using 'Calculate Safe' option on DRAM calculator.

Somehow it BSOD again with SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION (FLTMGR.sys), I have also had other BSOD's like IRQL_NOT_LESS etc. I have had this several times, but it seems to occur randomly, when not doing any other CPU / RAM intensive workloads or Idling (usually on my work calls!). Very Frustrating!

If this still doesn't work, I will try downclocking to 3133mhz and tRC 55 as per a previous post in this thread or run without XMP at 2133mhz. Hope it doesn't come to it, but if I get anymore issues may end up just replacing for another kit, but shame to waste money on another 2x16GB DDR4 when for the most part this RAM works fine, should work as it is on the x570 Elite's QVL.

After replacing the RAM kit I still had the same random BSOD's, then I changed the CPU from the 3700x to a 3900x and have since had no issues with default bios and XMP settings. Others in the post pointed to the RAM being faulty, however in this case it turns out the CPU was causing the blue screens and maybe some of the voltage tweaks helped it run that I mentioned in my last post, but overall first batch of 3700x was possibly faulty and have since started an RMA.

As far as I understand whats going on with a faulty ram is that: after you formatted your system it works good for a few days. Because of the faulty working of your rams your system drivers deteriote day by day. And you start having blue screens and crashes. And you reformat again thats going on like this repeatedly. Its like hidden cancer eating your health of the system slowly.

When I have XMP disabled everything works normally, but in windows system events I have "LiveKernelEvent 141". [this error usually means a hardware error/damage] I wonder if any of you have it in connection with the instability of the XMP profile, and not only...

After switching XMP to auto, the tRC parameter is set to 64 in bios, but in windows alone it sometimes shows higher even over 70. When I turn off the XMP, the tRC should be 50 and this is in bios, but in windows I have tRC 51.

The problem is that XPM auto all = system instability, sometimes I have a few black screens a week, and sometimes 2 a day, sometimes for 3 days, another time everything works ok... Now I am testing the manual setting of XMP 16 18 18 36 and 56 - we will see how it will be with stability. But I am worried about this "LiveKernelEvent 141"

Because, as I wrote the swap graphics, the memory one by one is inserted and the error is always after turning on the PC and checking in the "event preview". Interestingly, when I have the XMP system turned on, it displays this error much more often than. Now the question is, is it a problem with CPU or frame memory instability?

I was able to overclock my sticks to 360Mhz last night with no troubles (luckily). I have had no issues with the 4 stick layout, is that something that is an issue with Ryzen chips that I am unaware of?

I would like to see if the pcie gen 4 in the F50 bios the latest released so far for a Gigabyte X470 Aorus Gaming 7 wifi rev 1.0. but they are constantly updating the bios right now so this may be to soon to ask for. It seems 1 or 2 updates monthly lately to the bios makes this to much trouble probably for you to keep it up to date.

Also the older F31 bios used to set my cpu to 4350mhz all core and it never fluctuated correctly the voltages were wrong and they had a lot of problems. The F41 had all that fixed then they BORKED all of it after that. Thank you again @Ket your awesome.

So I ended up buying another 2x8 and making it 4x8. So now I started to have issues with my boot and I had to manually set f11 boot to unraid. I could not access the bios menu anymore it would not work.

Start with 3000 and step down (lower limit 2400) to see if it helps. Use memtest (NOT the one from the UNRAID stick! Download the new version and use a seperate stick) to check for errors. Repeat until no errors remain (can take a week or so)

The Ryzen seems to be very picky about RAM speeds. But once tuned in correctly, no issues anymore (NEVER change / add RAM afterwards! There is a "burn in" phase where the modules get aquainted to each other. If you change one of them or add new, this does not work anymore. Reset the Bios and start fresh then)

EVGA PSU 650 watts , I mean it powers on and everything , I looked up asrock a2 errors and a lot people have issues with this damn board being a psycho. I thought was the ram that messed up board at first and possibly that new board is not updated for 5000 series. There is supposed be a sticker on board showin bios ver but ofc no sticker.

After the kernel bootup complained about RDRAND returning bad values, I read about people suggesting to do a BIOS update. Decided to update to the latest F11 BIOS (2019/12/09), messages about RDRAND during bootup gone.

But after compiling a lot of stuff from the AUR and adapting PKGBUILDs, eventually the makepkg command issued a segfault with no output, pacman also affected, still tried to install stuff though. Other software seemed to have still worked somewhat, lots of my browser tabs crashed though. This happened a couple days ago with kernel 5.5.2:

Makes stuff break as above within minutes with the F11 BIOS (not related to out-of-memory, I got 32GB installed, this needs less for the 32 threads spawned, maybe 20GB)

EDIT: stuff breaks when running that in combination with trying to compile rocblas which issues rocminfo that segfaults.

Tried F4b BIOS as well, RDRAND messages gone. kill-ryzen.sh script from ryzen-test eventually dumps some kernel messages containing register dumps just before locking up. Seems to me like it is somehow breaking kernel space.

Maybe experiment with a memory test like mentioned by sabroad. There's a package named "memtest86-efi" in the AUR. You can use that package to install memtest86 into your EFI partition and add it to your boot loader's menu. The results would be interesting to see because the test will run outside of Linux.

XMP is disabled by default when loading optimized defaults and after flashing the BIOS.

Not sure if I got it to go instable/hang with the default memory setting to rule that out... will test that.

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