Madrigal Carols and Cookies Fundraiser

Six specialty cookies delivered to your home by a small group of caroling madrigal singers!

Available Saturday, December 12 between 1pm-3pm only in Mahomet.

Supplies are limited! Orders accepted until December 4th or until sold out.
(Reservations are closed for this event.)

Cookies homemade by Amy Lozar, Band/Chorus Parent

Price: $40

After completing your payment, please click the "Return to Merchant" button to be directed to a Google Form with details for your Carols and Cookies experience. If you aren't redirected to the form, please confirm that your payment was completed successfully and contact for the information form link.

Reserve your Carols and Cookies experience:


If you need help with the reservation process or have problems paying online, contact Meg Loven,
If you have questions in general about the Carols & Cookies experience, please contact Nicole Kuglich