
Anna Chim is a primary school teacher in Hong Kong. The age of her students is 6-12. She teaches ICL, Maths, Science and STEAM. She earned a BSc in Physics form Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and a MSc in Material Engineering and Nanotechnology in The City University of Hong Kong. Her school have joined the CoolThink Project which promotes computational thinking in Hong Kong. She is a certified MIT App Inventor Master Trainer. Beside her strong science and teaching background, she has a love of innovative ideas. She had participated in several hackathons and had obtained a higher diploma in product design. She is passionate to promote Design Thinking and STEAM Education to the community.

STEAM topics she is interested in:

App Inventor, Scratch, Unity, AR, VR, AI, IoT, Arduino, microbits, mblock, Artec, 3D Printing, DIY...

Some of the primary school students projects that she leads: