The Magazine Project


To conclude our unit on the U.S. Constitution, you will be creating a digital magazine. This magazine will comprise articles related to the topics we have been studying in our E Pluribus Unum unit, specifically the most recent topics of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Each article you write should be historically accurate and written from the perspective of someone living during that time period in U.S. history.


Use MadMagz to create your digital magazine.

    • Use your Baldwin Gmail account to create the account
    • Use the free template
    • Watch a tutorial to learn how to do this

Document your sources in Noodle Tools

    • Anything beyond what you have already used for class notes needs to be documented
    • Include your bibliography as the last page of your magazine


For All Articles

      1. Include a byline (By *your name*)
      2. Be typed with Times New Roman or Arial Print and size 12
      3. Fall within the time period 1787 through the addition of the Bill of Rights in 1791


      1. Write your articles and create your features in a separate program like Word or Google Docs
      2. Create your content pages first
      3. Add a table of contents
      4. Finally create your cover

For Feature Articles (must have 5)

A newspaper not only consists of articles, but also advertisements, political cartoons, comic strips, and other features. You have to include 5 different types of these newspaper features.

  1. Editorial: The author writes an article expressing his or her opinion on a particular issue *Include a title that grabs the readers’ attention
  2. Comic Strip: A series of drawings that depict an event from history in a humorous way *Include a title for your comic *You must draw pictures, color and have at least 3 boxes
  3. Political Cartoon: A cartoon drawing that presents a political figure or issue in a comedic or sarcastic manner *Title for your political cartoon *Must be colored *Could be a primary source from the time period
  4. Advertisement: An announcement for a product used during early American history *Include a picture *Have a catchy slogan to convince the reader to buy *Must be colored
  5. Obituary: An announcement of the death of an important figure in early U.S. history (preferably a founding father) *Include details on who they were and their accomplishments *Title: should include the person’s name followed by the word “Dies” *Picture if available *If the founding father died after 1791, it's OK
  6. Crossword: Use 5-8 terms *definitions and the actual crossword chart (lots of online crossword generators)
  7. 10 Fact Questions: Have a trivial section using facts you learned in the unit
  8. Help Wanted: Place ads showing job openings

For Regular Articles (must have 4)

Choose one from each category:

Article One:

    • Constitutional Convention and the compromises (at least 2)
    • The Preamble (of the Constitution) and its goals
    • Founding Fathers (or mothers)(choose one and tell their story)
    • James Madison

Article Two:

    • The Federalist Papers
    • The Anti-federalist Argument
    • The Federalists Argument
    • Federalism

Article Three:

    • The Bill of Rights
    • The First Amendment
    • Separation of Powers/Branches of Government

Article 4

    • The most important Amendment
    • Responsibilities as a U.S. Citizen
    • The Electoral College

Adapted from Ms. Kontis at