Mr. Johnson's

4th grade


Every student has been added to Google Classroom. All your student needs to do is:

1. log onto their Google account.

2. Go to the waffle on the top right hand corner of the screen

3. Accept The Google Classroom Invite for Mr. Johnson's 4th grade class.

4. You will not be a part of our Google Classroom! Yay!

Here is a quick video to walk you through the process if you need it :)

If you cannot remember your login it is the first three letters of your first name and first three letters of your last name followed by For example Joseph Johnson would be


These will be the websites we will be using during distance learning this year! There will be more to follow as the school year progresses.

About me

Hello! I am Mr. Johnson,

My name is Joe Johnson and I am extremely excited to learn, grow, and make ever-lasting memories with your fourth grader this year! I have a long history at Newton School, I used to be a student here back in the day! After college, I worked as an instructional assistant at Newton for two years before I completed my master’s degree at UMass Amherst. I taught 5th grade at the Greenfield Middle School last year and have made my return to Newton this year as a fourth-grade teacher! I will say, this is not how I expected this year of teaching to go, but I will not let the pandemic stop us from having a good time and succeeding in our new learning environment.