Mr.Techmanski Class Page

My Schedule

1st period: Algebra 1 (Room 302)

2nd period: Plan (Math Office)

3rd period: Plan   (Math Office)

4th period: Geometry  (Room 302)

5th period: Geometry (Room 302)

6th period: Geometry (Room  302)

7th period: AP Computer Science A (Room 579)

Office Hours:

I will be available during my off periods; second and third periods throughout the year, and also available after school.  If possible, let me know if you intend to come to office hours so I am sure to be in my room when you arrive.

You can always contact me with questions at my email: 

Tutor Time:

Please make Tutor Time part of your regular school week and come to my room on a regular basis. This is a great time to ask questions and get help on any topics you have been struggling with.