Root Words Resource

Root Words List #1

Root Definition Example(s)

A - = Not; Without (Acoelomate)

An - = Not; Without (Anaerobic)

Bio - = Life (Biology)

Ab - = Off, From, Away (Aboral)

Ad - / Ac - = To, Toward (Adoral; Accelerate)

-logy =Study of (Biology)

Root Words List #2

Root Definition Example(s)

Arthro- = Jointed (Arthropod)

Ambi- / amphi- = Both; either (Ambidexterity)

Auto- = Self (Autopilot)

Ante- = Before (Antedate)

Anti- = Against (Antidote)

Lip- / Adip- =Fat (Lipid)

Root Words List #3

Root Definition Example(s)

Vit- / Viv- = Life (Vital; Vitalism; Vitamin; Vivarium)

De- = Down; From; Out (Dehydrate; Decapitate; Defecate)

–mer = Part (Polymer; Monomer; isomer)

Mono- = One, only, single (Monomer; mononucleosis; monogamy)

Poly- = Many (Polymer; polydactyl; polyploidy)

Sacchar- = Sugar (Polysaccharide; monosaccharide; Saccharomyces)

Root Words List #4

Root Definition Example(s)

Hem- = Blood (Hemoglobin; Hemophilia)

Hetero- = Other; different (Heterotrophic; Heterogeneous)

Cyt- = Cell (Cytoplasm; Cytokinesis)

Eu- = True (Eukaryote; Euchromatin)

Hyper- = Over, Excessive (Hypertonic; Hypertension)

Hypo- = Under (Hypotonic; Hypotension)

Root Words List #5

Root Definition Example(s)

-ton(ic) = Dissolved solute; tension (Hypertonic; Hypotonic)

Homo - = Same (Homozygous; Homogenized)

-troph = Nourished (Heterotrophic; Autotrophic)

Chlor(o)- = Green (Chlorophyll; Chloroform)

Chrom(o)- = Color (Chromosome; Chromatin)

Photo- = light (Photosynthesis; photograph)

Root Words List #6

Root Definition Example(s)

-al = Having the characteristic of (Caudal; Chromosomal; Hypodermal)

Amyl- = Starch (Amyloplast; Amylase; Amyloid)

-ate = The act of (verb) (Decapitate; Defecate; Agitate)

Cephal- / Capit- = Head (Decapitate; Cephalic; Cephalopod)

Caud- = Tail (Caudal; Caudocephalad; Acaudal)

Bi- / Di- = Two, Double, Both (Bicycle; Bilateral; Diphosphate)

Root Words List #7

Root Definition Example(s)

Chrom(o)(e)- = Color (Chromosome, Chromatid, Chromatography)

Som(o)(e)(at)- / Corp- = Body (Chromosome, Autosomal, Corpse, Corporation)

Genesis- = Beginning; To make (Gametogenesis; Anthropogenesis)

Intra- = Within; inside (Intraspecific; Intranet; Intrathecal)

-itis = Inflammation (Colitis; Arthritis; Tonsillitis)

Inter- = Between; among (Interstate; Interspecific; Interpersonal)

Root Words List #8

Root Definition Example(s)

-al = Having the characteristic of (Caudal; Chromosomal; Hypodermal)

-ate = The act of (verb) (Decapitate; Defecate; Agitate)

-eous / -ious / -ous = nature/quality of, full of, like (Envious, Cautious, Hideous)

Dys- = bad, abnormal, difficult (Dysfunction, Dysentery, Dyslexia)

Dis- = apart, out (Dislocate, Distract, Disassemble)

Ecto- / Exo- = Outside of (Exoskeleton, Ectoplasm, Ectoderm)

Root Words List #9

Root Definition Example(s)

Infra- = below, beneath (Infrared, Infrastructure, Infraspinatus)

Lact- = milk (Lactic, Lactose, Lactation, Lactase)

Omni- = All (Omnivore, Omnipotent, Omnis)

Pan- = All (Pangea, Pandemic, Pandora)

Mast-/mam- = Breast (Mammogram, Mastectomy, Mammal)

Cycl(e)- = Circle; ring (Unicycle, Cyclin, Bicycle)

Root Words List #10

Root Definition Example(s)

Gyn- = Female (Gynecology, Gynecomastia)

-cul(e) = Small; diminutive (Molecule; Miniscule; Ridicule)

Dactyl- = Finger (Pterodactyl; Polydactyl; Pentadactyl)

Herba- = Plant (Herbal; Herbivore; Herbicide)

Cyan- = Blue (Cyanobacteria; Cyanide; Cyanosis)

Contra- = Against (Contraband; Contradict; Contraction)

Root Words List #11

Root Definition Example(s)

Homo- (Latin) = Man; Human (Hominid; Homosocial)

Homo- (Greek) = Same; Alike (Homogenous, Homolgous)

Sapien- (Latin) = Wise (Sapiens; Sapientissimus)

Zo- / Zoa- = animal (Zoology; Zoanthid; Zoophyte)

Pseudo- = False (Pseudopodia; Pseudotumor; Pseudoseizure)

My(o)- = muscle (Myocardial; Myosin; Myelin)

Root Words List #12

Root Definition Example(s)

Oligo- = Few; little (Oligopeptide, Oligonucleotide, Oligodendrocyte)

Olf- = Smell (Olfactory; Olfaction)

Onc- = mass; tumor (Oncology; Oncogene)

Nephro- / Ren- = Kidney (Renal, Nephritis, Nephritic)

Tax- = Arrange; put in order (Taxonomy; Ataxia; Taxonomic)

Derm- = Skin (Hypodermal, Epidermis, Dermatitis)