Media Studies Journal

Media Studies Daily Journal:

Entries will be made daily in your comp book journal

*begin each entry at the top of a page in your comp book

*begin with the date of the journal entry

Comp books will be collected and graded periodically

Journal topics will be posted here, in order with the latest entry first:

Journal #16 - 11/27 extra credit journal entry - respond to the radio show "The Nudge" transcript at the following link: "The Nudge" CBC radio program

Journal #15 - 11/21 read the following article in the New York Times and comment in your journal

Journal #14 - 11/17 watch the segment by John Oliver on the Sinclair Group and respond in your journal

The censored version with language bleeped is available to watch in the classroom.

Journal #13 - respond to the discussion on proliferation of fake YouTube news

Start at 9:40 for the discussion on YouTube fake news.

Journal #12 - 11/1 watch the following video and respond in your journal

Journal #11 - 10/26 read the following article and respond in your journal

Journal #10 - 10/11 - Editorial Cartoons

Respond to the following editorial cartoon in your journal, then share your response.

Journal #9 - 10/9 - The ACLU and the Alt. Right

Listen to the following podcast on the ACLU and Freedom of Speech and write a one page journal response

Journal #7 - 9/18 (EXTRA CREDIT)

Read the following article and write a one page journal response:

Journal #2: 8/28 - respond to the following prompt

  • Respond to the short videos below on "The Cultural Factors driving America's Departure from Reality" and How Fake News Grows in a Post Fact World"

Journal #1: 8/24:

After viewing the videos and having our first class discussion, respond to any of the following questions

  • What is Media Literacy?
  • Name forms of media.
  • Why is media literacy important?

Media: plural form of medium

Medium: a means by which something is communicated or expressed