Short story activity sheet

Short Story Activity Sheet

Your name:

Writer's name:

For each of these completely:

____Name and describe the main character:

____Which of the following did the author include, and was it effective. Why? Why not?:



____What is the most effective dialogue in the piece? (quotation)

____Concrete/abstract images (give an example of an effective one):

____Identify time (give an example)

____Identify place (give an example)

Which of the following did the author include, give example:




____What is the main conflict in this story?

____Conflict is between: Individual vs. individual -- Individual vs. society -- Individual vs. nature -- Individual vs. self.

___How is the conflict resolved?

____What is the climax/turning point of conflict?

____Does the story follow a logical sequence of events:

________Give an example of the use of transitional words

________What is the sequence of events? Does if follow a strict chronological order? Flashbacks?

____From whose point of view is the story written:

________First person

________Third person observer

________Third person omniscient

____Is this point of view consistent throughout the story?

____What is the controlling or main idea in the story? State it in your own words.

____Can the main idea in this story be expressed as a proverb or maxim? What would it be?