

Due to an increasing need to communicate with the people all around the world, the language barrier between different cultures needs to be removed. TalkSee is a web-based chat application that will allow people to communicate with each other on one platform by translating their text messages, written in their chosen language, to some other language on the receiver’s end in the form of their talking Avatar to provide them with the best possible experience of communication.


Communication is an important and unavoidable aspect of our lives. Communicating with different people having diverse cultures and linguistics requires an adequate understanding of their language. As one cannot acquire knowledge of every language, this creates a barrier in social interaction and effective communication among different people.

People used to hire translators with them, each for a specific language. But as the technology evolved, translating gadgets became available in the market which resolved this problem. And in today’s era when technology is progressing rapidly and at its peak, many translation applications are available online for free. These applications translate your language into desired languages just upon a click.

Our proposed system is also such an application but differs in features from the conventional translators. TalkSee is not just a translator, but a web-based chat application solely determined to be designed for providing real-time translation and communication between users through typing in their preferred languages. Furthermore, a model or avatar of the sender will read aloud the translated text message on the receiver’s end thus providing a more meaningful experience of in-person communication.


Related Work

There are unlimited multilingual translation applications available that not only allows you to communicate with friend/family but provides an option to add new friends in your contact list to enhance your communication network.  

The related work or application for translation of language are given below:

But none of the above is providing translation with an avatar speaking according to lip syncing in a video and providing a more realistic experience. The related work or application through which got an idea to introduce a talking Avatar are given below:

Future Work

Our proposed system is a chat application with the user typing messages in his/her language. Possible extensions are,


[1]      Chat Translator. (2014, June 19th). Retrieved 2020, from

[2]      Neeopal. (2020, July 3rd). Retrieved from Neeopal:

[3]      Olanoff, D. (2012, January 5th). TransFire. Retrieved December 2020, from thenextweb:

[4]     Sim, L. F., Md Gapar Md Johar, Ilfaki, A. O., & Kevin Loo Teow Aik. (2012). Investigative Study towards the Development of Mobile Language. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications.

[5]      Cartoon Animator 4. (2020). Cartoon Animator 4. Retrieved 2020, from reallusion:

[6]      SpeakPic. (n.d.). Retrieved 2020, from SpeakPic:

Presentation Slides

CS12_TalkSee Presentation-Final.pptx

Chat Module Demo

 Sender Side

sender's demo.mp4

 Receiver Side

receiver's demo.mp4

Deployment Link

GitHub Link



Dr. Usama Ijaz Bajwa

Co-PI, Video Analytics lab, National Centre in Big Data and Clud Computing,Program Chair (FIT 2019),HEC Approved PhD Supervisor,Assistant Professor & Associate Head of DepartmentDepartment of Computer Science,COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan

Team Members