Viewpoint Invariant Disguised Facial Recognition using Deep Networks

Hi! I am Sareya Qayyum and I am currently doing Masters in Computer Science from COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) Lahore Campus, Lahore Pakistan. My Major is Computer Vision And I aspire to become a Data Scientist. Currently I am working on one of its domain: Facial Recognition. My Research topic is Facial Recognition under Disguise Variations. A short introduction about my Research is given below. 

1. Problem Statement: Viewpoint Invariant  Disguised Facial Recognition using Deep Networks.

2. Objective: For the past couple of decades research in face recognition has seen remarkable progress. Many algorithms work excellently in performing face recognition in constrained environments, the current algorithms achieve high performance in unconstrained environments too. But these algorithms fail to capture the complexities and challenges of face recognition under disguise variations. In the real world, an individual may use disguise with intentional or unintentional purposes so that his identity may be concealed or he might try to impersonate another person’s identity. Facial recognition systems should be capable of identifying such disguises and classify the individuals as disguised or impersonators. Many deep architectures have been presented to address this problem. A novel deep learning architecture called Capsule Network will be used to address face recognition under disguise. According to the literature review Face recognition with disguise has not been addressed using Capsule Network until now. 

Facial Recognition can be classified into two types: 

3. Disguised Facial Recognition:

Disguised Facial Recognition is one of the problems of unconstrained environments and researchers are trying to investigate this provocative problem. For facial recognition in unconstrained environments like disguised facial recognition, surveillance is the main resource of data procurement. Thus systems working in DFR require viewpoint invariance in order to be able to recognize a face and verify a person even if the images are prone to different views of the same person. 

3.1  Applications of Disguised Facial Recognition:

Some important applications of Disguised face verification are: 

3.2  Challenges in Disguise Facial Recognition:

For Intentional and Unintentional disguises many factors collaborate to make the disguised facial recognition a challenging problem. Some of them are:

Constrained Facial Recognition Systems are incapable of dealing with such vast variations. Or they may need computationally expensive pre-processing steps in order to normalize these variations. Inter-class variations are so minimum in disguised faces between different subjects which makes it a challenging and interesting problem as well. 

4. Methodology:

The approach to be used in solving the problem of disguised facial recognition is a novel deep learning architecture called Capsule Network. The concept was presented by Hinton et al along with two published papers exploring a new algorithm called ‘routing by agreement’ to address the limitations of deep convolutional neural networks. Capsule Network claims to provide viewpoint invariance thus reducing the need for data augmentation used to increase the size of dataset for convolutional neural networks. This claim was proved by Hinton et al by achieving 99.75% test classification accuracy using MNIST dataset.

4.1 Basic Achitecture of Capsule Network:

5. Outcome:  For a given pair of image, system will output a genuine match if both images are similar, else it will produce an output saying the pair is a mismatch/imposter.