How do i put this library i2cdevlib/Arduino/MPU6050 at master  jrowberg/i2cdevlib  GitHub into the IDE? The tutorial on libraries just covers opening a zip file but there's no zip file as far as i can see.

If you are simply looking for an MPU6050 library, then you can go to Tools -> Manage Libraries... in the IDE and search on MPU6050. This will bring up a number of MPU6050 libraries that you can install from the Library Manager by just clicking the Install button.

Mpu6050_6axis_motionapps20.h Arduino Library Download

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

If you want to use this library specifically, then from the examples it would seem that the files need to be in your sketch folder/directory and then the required header file included in your sketch with a statement like:

Aye but how to get those files into the library? I'm sure I've seen a tutorial on youtube way back where an address such as github was specified somewhere in the IDE so it could go and get them but i cant find the tutorial.

This works for me.

Download the zip file from this page. GitHub - jrowberg/i2cdevlib: I2C device library collection for AVR/Arduino or other C++-based MCUs

Unzip the file and navigate to the Arduino directory inside. Select the library you want to use and copy or move it into sketchbook/libraries along with the I2Cdev library from the same directory.

I'm testing my MPU6050 module with Arduino Mega. I found Jeff Rowberg has written a library for this. I tried with this example provided by him. But the Arduino IDE gives a large number of errors when trying to verify the sketch.

If you look at the library code, you'll notice that the .dmp___ methods are not implemented in the MPU6050.cpp file, but in the MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h file. If this doesn't solve it, post your code.

I'm currently calibrating the MPU6050 chip using an arduino mega 2560. I am using the J Rowberg 12c dev libraries. I can get it to print raw accelerometer and gyroscpe values (very unstable, wildly changing values). In the digital motion processing chip library, I can get it to print euler angles, quaternions, real world acceleration and actual acceleration but there is no option to get gyroscope data.

I am working with an MPU-6050 Accelerometer/Gyroscope to use on a model rocket to detect acceleration and orientation events. In testing I have been having a lot of problems getting consistent results. At first it seemed like the values were always fluctuating even sitting still on a table but now it seems that each axis just has to calibrate and then settles down. Is this normal/expected? Also I've notice that if I accelerate the sensor even a little too violently, it seems to disconnect or something and axis values are all over the place until I reset the Arduino. I'm using a 5v Pro Mini with MPU-6050 VCC>5v, GND>GND, SCL>A4,SDA>A5, INT>D2. Wondering if there's any tips on stabilizing the chip signals and reliability. I have included a graph where you can see the values settling to some sort of steady-state before I accelerate along each axis. I'm using "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h" library with only OUTPUT_READABLE_REALACCEL enabled. Thanks for any help!

The app connects nicely to the arduino via bluetooth and as a test I am writing the millis to the v5 pin and displaying that on the app. I am also displaying a stream of gyro data on the serial monitor.

As I understand there are two solutions, one being to change the MPU code to work without interrupts. The other is to connect the HC-05 to the hardware serial interface. I would like to go with this later solution. The demo version of the HC-05 code on the Bynk site requires SoftwareSerial however. Is there a way for me to connect the bluetooth module to Blynk using the hardware serial TX and RX pins on my arduino?

Yes, just simply remove the soft serial library and commands and program as direct to Serial instead, but then you cannot use ANY Serial.Print() or Serial.Println() command, including #define BLYNK_PRINT Serial, and be aware that you will need to unplug your BT device each and every time you want to upload a sketch.

I downloaded the I2Cdevlib clone and extracted the I2Cdev and MPU 6050 folders out of jrowberg-i2cdevlib-460d810/Arduino folder into C:/users/(user)/documents/arduino/libraries. Once I launch Arduino IDE and the MPU6050_DMP6 example followed by compiling I get the following errors:

After completing several trials, I noticed that the accelerometer-gyroscope module and the Motion Apps library seem to have some type of auto-calibration feature, which requires a couple of seconds to complete. Here is a graph of the orientation output I got directly after initiating the sensor:

Just like most sensors, the MPU-6050 needs to be calibrated before it is used for the first time. What we want to do is remove the zero-error; this refers to when the sensor records a small angle even though it is totally level. This error can be removed by applying an offset to the raw accelerometer and gyroscope sensor readings. The offset needs to be adjusted until the gyroscope readings are zero (no rotation) and the accelerometer records the acceleration due to gravity pointing directly downwards. Fortunately I found a program that can calibrate the MPU-6050 for us! The original calibration sketch can be found on the I2Cdev library forum. To use the program, first make sure that the MPU-6050 is correctly wired up to the Arduino (or equivalent). Then upload the sketch and open up the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE, setting the baud rate to 115200. To start calibration, place the accel-gyro module in a flat and level position and send any character in the serial monitor. The program will make an average of a few hundred readings and display the offsets required to remove zero error.

When I go to the MPU6050 link to the library there is no download option. I go up to the root and can download the whole i2cdevlib but when I try and add that zip file in the IDE is say its an invalid library.

Thanks! Everything I've tried so far is in my question at the very end. So i just comment everything out that starts with serial Ok I will try!! However today i already tried reinstalling the newest version of the arduino ide, now im getting this rosserial error socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused...My bad! did'nt start the ros master ;)Update: I tried commenting everything with serial out, still get the same error.

Para probar Arduino con MPU-6050, primero debemos descargar la libreria Arduino para MPU-6050, desarrollada por Jeff Rowberg. Luego, ir a la ubicacin donde ha instalado arduino. Debes descomprimir la libreria en el folder de las librerias de arduino, la nombras "MPU6050". Tambin podra tener que hacer lo mismo para instalar la libreria I2Cdev as, si no lo tiene para su arduino. Realizar el mismo procedimiento que el anterior para la instalacin. puede descargar el archivo aqu: Si usted ha hecho esto correctamente, entonces cuando se abre el IDE Arduino, se puede ver "MPU6050" Ejemplos. A continuacin, abra el programa de ejemplo de:

I had never used Unity before, so I first opened the program to familiarize myself with it. nice. I then went to Uduino and opened the projects page.There I found the libraries that allow me to connect an IMU sensor to Unity. The library I used is i2cdev.This library is found on GitHub. You'll need to download the zip file and unzip before manually inserting it in your Arduino libraries. Inside the master library, you'll need, the i2Cdev and MPU6050 Source code. Take both those folders out and placethem inside the Arduino library folder.

Man that sucks ... I think this could also mean that you ran into an "unsolvable" bug.

As mentioned before: I ran into something like this as well with a cheap networkshield.

A 3rd party developer developed a great library, but even he did not manage to create a fix.

I agree, another manufacturer would be a good idea.

Is there anything mentions and supports with an official library?

I did see a few listed here - they do not even list the 6050. Maybe a good start.

Or see if AdaFruit has a shield - they are usually very good about support as well.

I tried adafruit a while back, Their library is different and there is a sensors library which is supposed to work with all their sensors, Problem 1 is it is poorly documented and does not work with everything, Bigger problem is it does not work on the ESP32

You make a good point there ... in general, for their own specific products, they seem to be doing OK.

But I now remember how limited their LED library was (NeoPixel) compared to a more generic LED library (FastLED - which is very well documented and maintained).

Don't give up on the cheap, ubiquitous MPU6050 IMU modules. I have been using them in my robot projects for years now, and they seem to be completely bullet-proof when used and driven properly. Take a look at this post on my 'Paynters Palace' blog site. You don't need to understand it in detail, but you should come away with the realization that if you use Homer Creutz's GetCurrentFIFOPacket() routine that is embedded in Jeff Rowberg's library, you can rest assured that you will get reliable, valid data from the MPU6050 whether you use the interrupt method or the polling method.

It sounds to me like you have run up against the classic I2C bus 'freeze' problem, and if so, it has nothing at all to do with the MPU6060. I2C bus freezes are a known problem with Arduino, and it has only been recently addressed. See this post for all the gory details. The good news is, if you use the latest Wire library code and add the timeout setting line to your setup() function like this e24fc04721

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