Tuesday 18th May 2021


of stability manifolds

virtually at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics

This is a one-morning workshop about two newly-discovered approaches to the compactification of the space of Bridgeland stability conditions.

Time and place

The workshop will take place on Tuesday 18th May 2021, from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, via Zoom.
See the Schedule for speakers, titles and abstracts.

Zoom details

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93226704286?pwd=TjdVN2FMM3duMFloNndzTG44S3R2Zz09
Meeting ID: 932 2670 4286
Zoom password: 60*23*73 (with no stars)


The workshop is organized by Mirko Mauri.
email: mauri(at)mpim-bonn(dot)mpg(dot)de