I tried to put error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); as well as error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); which i inserted into my index.php, into the class and method that is directly including mpdf.php and also at the start of mpdf.php. I also tried combinations with ini_set('display_errors', 0); - all these directives are working for whole the web application but for mpdf. Therefore even when PDF could be well formed and valid I cannot output it (let the user download it).

I have found no solution (and also have no more time to do so) to stop mPDF generate notices and haven't yet lost my mind to "repair" the mpdf.php (with its 1.34 MB of PHP code) therefore this is (for now) the only solution that works for me.

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with the following stack trace;

Fatal error : Uncaught Mpdf\MpdfException: Data has already been sent to output, unable to output PDF file in /var/www/test.homelesshealthlink.com/public_html/vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src/Mpdf.php:9543 Stack trace: #0

I never feed mpdf a full html page, usually just an h3 and one or more tables. Maybe I need to be giving mpdf an entire html page, including , , etc? Is there any way to change mpdf configuration or the way I call mpdf in php that would get rid of the html junk at the beginning of the pdf file that's gunking everything up?

Without this mpdf sometimes includes the website page HTML and not just the HTML that you want in the PDF, probably because headers have already been sent elsewhere in the code. That can mess up your PDF so Adobe won't open it.

I am trying to create a pdf document using mpdf and in the first step I tried to save it in my downloads folder and then I tried to open it and it worked perfect. I can see what I need in the pdf document.

I have to draw a report with mpdf.The report use to display rows.I would like to fix the height of the (not the height of ) like this : or but it seems impossible.I'm trying to add this in mpdf.php but it seems that it will take few days to do it!

On our recent upgrade to 5.9.0 I was notified that the mpdf plugin is now marked as unmaintained by the vendor and to investigate 3rd party solutions for the future. Does anyone have an insight on this?

Thanks man, solved my problems.Solution.include\mpdf\mpdf.php replace line 31139if (!$this->is_utf8($txt)) { $this->Error("Text contains invalid UTF-8 character(s)"); }With thisif (!$this->is_utf8($txt)) { $this->ignore_invalid_utf8 = true; }

I have tried placing the mPDF library in both locations mentioned in the error message. I've tried naming the library folder "mpdf", "mPDF" and "pdf_using_mpdf" in both locations. Permissions are set to 755. -But I'm still getting this error.

Once you have downloaded all the code, you will have an /mpdf directory (containing the mPDF library) within either $IP/extensions/Mpdf/ or $IP/vendor/mpdf/, depending on how it was downloaded. In either case, make sure that the following subfolders of that directory have write permission for the web server:

The diffpy.mpdf package provides a convenient method for computing the magnetic PDF(mPDF) from magnetic structures and performing fits to neutron total scatteringdata. The mPDF is calculated by an MPDFcalculator object, which extracts the spinpositions and spin vectors from a MagStructure object that the MPDFcalculatortakes as input. The MagStructure object in turn can contain multiple MagSpeciesobjects, which generate magnetic configurations based on a diffpy.structure objectand a set of propagation vectors and basis vectors provided by the user.Alternatively, the user can manually define a magnetic unit cell that will be usedto generate the magnetic structure, or the magnetic structure can be defined simplyas lists of spin positions and spin vectors provided by the user.

The recommended way to install this package is through conda. For help installing conda,please visit conda is installed, you can follow the simple steps below to install diffpy.mpdf.You will also install the full diffpy-cmi suite along the way.

The extension uses the latest development version (v6.0beta) of the mPDF library. It uses the composer repository kartik-v/mpdf on packagist as a source for this latest version. mPDF 6.0 can utilise OpenType layout tables to display complex scripts. This release (v6.0) contains fonts (open source) to cover almost every imaginable script / language. Includes support for Arabic or Indic scripts (as well as Khmer, Lao, Myanmar etc.). It also is expected to improve the display of Thai, Vietnamese and Hebrew. It also includes additional fonts for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

This plugin replaces dompdf with another library that supports RTL and all other Unicode languages including Hebrew and Arabic adding a better RTL integration for PDF documents. It is equipped to handle almost 12 RTL languages including most Asian languages. The plugin also can be used with the WebToffee WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin to create gift cards in PDF format.

The PDF converter library that we use (dompdf) in WooCommerce PDF Invoice, Packings Slips, Delivery Notes & Shipping Labels plugin provides only partial support for RTL. In addition to this, Hebrew and Arabic characters are not supported by the font (Open Sans) that is used in the pre-defined templates.

To overcome this, the mPDF add-on provisions another library (in addition to dompdf) to support RTL and also includes fonts that support Hebrew and Arabic (and almost any character set) to the PDF Invoices, Packing Slips, Delivery Notes & Shipping Label plugin. 2351a5e196

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