MPB Special Issue:

Mathematical Optimization and Fair Social Decisions

Special issue of Mathematical Programming, Series B, on "Mathematical Optimization and Fair Social Decisions"

MPB is soliciting high-quality, multi-disciplinary contributions that address mathematical (continuous and discrete) optimization (algorithms and modeling) in the context of game theory, voting, matching, fair division, cost-sharing, social choice, mechanism design, price of anarchy, and other areas relevant to social decisions. The special issue is inspired by the International Conference on Mathematical Optimization for Fair Social Decisions: A tribute to Michel Balinski,, but, of course, submissions are open to the community at large.

Michel Balinski graduated from MIT (MSc) and Princeton (PhD) and held professorial positions in mathematics, economics and administrative sciences at Princeton, U Penn, CUNY, Yale, and Stony Brook. He moved to France in 1980 and was appointed as a CNRS Research Director “de classe exceptionnelle” at Ecole Polytechnique. There, he led the Laboratoire d'Econométrie until his retirement in 1999. Michel is the founder and first editor of Mathematical Programming and, having been one of the founders of the Mathematical Optimization Society, also served as its president. Besides his celebrated work on the diameter of polytopes, integer programming methods, polyhedral theory, and assignment problems, Michel's primary contributions and passions lied in the mathematical understanding of fairness. Within this general framework he is well known for his work on stable matchings, fair allocations, and, most notably, voting theory. Michel was awarded many prizes, including the INFORMS's John von Neumann theory prize and Frederick W. Lancaster prize and twice the Lester Ford prize of the Mathematical Association of America.

Submission Instructions

All submissions should be at most 25 pages in length, and will be peer-reviewed to the standard of Mathematical Programming. Authors should submit their papers electronically at selecting Article Type "MPB - Special Issues Only", entering the relevant information, and selecting Section/Category "Series B - S.I. Mathematical Optimization and Fair Social Decisions".

The deadline for submission is JANUARY 31, 2021. Additional information about the special issue can be obtained from the Guest Editors.

Mourad Baiou,

José Correa,

Rida Laraki,