Welcome to Middle School

Welcome to Middle School!

Welcome to the MPA middle school virtual classroom. We have created a space for success and collaboration so that students and families are able to keep up with their classwork, projects, announcements and school events! This virtual classroom is inclusive of all of the middle school classes, including specials (spanish, art, and music). Please feel free to utilize this space to ensure success for your scholar. Lets work together as a family and a school to keep our scholars on track! :)

How Do I Find Classwork/Homework?

To find your students daily homework and classwork, please scroll to the top of this page and find your students grade level. When you click on their grade level, you will find an announcement section at the top of the page that lists test dates and important events/deadlines that are approaching. As you continue to scroll down, you notice a section that says daily lessons which lists the classwork and  homework for the day.

Building Scholar Success!

Did you know that learning is not a spectator (watching) sport? You have to jump in and participate! This year you will learn to develop grit. Grit is the combination of passion and perseverance that will allow you to meet any academic challenge. We know you have the potential and ability to achieve great things in middle school. Your attitude makes all the difference.

 "The remainder of your amazing year begins today!"

Teacher Email Contact:

Ms. Mason (Math) - jmason@macdowellprep.com

Ms. Norwood (Science) - cnorwood@macdowellprep.com

Ms. Frazier (ELA) - vfrazier@macdowellprep.com

Mr. Palmer (Social Studies) - dpalmer@macdowellprep.com