Privacy Policy

**Privacy Policy for our Movie Discovery App**

Last Updated: May 13, 2023

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This Privacy Policy describes how our Movie Discovery App ("we", "us", or "our") collects, uses, and discloses information about you. By using our app, you agree to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

**1. Information We Collect**

We may collect the following types of information:

- **Usage Information**: We collect information about your usage of the app, including movies and shows searched, scheduled, and shared. 

- **Device and Connection Information**: We collect information about your mobile device, including the hardware model, operating system, unique device identifiers, IP address, and mobile network information.

- **Location Information**: With your permission, we may collect information about your real-time location to provide the feature of finding nearby cinemas and theaters.

- **Cookies and Similar Technologies**: We use cookies and similar technologies to provide and support our app.

**2. How We Use Information**

We use the information we collect to:

- Provide, improve, and personalize our app

- Communicate with you about the app, including updates and promotional offers

- Provide personalized movie and show suggestions

- Measure and analyze app performance and usage

**3. Information We Share**

We do not sell your personal information. We may share your information in the following situations:

- With service providers who assist us in providing the app

- As part of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, or other transaction in which a third party assumes control of all or part of our business

- To comply with a legal requirement or process, including law enforcement requests

- With your explicit consent

**4. Your Choices**

You may manage your information and privacy settings within the app. For example, you can choose to disable location services or opt-out of receiving notifications.

**5. Security**

We implement reasonable security measures to protect your information. However, no security system is impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee the security of our systems 100%.

**6. Changes to This Privacy Policy**

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post any changes in the app. By continuing to use the app after those changes become effective, you agree to the revised Privacy Policy.

**7. Contact Us**

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at  

This app uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb. All movie-related information and images are sourced from under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license: More details about TMDb's terms of use can be found here: