
The movie that made the most profits is...

With a total gross of $2.78 billion against a budget of $237 million, Avatar, directed by the illustrious James Cameron and released in 2009, earned a profit of $2.54 billion (more than 10 times its budget) making it the most profitable movie of all time.

As a testament to the brilliance of James Cameron, the previous holder of this record was Titanic, also directed by him in 1997, with a profit of $1.99 billion.

The movie that made the most loss is...

Despite boasting Oscar-winning producer, Barrie M. Osborne and a cast that included Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane from Superman Returns), The Warrior's way, released in 2010, only grossed $11 million which was a paltry figure considering it cost $425 million to make.

Do the math *winks*