
Up coming events

  • Spring School at AIMS Senegal "Mathematical Modeling perspective in ecology, biodiversity and blue economy" 30 May, 3 June 2022.

  • Workshop on "Fish functional diversity and governance nexus: a new blue economy paradigm", 06-08 June, 2022.


  • CIMPA SCHOOL on "Cryptography, theoretical and computational aspect of number theory", 15/08/2022 to 26/08/2022.




Past events:

  • Algebra, Codes and Cryptology (A2C) The First International Conference on Algebra, Codes and Cryptography in honor of Mamadou Sanghare, Dakar, Senegal, December 5- 7, 2019


  • Symposium des jeunes chercheurs Sénégalais en Mathématiques pures et appliquées 16-19, Décembre 2019 (AIMS/SALY, Mbour)


  • [Winter school AIMS Senegal, 27-31Jan 2020] Mathematical Modelling of Ecological and Socioeconomic Systems.

--> WINTER SCHOOL on "Applied Non-Linear Dynamics" at AIMS Senegal

MBour, Senegal 04 - 08 February 2019.

The school is particularly designed for students in mathematics, physics, and theoretical ecology interested in learning how to describe complex, non-linear natural phenomena with computational tools.

Link to the flyer:

Link to APPLY : (Deadline October 31st.)

--> SPRING SCHOOL on "Local & Nonlocal Elliptic & Geometric problems" AIMS-Senegal, Mbour, February 18-22, 2019

Link to website:

Link to APPLY: Here (Deadline November 20 th.)

--> 1ère Ecole d'été en Statistique et Sciences des Données pour les jeunes chercheurs d'Afrique francophone, AIMS-Senegal, Mbour, July 1-5, 2019

Link to website:

--> First International Conference on Biomathematics in Senegal Polytechnic School of Thies from June 29 to July 01, 2018


--> DFG-AIMS Workshop "Global Differential Geometry", Mbour 20-25 May 2018

Organizer: Prof. Bernhard Hanke, Prof. Katrin Wendland, Prof. Hamidou Dathe, Prof. Aissa Wade

--> WINTER SCHOOL: Exploring complex systems using computational tools

M'Bour - Senegal 03 - 09 February 2018

Organizers: Agostino Merico (ZMT in Bremen) and Mouhamed M. Fall (AIMS Senegal)

--> DFG-AIMS Workshop on "Shape optimization, homogenization and control"

Dates: March 13-16, 2017

Location: AIMS Sénégal, Mbour, Sénégal.


--> Fall School on "PDEs and Probability"

Place: AIMS-Senegal, Mbour, Senegal.

Dates: November 21-25, 2016.



Helmut Abels (Universität Regensburg)

Moritz Kaßmann (Universität Bielefeld)

Nicola Kistler (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)

Organizers: Mouhamed M. Fall (AIMS Senegal) and Tobias Weth (University of Frankfurt).

--> The 2016 AWMA/West African Forum

Dates: 08-09 July 2014

Place: AIMS Senegal


--> AIMS-Senegal & SWMA Workshop on "Financial and Actuarial Mathematics"

Dates: July, 11-15th, 2016

Place: AIMS Senegal, Mbour, Senegal

Organizers: Aissa Wade (Penn State et AIMS-Senegal), Mouhamed M. Fall (AIMS-Senegal), Sophie Dabo (Univ. de Lille, INRIA-MODAL-SIMERGE), Fagueye Ndiaye (Univ. of Dakar) and Bernadette Faye, (Univ. of Dakar).

Lecturers: Diane Wilcox (Univ. Witwatersrand), Christian Francq (Univ. Lille, CREST, Paris) Olivier Menoukeu Pamen (Univ. of Liverpool) and Akim Adekpedjou (Univ. of Missouri Sciences and Technology).


-->Workshop 'Operators, Spectra and Applications'

Place: AIMS Senegal,

Dates: 20.06.2016 - 24.06.2016

organizers: Mouhamed Moustapha Fall (AIMS Senegal) and Peter Stollmann (TU Chemnitz)

Lecturers: C. Helmberg, T. Kalmes P. Stollmann (TU Chemnitz).


--> Spring School on "Nonlinear PDE and related problems".

Place: AIMS-Senegal, Mbour, Senegal.

Dates: February 15-19, 2016.



Guido Sweers, Universität zu Köln, Germany

Susanna Terracini, Universita degli studi di Torino, Italy

Enrico Valdinoci, WIAS Berlin, Germany

Michael Winkler, Universität Paderborn, Germany.

Organizers: Mouhamed M. Fall (AIMS Senegal) and Tobias Weth (University of Frankfurt).

---> Workshop on "Towards a new generation of common pool resource experiments: Using a mobile app to analyse dynamic human harvest behaviour". From 18th to 20th Septembre 2015 at AIMS-Senegal center.

Speakers in the workshop:

Alessandro Tavoni, London School of Economics, UK

Moritz Stäbler, Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Germany

Micaela Kulesz, Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Germany

Gunnar Brandt, Leibniz-Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Germany

Organizers: Micaela Kulesz (ZMT), Gunnar Brandt (ZMT) and Mouhamed M. Fall (AIMS Senegal).

---> Workshop on “Mathematical sciences for understanding real world problems in Africa: Georgia Tech meets Senegal”

[with one day dedicated to Prof. Mary Teuw Niane for his 60th birth]

Place: AIMS-Senegal, Mbour, Senegal.

Dates: February 18.05.2015 - 21.05.2015

Co-sponsors: Minstère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche du Sénégal and the Humboldt Research chair.

Organizers: M.M. Fall (AIMS-Senegal), D. Seck (University Cheik Anta Diop of Dakar) and M. Sy (University Gason Berger of Saint-Louis).

---> Spring School on "Continuum Methods for Discrete Problems in Combinatorics, Optimization and Mathematical Physics"

Place: AIMS-Senegal, Mbour, Senegal.

Dates: February 13.4.2015 - 17.4.2015

To participate, please follow the instructions Here.....

---> Spring School on "Variational and Geometric Methods in Nonlinear PDEs" intended to PhD students and PostDocs.

Place: AIMS-Senegal, Mbour, Senegal.

Dates: February 15-20, 2015.

To participate (apply before November 30, 2014), please follow the instructions Here.....

---> ICTP-NLAGA School in Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory, 4-14 June 2014.

---> Workshop on "Mathematical tools for understanding and managing fisheries: synthesizing and refining data and models", May 07-09, 2014.

---> Third Edition of the dotoriales of EDMI (Ecole Doctorale de Mathématiques et Informatique) of the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar On December 20th, 2013

---> CIMPA-ICPAM Schoool on "Méthodes Algorithmiques et Applications en Géométrie Algébrique Réelle et Théorie des Nombres", du 16 au 29 Juin 2014

---> Workshop on "Partial Differential Equations, Differential geometry and their applications", from 10 -12 April 2013