While Lemmy is an immortal name in rock and metal lore, sadly he would be killed by death, or more specifically cancer, in 2015. But the legacy of Lemmy and Motrhead live on in heavy metal infamy, and Killed By Death was a large part of that legacy.

@AnarchistUK Well said and infinite respect to Lemmy because stating that you'll "only be easy when I'm killed by death" when you're high on life in your early 30s and actually living true to that until the end of your life at 70 is something not many can achieve! Authenticity and integrity at it's finest!

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This song could mean being killed ONLY by death OR being killed by everything BUT death.Fist one is someone brave and bold and the second one is the exact opposite. Even though I strongly believe that Lemmy is referring to the first meaning.

Despite our not having spoken in 20 years, the news of Bea's young death shook me up terribly. To lose a friend who's your own age reminds you that you're mortal; to lose a friend you'd tried and failed to reunite with teaches you something different: how cruel fate can be. If only I'd tried harder to reconnect with her , I kept telling myself. And now, two years after Bea, Lemmy has left the Hollywood scene, too, dying of cancer just following his 70th birthday.

As far as his music is concerned, he left a HUGE legacy to the world behind him. Motrhead was one of the few bands who could unite metalheads, Rock 'n Roll fans, punks, hardcore kids, bikers, skinheads etc. under their wing and cast all their differences and hate aside. And that's the ultimate power of music. The impact he had on the genre was tremendous! I mean, his music palette was overflown with subgenres of Rock ' n Roll: psychedelic stuff (Hawkwind) classic Rock 'n Roll, blues, rockabilly, punk, hardcore, thrash metal. His harsh vocals may be recognized as a "proto death metal growls" (long before Jeff Becerra or Chuck Schuldiner). Some of his songs, like The Hammer, Orgasmatron, Tear Ya Down,Metropolis, or BURNER (the list could go on) can make Slayer or Morbid Angel or any extreme metal bands sound like pussies. And yep, Motorhead played thrash metal or punk before there was any thrash metal or punk at all. His music was definitely ahead of its time. Who the fuck had songs like Vibrator back in 1977? But I even appreciate him more as an excellent lyricist. I would need about 20 pages to give his lyrics a proper justice. His writing style was in your face. Orgasmatron is probably his best work. Among one of his finest lyrical works are: The Hammer, Bad Religion, Love me Forever, One more fucking time, Nightmare the Dream Time, Capricorn, Jack The Ripper, Going to Brazil, Bomber, Make my day, Dead and Gone, Take the Blame, Sacrifice etc. etc. But i would mark off Don't let Daddy kiss me as one of the most shocking songs of all time. I am assured that not many bands can write something as brutal as that! Lemmy was truely a poet: no one can stay indifferent by his marvelous 1916 song. What I also loved so much about his lyrics is that he had no mercy for politicians; you can hear Lemmy bark: Politician scum, you make me wanna puke! A few years ago, my English teacher asked the class if they could name some of the politicians who are also good people in general. I said to her: There aren't. She asked me "How come?" but I just couldn't introduce a 55 years old bitch to Motrhead. Lemmy's music is a priviledge for a few. However, Lemmy was an idol to 5 or 6 generations and that number will grow over the years forever!

Words can't descrbie how great of a loss Lemmy's death is. It really shook the world. I am still in disbelief that the Godfather of metal , (as James Hetfield named him) the incarnation of Rock 'n Roll is no longer with us. But his legacy will live on throughout the ages! The world was crying and celebrating his death at the same time! His name will echo in eternity! He was only 70 years old. However, it is extraordinary for him to had lived that long when his lifestyle is concerned. He did so much drugs, that I wouldn't be surprised if his blood and sweat were halluciogenic drugs xD If Lemmy is in Valhala right now, partying with berserkers from the north, I bet that the Vikings just couldn't keep on drinking with him.

A week ago, I was talking to my friend about Lemmy and said, well, he's Killed by Death. And my friend said: "better to be killed by death than to be killed by life". I will never forget that. In the end, everyone dies to break someobody's heart. And Lemmy's death broke many. I hope that he is looking at the clouds from the other side of heaven! He will surely be missed.

In addition, Murphy created the single artwork in which he reimagines Snaggletooth for this tribute that is now available as a special merch design which can be found at the official TOMBS Bandcamp here: -by-death-t-shirt

The song "Killed by Death" by Motrhead is about resilience and accepting death as a part of life. The lyrics talk about the speaker's experience as a romantic adventure, living his life as a lone wolf ligger and resilently fighting through the hard times. The chorus emphasizes that no matter the struggle, he will not be easy in the face of death and the only time he feels ease is when death is inevitable. The song is an anthem of survival and accepting death as a part of life.

UPDATE: Lemmy Kilmister died of prostate cancer, according to a death certificate obtained by TMZ. The rocker was also suffering from an irregular heartbeat and congestive heart failure at the time of his death.

In addition to cancer, Lemmy had been suffering from a number of other well-publicized health issues, including diabetes, a heart arrhythmia, and hematoma. In 2013, he was fitted with an implantable defibrillator to correct an irregular heartbeat. His health issues had caused the cancelation of multiple Motrhead performances in recent years, though Lemmy remained an active force up until the time of his death.

After being captured by police and put to death, Lemmy dramatically bursts out of the grave riding his Harley and escapes his grisly fate. But before he does, he grabs the girl and rides off into the night - a dramatic ending to finish an equally dramatic opening. e24fc04721

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